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Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences. Use only one expression in each space. Change the form of a word or a phrase if necessary.
to laugh at somebody to be an Archimedes to make progress to shake one's head to make up on one's own account to make noise to put something away in return to come to a halt to know by experience to be crammed to take advantage of something to be in difficulties 1. My brother is in the habit of... those people he has a grudge against. 2. The silence was oppressive. He... that something was wrong. 3. She was so scared that she couldn't say a word. When the policeman asked her something she just... to say " No". 4. Dick adored my daughter. As soon as she started playing the piano he... near it and could stand motionless for half an hour enjoying both my daughter and the music. 5. You never know what's on his mind. It's characteristic of him to... all sorts of stories. No wonder his friends do not have much confidence in him. 6. Sometimes it may be so annoying to look after kids. They like to... when playing. 7. As Brian was left to himself and had to go through lots of difficulties his life appeared... with all sorts of experience. 8. Little George is a special child; he is immensely interested in maths and physics. His parents and teachers are so proud of him that they say that he.... 9. Jane is always calm and patient and never loses her temper when explaining things to her pupils. That is why they just adore her.... 10. Practically all composers started writing music... in eariy childhood. 11. One's career depends on how quickly he or she... in acquiring new skills and knowledge. 12. In sports and games competitors always try to... their opponents' mistakes and weaknesses. 13. After a child has played enough with his new toy, he... and forgets about it for a while playing with his old favourite ones. 14. Noble and generous people always come to help their friends when the latter.... Exercise 5 Give the English equivalents for the Russian words and expressions. A. Ходить пошатываясь, ковыляя; размышлять; задирать кого-либо; обожать; лелеять; быть очарованным; волновать кого-либо; подражать кому-либо; злоупотреблять чем-либо; прервать (занятие); преуспевать в чём-либо; увлекаться чем-либо; испытывать затруднения; умолять; дразнить; плескаться в воде. В. Гладкий; странный; апатичный; пухлый; развитой не по годам; самоуверенный; ответственный; веснушчатый; крутой (лоб); изящный; мечтательный; серьёзный; острый (подбородок); необыкновенный. С. Разница в семь лет; на целых два с половиной года старше; интеллектуальное и физическое превосходство; склонный к размышлению; заложив руки за спину; уставившись в землю; подперев подбородок рукой; опершись локтем о колено; широко расставленные глаза; уголки рта слегка опущены; глаза широко раскрылись; пощипывая нижнюю губу большим и указательным пальцами; нервный жест; слегка склонив голову набок; напевать без слов; музыкальные способности.