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Ex.8. Memorize the verbs and word combinations requiring gerunds.

to begin/ to start начинать to think of думать о

to go on/ to keep on/ to continue продолжать to dream of мечтать о

to stop / to finish прекращать, заканчивать to hear of с лышать о

to enjoy / to like/ to be fond of нравиться to decide against решать не делать

to hate/ to dislike не нравиться to prevent from мешать

to need / to require нуждаться, требовать to result in приводить к

to postpone/ to put off откладывать to object to возражать против

to risk рисковать to look forward to ждать с нетерпением

to remember/ to recall помнить to be ready for быть готовым к

to mind возражать to be afraid of бояться

to suggest предлагать to be capable of быть способным на

to avoid избегать to be engaged in заниматься

can’t help не может не to be surprised at удивляться

to insist on настаивать на to be good at хорошо справляться с

to excuse for извиняться за to be tired of устать от; надоесть

to thank for благодарить за to be responsible for отвечать за

to congratulate on поздравлять с to be worth стоит сделать


A. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the verb + gerund constructions.

1) They kept on talking though the band began playing. 2) I avoided speaking to them about that matter. 3) Try to avoid drinking unboiled water. 4) I can’t insist on your staying a little longer because you risk missing the last train. 5) I can’t help thinking of it. 6) Would you mind my leaving for a few minutes? 7) Would you mind my joining the discussion? 8) Who is responsible in your company for taking the most serious decisions during the talks? 9) Have you ever dreamed of earning a million dollars? 10) I’d like to thank you all for coming here today. 11) You should stop promising things you are unable to do. 12) He decided against calling her again. 13) I suggest holding another meeting next week. 14) I didn’t remember meeting her before but I pretended I knew her. 15) Why did they postpone discussing this project for an indefinite time? 16) She likes giving advice to other people. 17) Why does he object to signing the contract with this firm? 18) A heavy rain prevented the fire from spreading. 19) I can’t help being grateful to him for all he has done for me. 20) I live only a short way from here, so it is not worth taking a taxi to get home. 21) I don’t mind going by bus but I hate standing if there are a lot of people; it is better to go by Metro.

B. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions and gerunds formed from the verbs given in the box.

To answer to change to finish to fly to go to help to install to lose to make to pass to pay

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