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Read the text. Appetizers-закуски I. Learn the following bits of conversation
Meals Appetizers-закуски I. Learn the following bits of conversation Salad-салат by heart. Russian salad-винегрет A. What is there for dinner (What do we have Herring-селедка for dinner)? Pickled mushrooms-соленые грибы B. Chicken broth for the first course and fried Cucumbers-огурцы fish and mashed potatoes for the second Tomatoes-помидоры course. Marinated mushrooms, tomatoes, cucumbers- A. Anything for dessert? маринованные грибы, помидоры, огурцы B. Yes, orange juice and fresh fruit. First course-первое блюдо 2 Soup-суп A. What shall I cook for dinner? Mushroom soup-грибной суп B. Cook roast chicken, please. We haven’t Potato soup-картофельный суп had roast chicken for dinner for a long Vegetable soup-овощной суп time. Cabbage soup-щи 3 Pea soup-гороховый суп A. Shall I cook liver for dinner? Fish soup-рыбный суп B. Oh, great! Liver is very tasty. Broth -бульон 4 Second course-второе блюдо A. Do we have any mushroom soup left? Roast meat-жареное мясо B. Yes. I’ll presently warm it up. And you Stewed meat-тушеное мясо help me lay the table. Boiled meat-вареное мясо A. O.K. Roast chicken-жареная курица 5 Roast turkey-жареная индейка A. Pass me the salt, please. Fried fish-жареная рыба B. Here you are. Liver-печень A. Thank you. Kidneys-почки B. You are welcome. Tongue-язык Frankfurters-сосиски 6 Hot dogs-сосиски, сардельки A. These cookies are delicious! Can I have Meat balls-фрикадельки another one? Cutlets-котлеты B. Of course. Help yourself. Fried potatoes-жареная картошка 7 Boiled potatoes-вареная картошка A. Your fish salad is delicious! Can I have Mashed potatoes-пюре another helping? Vegetables-овощи B. Certainly. You are welcome. Stewed cabbage-тушеная капуста 8 Macaroni-макароны A. Let me treat you to chocolate cake, I’ve Spaghetti-спагетти made it myself. Rice-рис B. Oh, thank you. The cake is delicious! Dessert-десерт you are a very good cook. Stewed fruit-компот 9 Fresh fruit-свежие фрукты A. Help yourself to the salad. Canned fruit-консервированные B. Oh, thank you, with pleasure. Juice-сок 10 Mineral water-минеральная вода A. What smells so tasty? Ice-cream-мороженое B. It’s cabbage soup, I’ve just cooked it.
Read the text. The second meal of the day is lunch. People usually have it at work. As a rule, lunch is a light meal. I have lunch at the school canteen. For lunch I have vegetable salad and a sandwich or two with sausage or cheese, or sometimes a couple of frankfurters and a slice of brown bread. I drink a glass of tea or juice. Dinner is the biggest meal of the day. Some people have dinner at work, others have it at home when they come from work. On week days it is difficult to gather the whole family for dinner, because people finish work at different times. But on Sunday we always have dinner together. Our Sunday dinner usually begins with an appetizer: a little salad, or Russian salad, a piece of herring, or perhaps some pickled or marinated mushrooms, tomatoes or cucumbers. The main course of the dinner is soup, or broth. Broth with meat pies is very tasty. For the second course we have roast meat or stewed meat or fried or boiled potatoes, or sometimes macaroni or spaghetti. I like roast chicken and mashed potatoes for dinner. Many people like to have fish for dinner. For the dessert we drink a glass of mineral water or lemonade or juice. Sometimes we have fresh and canned fruit. Supper is the last meal of the day. Supper must be a light meal, because it isn’t good to eat much in the evening. The proverb says, “After dinner sleep a while, after supper walk a mile.” We usually have a cup of tea and sandwiches for supper. We also may have biscuits, rolls or buns, or pies with marmalade or jam. Meat pies or pies with cabbage and eggs are also very tasty.