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Answer the questions. 1. How many books can you read a day?

1. How many books can you read a day?

2. How many words can you write a minute?

3. How many exercises can you do in the evening?

4. How many texts can you translate today?

5. How many girls can you see?

6. How much water can you drink a day?

7. How many bottles can you open a minute?

8. How many windows can you see?

9. How many words can you translate in this exercise?

10. How many exercises can we write down during a lesson?



Translate into English.

1. Хто вміє перекладати на українську?

2. Хто вміє читати англійською?

3. Хто може відкрити вікно?

4. Хто може дати відповідь на ці запитання?

5. Хто може записати всі слова?

6. Хто вміє ставити запитання?

7. Хто може покласти виделку на стіл?

8. Хто вміє плавати? Ти вмієш плавати?

9. Хто вміє грати на піаніно?

10. Хто вміє водити автомобіль?


Possessive Case of Nouns (присвійний відмінок іменників)

the bag of my wife my wife’s bag
the dog of his friend his friend’s dog
the pencils of Andrew Andrew’s pencils
the books of the students the students’ books
the room of the children the children’s room
the novels of Dickens Dickens’ novels
the computer of John and Mary John and Mary’s computer

Примітка: Прийменник of читається/@v/.

Possessive Case of Adjectives and Pronouns

(присвійний відмінок прикметників та займенників)

Possessive Adjectives Possessive Pronouns
(залежна форма) (самостійна форма)
followed by a noun not followed by a noun
my mine
your yours
his his
her hers
its -
our ours
your yours
their theirs
my book a book of mine

Plural of Nouns (множина іменників)

Ø 3 іменники мають в множині закінчення -en:

an ox – oxen (бик)

a child – children (дитина)

a brother – brethren (брат (реліг.))


Construct the sentences as in the model.

Model: Jane – pencil. This is Jane’s pencil.

This is her pencil.
The pencil is hers.


1. Adam – cat. 2. Jane and Nick – friend. 3. Linda and Jack – glasses. 4. John – pencil. 5. Ann and Andrew – vase. 6. Mary – bag. 7. Adam and Eve – room. 8. Andrew – pens. 9. Helen – bookshelf. 10. John and Mary – TV set. 11. Linda – chairs. 12. Nick – computer. 13. Jack – box. 14. Helen and Bob – cups. 15. Ann – table. 16. Eve – copy-book. 17. Jane – bed. 18. My friend – desk. 19. Adam and Eve – rabbit. 20. John and Mary – forks and knives.

Ask and answer.

Model: Whose book is this? This is Adam’s book.

1. an apple (Bob) 2. a picture (Andrew) 3. mirrors (Mary) 4. flowers (his wife) 5. a sofa (my friend) 6. a bottle of mineral water (Ann) 7. a bag and a basket with mushrooms (Eve) 8. dogs (John and Adam) 9. children (Linda and Jack) 10. a jar of coffee (Helen)

Work in pairs. Use the objects in your room to construct the dialogues.

Model: – Whose book is this?

– This is my friend’s book.



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