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Using the information given, make sentences with nouns denoting periods of time and distance.

Example: My house is very near here. It takes us only 5 minutes to get it. (walk). So it’s only 5 minutes’ walk far from here.

1. I went to sleep at 3 o’clock this morning and woke up an hour later at 4 o’clock, (sleep) 2. If I leave my house at 9 o’clock and drive to London, I arrive at about 12 o’clock, (drive) 3. Carol is leaving on holiday on the 13th. She has to come back at work on the 27th. (holiday) 4. If I leave my house at 8.50 and walk to work, I get to work at 9 o’clock. (walk) 5. I flew from Heathrow to Paris. The plane took off at 9 a.m. and landed at 10 a.m. (flight) 6. The delegation arrived in Stockholm on the 5th and left it on the 8th. (visit) 7. We started travelling round the region six days ago. Today we are coming back home. (trip) 8. They delayed in the house for an instant and then they went at once to the river’s edge to go aboard a steamer. (delay) 9. Rex decided to walk to the railway station which was two miles far from the village. (walk) 10. That morning he had already done a good work. It had taken him three hours. (work).


Fill in is or are.

1. Where ______ your trousers? 2. Could you tell me where the scissors ______? 3. Tonight, there ______ athletics on TV. 4. Money ______ easy to spend and difficult to save. 5. Gloves ______ worn in cold weather. 6. This student’s knowledge ______ amazing. 7. Love ______ the reason for much happiness in the world. 8. This bread ______ stale. 9. Your pajamas ______ on the bed. 10. My luggage ______ too heavy to carry. 11. My advice to you ______ to stay in bed. 12. Physics ______ my favourite subject. 13. Measles ______ a common illness. 14. The glasses ______ in the cupboard. 15. My mum’s hair ______ really long. 16. Our bathroom scales ______ quite accurate. 17. Darts ______ a popular game in England. 18. This work ______ too hard for me. 19. People ______ unhappy with the new tax system.


Put a/an or the where necessary.


1. I bought ____ hat and ____ pair of shoes at ____ shops. Unfortunately ____ shoes are ____ wrong size. I’ll take them back tomorrow.

2. I get to ____ school by ____ bus.

3. “Where are ____ children? ” – “They are in ____ garden”.

4. This morning ____ bus was late.

5. My sister is ____ teacher in ____ school near Leicester. She has three children, two girls and ____ boy. ____ girls are in her class at school, but ____ boy isn’t old enough for school yet.

6. My favourite subject is ____ history, but I’m not very good at ____ maths.

7. Jane and Bill are ____ very nice couple. She has ____ clothes shop, and he works in ____ office in ____ center of town.

8. Ankara is ____ capital of Turkey.

9. “Where are my shoes? ” – “On ____ floor in ____ kitchen”.

10. I work for ____ company that makes ____ carpets.

11. My friend lives in ____ same street as me.

12. I was at ____ home all day yesterday.

13. “How much are the driving lessons? ” – “Fifteen pounds ____ hour”.

14. ____ Heathrow is ____ busiest airport in Europe.

15. Leave early if you want to miss ____ rush hour.

16. I went to ____ restaurant last night.

17. We arrived in ____ Paris on ____ third of August.

18. Last night we had ____ dinner in ____ restaurant.

19. What’s ____ name of ____ restaurant we went to last night?

20. What time does your plane arrive? I’ll come to ____ airport to meet you.


Use a/an/some or the in the following sentences.


1. Yesterday I saw ____ dog and ____ cat. ____ dog was chasing ____ cat. ____ cat was chasing ____ mouse. ____ mouse ran into ____ hole, but ____ hole was very small. ____ cat couldn’t get into ____ hole, so it ran up ____ tree. ____ dog tried to climb ____tree too, but it couldn’t.

2. Yesterday I bought ____ clothes. I bought ____ suit, ____ shirt, and ____ tie. ____ suit is grey and goes with a vest. ____ shirt is pale blue, and ____ tie has black and grey stripes.

3. Yesterday I saw ____ man and ____ woman. They were having ____ argument. ____ man was yelling at ____ woman, and ____ woman was shouting at ____ man. I don’t know what ____ argument was about.

4. I had ____ soup and ____ sandwich for lunch. ____ soup was too salty, but ____ sandwich was pretty good.

5. “I saw ____ accident yesterday.” – “Oh? Where? ” – “On Grand Avenue. ____ man in Volkswagen drove through a stop sign and hit ____ bus.” – “Was anyone hurt in ____ accident? ” – “I don’t think so. ____ man who was driving ____ Volkswagen got out of his car and seemed to be okay. His car was only slightly damaged. No one in ____ bus was hurt.”

6. “What did you do last weekend? ” – “I went on ____ picnic Saturday and saw ____ movie Sunday.” – “Did you have fun? ” – “____ picnic was fun, but ____ movie was boring.”


Complete the sentences with a/an, the, some, or – (nothing).


1. “Do you like ____ fruit? ” – “Very much”.

2. “I’m hungry”. – “Would you like ____ fruit? How about ____ apple? ”

3. “____ fruit we bought at the market was fresh.” – “That’s the best place to buy ____ fruit.”

4. ____ gas is expensive nowadays.

5. ____ gas at Mark’s Service Station is cheaper than ____ gas at the Shall Station.

6. I need ____ gas. Let’s stop at the next service station.

7. Katy bought ____ radio. She likes to listen to ____ music when she studies.

8. “Would you please turn ____radio down? ____ music is too loud.” – “No problem”.

9. “Do you see ____ man who is standing next to Jane? ” – “Yes. Who is he? ” – “He’s ____ president of this university”.

10. A one-dollar bill has the picture of ____ president of the United States. It’s the picture of George Washington.

11. “What did you buy when you went shopping? ” – “I bought ____ blouse and ____ jewellery”. – “What colour is ____ blouse? ” – “Red.”

12. “Where’s my book bag? ” – “It’s on ____ floor over there, in ____ corner next to ____ sofa”.

13. We need to buy ____ furniture. I’d like to get ____ sofa and ____ easy chair.

14. ____ furniture is expensive these days.

15. ____ vegetarian doesn’t eat ____ meat.

16. Last week I read ____ book about ____ life of Gandhi.

17. People can drink ____ fresh water. They can’t drink ____ seawater because it contains ____ salt.

18. “Let’s go swimming in ____ lake today”. – “That sounds like ____ good idea”.

19. ____ lake is a body of ____ water that is smaller than ____ sea but larger than ____ pond. ____ ocean is larger than ____ sea.

20. I had ____ interesting experience yesterday. ____ man in ____ blue suit came into my office and handed me ____ bouquet of ____ flowers. I had never seen ____ man before in my life, but I thanked him for ____ flowers. Then he walked out ____ door.


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