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Unit 10. Test yourself


Ex.1 Give the best continuation to the sentences.

1. The national Ukrainian dish is:

Beefsteak porridge borshch clear soup

2. The English afternoon “high tea” is:

a) the first meal of the day

b) the chief and the most substantial

c) the meal we have during the break

d) the meal between five and six o’clock

3. A “continental” breakfast consists of

a) porridge or “Corn Flakes” with milk, bacon and eggs, marmalade with buttered toast, and tea or coffee

b) rolls and butter and coffee

c) a boiled egg, cold ham, or perhaps fish, and a glass of orange juice

d) a ham sandwich, fried eggs and mashed potatoes

4. English people generally have lunch at:

a) ten o’clock b) one o’clock c) two o’clock

5. When we lay the table we put the knives and the soup-spoons

a) on the left-hand side

b) in the middle of the table

c) on the right-hand side

d) across the top

6. When I want to have a bite I go

a) to a restaurant b) to a snack-bar c) to the cinema d) to a shop

7. We buy cereals at the

a) fishmonger’s b) butcher’s c) grocer’s d) baker’s

8. If you want some more tea you’ll say:

a) give me another cup of tea, please

b) no more, thanks

c) could you pass me some more sugar, please?

d) enjoy your tea!

Ex.2 Insert prepositions.

1. Being in a pub is similar … being … your own house.

2. … one time pubs were visited only … men.

1. It is notable that some restaurants serve food … cheaper price … Sunday.

2. A la carte dinner consists … several courses.

3. Those who are concerned … their health don’t attend fast food restaurants.

4. Some places are named … their former owners, if they have earned good reputation.

7.I like pubs… a garden … the back.

8.Deli shops are very people … those who care… their health.

Ex.3 Translate

1. Вы не можете отказаться от чашки чая, ни при каких обстоятельствах.

2. Этот освежающий восточный напиток был превращен в бесцветную и безвкусную жидкость.

3. Какое фирменное блюдо этого ресторана?

4. Когда я принимаю гостей, я ставлю свечи, цветы и красивый фарфор на стол, та как еда выглядит аппетитней при красивой сервировке.

5. Ешь вволю, пей в меру.

6. Комплексный обед состоит из нескольких блюд, выбор ограничен, его подают за определенную (фиксированную) цену.

7. Вы можете пойти в паб с детьми, если этот паб имеет специальное разрешение.

8. В нашем городе есть много мест, где можно поесть, они подойдут любому вкусу и кошельку.

9. Недалеко от нашего дома есть кулинария, она завоевала хорошую репутацию. Качество первоклассное, обслуживание быстрое и отличное.

10. «Биг Мак» - это рубленый бифштекс, приготовленный из простой говядины, тоненькие кусочки репчатого лука и салата латука, тоненький кусочек сыра и маринованные огурчики. Все это находится в середине булочки.

11. Среди новых десертов есть блины в шоколаде.

12. Если вы не хотите набирать вес, вам следует уменьшить потребление еды, содержащей много калорий и рафинированного сахара.

13. Давно пора перекусить. Я очень голоден и хочу пить. – И я тоже.

14. О ветчине и колбасе не может быть и речи. Я предпочитаю рыбу с овощами.

15. Пятна от помады на краю стакана выглядят некрасиво. Вам следует промокать губы салфеткой, прежде чем выпьете глоток вина.

Ex. 4 Insert prepositions and post verb adverbs into the text below, do you share the author’s opinion?

As you know I had a nice kitchen... my flat but I had neither time nor desire to cook. I often bought groceries either... a grocery store or a supermarket... my way home. I would buy a loaf... bread, a carton... milk, a dozen... eggs, or a pound... butter. Sometimes I bought a submarine sandwich... a local deli, or may be a couple of hamburgers or cheeseburgers... a take-out place... my supper. But I had to eat out... most of my meals. I tried to go... a different place each time I went... to lunch... the lunch break, or to dinner... work. At first I always asked Rich or some friends... the office to come along. Some of them insisted... treating me... meal. Then I would insist... treating them. After an argument we would as a rule go... Dutch.

Ex.5. Dwell on the situation for at least one minute.

1. You were at an English home. There you were treated to tea. Speak about your impressions.

2. Women are constantly slimming. Comment upon this.

3. What you really miss in this country is take away shops.

4. McDonald’s is not to your liking.

5. Places to eat out in Belarus don’t differ greatly from those in Britain.

6. Yesterday you were out with your friend and after visiting the restaurant you made up your mind to put an end to your relations.

7. Nowadays meals are the same throughout the world.

8. English people are not fond of strong drinks.

9. We are what we eat.

10. Belarusian cuisine differs from that of British.

11. People throughout the world like eggs and use them a lot while cooking.

12. The decor of the restaurant you were in yesterday impressed you greatly.

13. Why would you like to work in a pub?

14. We must know everything about wine service.

15. Comment on the proverb ”Appetite comes with eating”.

16. Some people say that the best cooks in the world are men. Agree or disagree.

17. Eating at restaurants is a waste of time and money. Prove your point of view.


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