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Find in the novel the English equivalents of the following Russian words or word combinations.

Find in the novel the following words and phrases. Get ready to reproduce the situations in which they were used. Try to use them in answering and discussing the characters and the events in the novel.

1.to get rid of (1)- избавляться от

2.to mess around (1) - болтаться, слоняться

3. incredibly complicated (2)-невероятно сложный


5.definitely(4)-определенно, точно

6. to get into the habit(4) -заводить привычку делать ч/л

7. to leave out (5)-пропускать, выкидывать, не принимать во внимание

6. to make smth fit (6)- подгонять, приспосабливать ч/л

7 .to make sense (6)-иметь смысл

8. to come up with(7)- предлагать(правильный ответ илиидею)

Find in the novel words or words combinations with the following meaning. Put them down, translate them into Russian. Reproduce the sentences where they are used.

1.to understand(2) ______________________________________

2.strange, bizarre(2) __________________________________________________


4.for example(3)_____________________________________________________

5.to go on, continue doing smth(3)______________________________________

6. great number of(4)_______________________________________________

7.to start doing smth (sport, hobby(4))___________________________________

8.absurd, comical, funny(6)____________________________________________

9.to like smb very much(7)_____________________________________________

10. to disturb, worry(7)________________________________________________

Find in the novel the English equivalents of the following Russian words or word combinations.

1.отвести к/л в сторонку (1) _______________________________________

2.начнем с того, что(2)______________________________________________

3. подавать заявление в колледж(2)___________________________________

4.насколько мне известно(2)_________________________________________

5.пара лет(2)_______________________________________________________



8.встречаться, ходить на свидания с к/л(3)(7)__________________________

9.должным образом, как следует(3)___________________________________

10.признаваться, сознаваться(3)_____________________________________

11.покупать ч/л через интернет(4)___________________________________

12.суметь сделать, справиться (4)____________________________________


14.выдумывать, придумывать, сочинять(5)_______________________________

15.более или менее(5)_______________________________________________

16. в точности, точно(5)____________________________________________

17.в некоторой степени, в некотором смысле(5)________________________

18.подходить, годиться(5)___________________________________________

19.рассердиться без причины(6)______________________________________

20.впредь, на будущее(6)_____________________________________________

21.как будто(8)____________________________________________________

22.работать, не прилагая сил; расслабляться(8)________________________


24.испортить, напортачить(8)______________________________________


Consult dictionaries. Put down the translation of the following words. Practise reading them.

whole ______________ human_______________ divorce_________________

fault ________________ to cause ___________ weird___________________

ought _____________to twirl around ___________ politician ______________

to bother _____________ridiculous _____________although________________


Think over the answers to the following questions and get ready to discuss them in class.

1. How old was the main character?

2. What sport was he interested in?

3.What subject was he good at?

4.What was his least favourite subject?

5.Did he go out with somebody?

6.What was her name?

7. Did his parents live separately? What did he feel about it?

8.Did he have any friends?

9. Who was his “best friend”? What do you think about talking with somebody in your head?

10. Where did he get a Tony Hawk poster?

11. How did the book written by Hawk help the main character? Have you ever had such book in your life?

12.Did the main character and Tony Hawk have anything in common?


The title comes from skateboarding slang. To “slam” is to fall down, wipe-out. Since the main character is a scater, there are lots of skateboarding terms.

Tony Hawk is an American professional skateboarder. Hawk gained significant fame for completing the first 900(very difficult skateboarding trick).

Robbie Williams is a popular English singer, songwriter and musician.

Tony Blair is a British Labour politician who served as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 2 May 1997 to 27 June 2007.

Kylie is shortening for Kylie Minogue.

J.K. Rowling is a British author best known as the creator of the Harry Potter fantasy series.

Thierry Henry is a French footballer who plays for Spanish club Barcelona and the French national team


The language of Slam records the everyday colloquial speech of Londoners typical in the 2000s. Here are some notes to help you understand some difficult words and phrases used in the novel.

things were ticking along quite nicely (1) – дела шли хорошо.

good stuff (1) – хорошее.

stuff – материал, штука, штуковина, фигня. There is some good stuff in this book. -В этой книге есть что почитать. This book is poor stuff. -Это никчемная книжонка. Apples, oranges, this kind of stuff.- Апельсины, яблоки и всякое такое.

Pretty (1) - very

do art(1)- study art

trick (1)–прием, трюк, фокус

to guess(1)- think

straightaway(1)- straightly

misunderstanding(1) is opposite of understanding

…before I go off on one about my mum and Alicia and all that.(1) – … перед тем как я пожалуюсь на маму и Алисию и на все остальное.

to punch(2)- ударить кулаком

And you don’t need to be Sherlock Holmes or whatever…(2)- И не надо быть Шерлоком Холмсом или еще кем-то в этом роде…

And, as you’ll see, there’s been a fair bit to worry about since, but we’ll get to it.(3)- И, ты убедишься, что волноваться действительно было о чем, но мы до этого еще дойдем.

sort of(3)- как бы, вроде, отчасти, типа

ought to(3)- must, have to

Here’s the thing(3)- Дело вот в чем.

weird stuff(3)- потусторонние силы, чертовщина

to twirl around(3)- вращаться, крутиться

to pull off(4)- добиться успеха, несмотря на трудности, справится с задачей

pretty much(4)- almost, nearly

rock’ n’ roll(4) – here it’s one of the skateboardingtricks.

So what was the point? (4) – В чем был смысл?

Tony Hawk has been up, and down….(5) – Тони Хок позналвзлеты и падения

a ramp(5)- пандус, «лежачий полицейский ».

sacktaps and shove-its(6) are skateboarding tricks.

I can’t believe my parents didn’t duct tape me up…(6) – Не верится, что мои родители не связывали меня липкой лентой….


…I didn’t want that sort of conversation with her.(7)- …я не хотел разговаривать с ней на эту тему.

I wish it were a million pages long…(7)- жаль, что в ней не миллион страниц

…where Steve used to sit.(7)-… где обычно сидел Стив.(used to+V1 используется для описания действий или состояний повторяющихся в прошлом и переводится как «бывало, обычно»).


That sort of thing really, really doesn’t happen to me. I can promise you, I have never ever caused a fight between teachers.(p.2)

All of this had just sort of cleared up, suddenly, without me noticing, really, the way the weather does sometimes.(3)

I pretty much ran to my room to tell him about the first rock’n’roll I managed, because I knew it would mean much more to a picture of Tony Hawk than it would to a real-life Mum.


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