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Chapter five. Michael could scarcely remember two hours that she had ever enjoyed more

MICHAEL COULD SCARCELY remember two hours that she had ever enjoyed more. She wasn't certain what was more entertaining - the costumes, the music, or the genuinely talented performers. To her amazement, the voices of the half dozen or so female impersonators were marvelous. Throughout the show, she was aware of Sloan beside her, laughing softly at some joke, applauding enthusiastically for every performer, and bending close during breaks in the entertainment to fill her in on some of the background of the Cabaret. She disappeared once for a few moments and returned with a fresh drink for Michael, setting it before her with a warm smile. She was considerate, attentive, and altogether charming. Michael had never met anyone quite like her.

As the lights came up, Michael found herself pressed against Sloan at the tiny table. The noise level had not abated, and if anything the raucous crowd had become even more celebratory as the evening progressed. She and Sloan had to lean almost forehead-to-forehead to hear each other.

" Well, what did you think? " Sloan inquired, her eyes alight with pleasure.

" It was wonderful! " Michael replied enthusiastically. " In addition to how wonderful they sounded, they're so beautiful to look at. The costumes are gorgeous. They remind me of Birds of Paradise! "

Sloan laughed, and nodded. " I'll have to remember to tell Jasmine. She'll love that."

At the sound of Jasmine's name, Sarah leaned forward to join their conversation. " Jasmine has a wonderful singing voice, don't you think? " she declared, more a statement than a question.

As Michael nodded her assent, Sloan studied Sarah carefully, catching the tone of admiration in her voice. Sarah’s face was flushed with pleasure, her eyes bright with excitement, and she appeared altogether effervescent. Sloan had a feeling that she knew why. It had not escaped Sloan's notice that Sarah had been at every one of Jasmine’s performances since Sloan first brought Sarah to the Cabaret. She also couldn’t help but notice the way Sarah’s eyes never left Jasmine, whether Jasmine was on stage or enjoying a drink at their table after the show. She knew for a fact that Jasmine never saw anyone socially outside of the club, and wondered if Sarah really appreciated Jasmine's story. She said nothing, for she made a point never to involve herself in the personal affairs of other people, particularly her friends. She simply said, " Jasmine’s fantastic."

At that moment, the subject of their conversation appeared from the hallway behind the stage, threading her way carefully between the crowded and disorderly tables to where they sat. Sloan gallantly rose and offered her chair at the table. Jasmine thanked her with a quick kiss on the mouth. Sloan couldn't help but grin, rubbing off the faint smudge of lipstick with her finger.

" I'm so glad all of you stayed, " Jasmine said, taking the offered seat. She crossed her legs, the hem of her dress riding up to expose trim smooth legs beneath sheer stockings. A stiletto-heeled red satin shoe dangled from her foot. " You all looked like you're having such fun, and I didn't want to miss a minute of it! "

" We were just saying how wonderful your performance was, " Sarah remarked, her attention totally focused on Jasmine.

Sloan was certain she saw Jasmine blush, even in the dim light of the smoky room. Beside her, Michael echoed Sarah's praise. She was pleased that Michael had enjoyed the show. She was still surprised at herself for impetuously inviting her to come. It wasn't something she generally did - inviting near total strangers, particularly straight married strangers, out on the town with her. She just had the feeling, sitting in that cold glass-enclosed, high-rise office late on a Friday night, that Michael Lassiter was lonely. Why exactly she should care was another question altogether, and not something she wanted to look at too closely. The fact that she was very aware of Michael's arm against her own at the crowded table was also making her uncomfortable. She glanced at her watch, and saw that it was after 1 AM.

With something close to relief, Sloan said to Michael, " It's getting late. Would you like me to drive you back to your office, or may I take you home? " It wasn't until she had said it that she realized it might be misinterpreted as an invitation to something more personal. Hastily, she amended, " I mean - if you don't feel like driving, I could drop you anywhere you like."

Michael smiled faintly, pretending not to notice Sloan's discomfort. " Actually, I took the train in this morning. At this hour, I'm going to need a cab."

" Nonsense, " Sloan said firmly. " I'll take you home. It's no trouble at all. Are you ready? "

Michael glanced over and saw Sarah and Jasmine engaged in animated discussion, Sarah's hand resting lightly on Jasmine's forearm. Most of the patrons had begun making their way toward the door, and with some regret she realized that the evening had come to an end. " Yes, of course, " she said, quickly rising.

They called good night to Sarah and Jasmine, and got rather absent-minded waves as the two of them continued in intense conversation with scarcely a break. Sloan smiled at her two friends, and lightly took Michael's hand to lead her through the crowd.

" They seem to be very good friends, " Michael remarked casually as she and Sloan stepped out onto the street. She was still holding Sloan's hand, and it was surprising strong, smooth and warm against her skin. It wasn’t at all unpleasant, that soft sure touch.

" They just met not long ago, " Sloan informed her, " but they do seem to get along very well." She didn’t ordinarily discuss Jason and Jasmine’s connection, and although she thought Michael might understand, she changed the subject. " I'm really glad that you enjoyed the show."

As she spoke, she released her grip on Michael's fingers, disengaged the alarm on the Porsche with her remote, and opened the passenger door for Michael.

" Oh, I did, " Michael replied, settling into the front seat and strapping on her seat belt. She shifted in the seat so she could face Sloan as she drove. " Thank you for inviting me."

For a moment, Sloan was uncomfortable, very aware that Michael had just contracted for her to do a job, and that she didn't know her very well. Usually when she was alone with a woman she felt a little more certain of her moves. Tonight had been different. Michael Lassiter was not someone with whom you indulged in a casual dalliance. Sloan had a feeling that Michael wouldn't even know the rules. She glanced at Michael, surprised anew by her quiet elegance and composure. Grinning, she said, " Sorry if the evening took you a little by surprise."

" Not at all, " Michael laughed. " Once I figured out that the most beautiful women were all men, and all the handsome ones were really women, I wasn't confused at all."

" Well that's the first time I ever heard it put quite that way, but it does seem to sum it up." She looked at Michael and said without thinking, " Except for you. You're very beautiful, and most definitely not a man."

Michael stared, her skin flushing hot at the compliment. If Jeremy had ever called her beautiful, he'd never said it in exactly that tone. There was something slightly sensuous in the way Sloan said it. Michael watched the moonlight flicker across the other woman's face and realized at that moment that handsome was exactly the right word for J. T. Sloan. She was not exactly masculine, but beautiful was not a strong enough word for her attractiveness. She was lean and muscled, with features too chiseled to be anything but androgynous. Michael realized she was staring, and forced her gaze away.

" Thank you, " she said softly, not knowing what else to say.

The Porsche hurtled through the night, each of them very aware of the other, neither of them feeling the need to break the silence. When Sloan pulled into the circular drive in front of a large stone mansion in one of the older, wealthier sections of the city, Michael was strangely disappointed. She glanced up at the familiar edifice and realized how cold and impersonal it seemed. Lights were lit in strategic windows, turned on and off at irregular intervals by the electronic timer. This gave the semblance of an inhabited home, when in fact she and Jeremy were rarely there at the same time. Often, their separate business obligations took them in opposite directions across the country for strategy or marketing meetings. Days would pass when one or both of them were out of town, or they would simply be coming and going at different times. They rarely shared a bed, and she noted with relief that his Ferrari was not in the drive. For some reason, she did not want to lie down next to him that night.

Sloan came around the front of the car and opened the passenger door. As Michael stepped out, Sloan said, " I was planning on spending some time in your offices tomorrow. Can you notify security in the morning and let them know to expect me? "

" You don't need to worry about that. I'll be there working. Just tell them to call up for verification when you come in."

Ignoring the slight surge of pleasure that statement provoked, Sloan simply nodded. " Good night then, Ms. Lassiter, " she said softly, her deep voice oddly husky. She resisted the strong urge to brush her fingers across Michael's cheek.

Michael hesitated for moment, leaning forward almost imperceptibly, drawn by the quiet intensity of Sloan's tone. Finally, she simply smiled, and walked away. Sloan climbed back into the car, but she did not drive off until the massive front door had closed firmly behind Michael Lassiter's figure. Even then, the memory of that parting smile lingered in her mind.


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