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Give English equivalents. Consult a dictionary.
REFER Он обратился ко мне за помощью. Меня направили к секретарю. Оратор часто заглядывал в текст. GLOW сиять от радости, смотреть на тлеющий костер, отблеск заката, глаза сверкали ACCEPT примириться с ситуацией, принять приглашение, общепризнанный факт RANGE диапазон цен, радиус действия ракеты, линия одежды, в сфере интересов, разброс мнений EMIT издавать крик, извергать лаву, выделять углекислый газ CONSUME потреблять энергию, расходовать тепло, поглощать еду 9. Complete the sentences using the words from the previous exercise: 1. My doctor _____ed me to a hospital specialist. The reader is constantly _____ed back to the introduction. 2. A small nightlight ____ed dimly in the corner of the child's bedroom. They came back from their week by the sea _____ing with health. 3. We would like you to ______this small gift. She was _______ed as a full member of the society. 4. The coat was expensive and well outside my price _____. They said that that particular issue had not been within the ______of the research. 5. There are protests by environmental activists against golf courses, which can _____ 150 acres of land. He was ______ed with hatred. Put the proper words into the sentences. 1. Screens with a low... rate can produce eye fatigue. 2. Pictures which use a lot of pixels are high-.... 3. Inside the tube there is an electron... which scans the screen and turns on and off the pixels. 4. Some monitors have an anti-glare... to reduce glare. 5. A monitor is also called a visual... unit. 6. LCD monitors are replacing CRTs because of lower energy.... 7. A video... allows graphics to be displayed on your computer. 8. Characters and pictures are made up of dots, also called.... 9. The monitor has a 75... refresh rate. 10. Brightness and... buttons let you alter the image. Translate into Russian. 1. Наша программа не предусматривает обратной связи с пользователем. 2. Его слова относятся только ко мне. 3. Детские лица лучились от счастья. 4. Вы принимаете кредитные карты? 5. Они разрабатывают продукт с большим диапазоном приложений. 6. Я признаю, что эта работа поглощает все свободное время. 7. Он все покупает в больших количествах. 8. В автобиографии она обращается к своему несчастливому детству. 9. Посмотри на это дело под другим углом. 10. Отзывы от клиентов положительные. 11. Тревожная сигнализации (alarm) испускает инфракрасные лучи, которые обнаружат любого нарушителя (intruder). 12. Круг проблем, которыми мы занимаемся, очень широк. 13. Я хотел извиниться, но она не приняла моих извинений.
Unit 8 1. Learn to use these words: to occupy - to fill, to exist in a place The house hasn't been occupied by anyone for a few months. President occupies an important position within the corporation. to affect - to influence The team's performance was affected by rain. The discovery of black holes in galactic centres could affect current ideas about the evolution of the universe. to erase (discs, memory) - to destroy or remove completely The virus erases all the files stored on your hard drive. All trace of the deal has been erased from the record. to damage - to harm or spoil Airport metal detectors can damage data. Many buildings were badly damaged during the war. (interactive) content - the ideas that are contained in a piece of writing, subject; amount We've discussed the unusual form of the book - now, what about the content? Chocolate has a high fat content. to replace - to take the place of smth, to change for The factory replaced most of its workers with robots. Tourism has replaced agriculture as the nation's main industry. (non)volatile (flash memory/ RAM) - likely to change suddenly Food and fuel prices are very volatile. Volatile memory retains the information as long as power supply is on, but when power supply is off or interrupted the stored memory is lost; unlike non-volatile memory which does not require a maintained power supply. to retain - to keep The sea retains the sun's warmth longer than the land. She has lost her battle to retain control of the company. let - to allow by not doing anything to stop it Let me go home. I’m tired. Let your shoes dry completely before putting them on. to enable - make someone able to do smth by providing them with whatever is necessary to achieve it; to make smth possible Computerisation should enable us to cut production costs by half. Von Neumann’s extensive knowledge of the subject enables him to bring new and interesting insights into every aspect of his work. to allow - to let smb do smth or let smth happen; permit; admit the possibility of We must not allow these temporary problems to affect our long-term plans.You’re not allowed to talk during the exam. His statement allows several possible interpretations. to play (voice, music) - to produce (sound or a picture) Play that last few minutes of the video again, and you'll see the robber's face. capacity - the total amount; ability The stadium has a seating capacity of 50 000. She has a great capacity for hard work. The larger cars have a bigger capacity engines. to record - to keep information for the future by writing it down or storing it on a computer; to register She records everything that happens to her in her diary. The data are now recorded on miles of magnetic tape. The thermometer recorded a temperature of 30 degrees Celsius. to duplicate - to make an exact copy of smth We were anxious not to duplicate work already done. Parenthood is an experience nothing else can duplicate. interchangeable - able to be exchanged with each other without making any difference or without being noticed The terms ‘drinking problem’ an ‘alcohol abuse’ are often interchangeable. The radio played the usual string of interchangeable disco hits. 2. Learn the difference in meaning: affect, influence - воздействовать на объект таким образом, что это вызывает изменения в его поведении, состоянии или свойствах; сказываться, отражаться, влиять, склонять. Affect (сказываться, отражаться) обозначает непосредственное, ненамеренное и не всегда глубокое воздействие определенного фактора на объект, которое, независимо от предшествующего состояния объекта, приводит, как правило, к нежелательному отклонению от нормы поведения или состояния объекта, но обычно не его свойств: his enthusiasm for sports affected the results of his school examinations его увлечение спортом отразилось /сказалось/ на результатах его школьных экзаменов; it affected his resolution [choice] это повлияло на его решение [выбор]; the climate has affected his health климат (вредно) повлиял на его здоровье; the launching of the rocket was not affected by the weather погода не помешала запуску ракеты; some plants are quickly affected by the cold холод сразу оказывает действие на некоторые растения. Идея не намеренности воздействия проявляется, в частности, в невозможности словосочетаний типа * I intended to affect his decision (правильно I intended to influence his decision я рвался повлиять на его решение). Идея нежелательности результирующего состояния, его отклонения от нормы в плохую сторону особенно ясно выступает в полутерминологических, характерных для медицинского стиля словосочетаниях типа to affect smb.'s heart [eyes] сказаться на сердце [на зрении]; his lungs are affected у него затронуты легкие. Influence (влиять), в отличие от affect, может обозначать непосредственное или опосредствованное (и в последнем случае — постепенное), ненамеренное или намеренное воздействие на объект, результатом которого могут быть любые, а не только нежелательные изменения: to influence a judge by bribery воздействовать на судью подкупом; the experiments in this case are not influenced by external conditions внешние условия в данном случае не влияют на ход эксперимента; weather conditions usually influence the growth of plants погодные условия обычно влияют на развитие растений; his love of music has influenced his further career любовь к музыке повлияла на всю его дальнейшую карьеру; 'Не was, particularly when he was influencing legislature or hiring labor-spies, very easy and lovable' (S. Lewis) «Он мог быть, особенно когда он «обрабатывал» законодателей или профсоюзных шпиков, очень милым и обходительным». С другой стороны, influence предполагает более глубокое, чем affect, воздействие, которое может приводить к изменению не только поведения или состояния объекта, но и его внутренних свойств, его сущности: Pushkin had influenced more than one generation of Russian poets влияние Пушкина сказалось не на одном поколении русских поэтов. (Англо-русский синонимический словарь под ред. Ю.Д. Апресяна)
Fill in the correct word.
1. What factors …d your decision to take the job? 2. The divorce …d every aspect of her life. 3. I think all the worry has …d my brain! 4. What …d you to choose a career in nursing? 5. The disease …s many different organs of the body. 6. Media coverage is directly …ing how the public responds to the war. 7. I was deeply …d by the film. 8. The rise in the price of bread will … us all. 9. Which designer do you think has most …d fashion? 10. She’s very good at making friends and …ing people. 11. Research has shown that the weather can … people’s behaviour. 12. The area has been badly …d by pollution.