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Topical Words and Phrases (to be learnt):


easel [¢ w: zl] – мольберт

brush [brÙ • ] – кисть

brush stroke – мазок

– манера художника накладывать краски

frame – рама

primary colour – основной цвет

wash – тонкий слой краски, размывка

pastel – пастель

range of colours – гамма цветов

colouring – колорит

canvas – холст, картина

paints (oils) – масляные краски

water-colours – акварель (краска, рисунок)

– n. краска, оттенок, тон; – v. слегка окрашивать, подцвечивать

palette [¢ pæ lwt] – палитра

solid colour – сплошной, ровный цвет

patch – пятно неправильной формы

riot of colours – богатство красок

shade – тень, оттенок



easel painting – станковая живопись

It includes such genres as:

portraiture (portrait) – портрет

landscape – пейзаж

sea-scape (marine) – морской пейзаж, марина

genre painting – жанровая живопись

the painting of battle pieces (scenes) – батальная живопись

still-life – натюрморт

animal painting – анималистическая живопись

historical painting – историческая живопись

poster – плакат

– фигура, изображенная по пояс

full-length portrait – портрет во весь рост



study (sketch) – этюд, набросок

minute delineation – детальное изображение

[¢ maw¢ nju: t dw7lwnw¢ ew• n]

sfumato (smoky technique) – “дымчатость”, плавность перехода от света к тени

chiaroscuro [kw7a: rcs¢ kucrou] – распределение светотени

spot technique (pointillism) – точечная техника

perspective – перспектива

linear perspective – objects tend to appear smaller as they recede and receding lines tend to converge to one or two vanishing points;

aerial perspective – receding distances are evoked by gradations in tone and colour.

composition (arrangement) – композиция

The aim of composition is to organize or arrange in a certain way groups of figures and decorative elements and to distribute surfaces so that a balance is established between empty and full spaces in canvas.

carefully (well)-balanced composition – хорошо уравновешенная композиция;

closely (tightly) knit composition – компактная композиция.



foreground – передний план

middle ground – средний план

background – задний план, фон

subject – тема, содержание

attitude (pose) – поза

dauber – плохой художник

sitter (model) – натурщик, натурщица

silhouette [7swlu¢ et] – силуэт

connoisseur [7k]nw¢ sc: ] – знаток искусства, ценитель, коллекционер

dilettante [7dwlw¢ tæ ntw] – дилетант

daub [d]: b] – плохая картина, мазня

linearist – мастер линии



to represent (to depict, to portray) – изображать, рисовать

to handle groupings – размещать фигуры

to handle composition – строить композицию

to handle light – передавать свет

to paint in oils (water-colours) – писать маслом (акварелью)

to paint from nature – писать с натуры

to teem with – изобиловать

to blend – сливаться, сочетаться, гармонировать

to imbue [wm¢ bju: ] – пронизывать, насыщать

to lay on (paints) – накладывать краски

to blur [blc: ] – затуманиваться, становиться менее ясным

to subdue – ослаблять, смягчать краски

to treat – трактовать

to withstand the ravages of time – противостоять разрушительному воздействию времени.



exquisite [¢ ekskwwzwt] – изысканный, утонченный, изящный

authentic []: ¢ › entwk] – подлинный

flowing (fluid) line – плавная линия

contorted [kcn¢ t]: twd] – искаженный, изломанный (о фигуре)

an aura [¢ ]: rc] of poetic sentiment – атмосфера поэтичности

luminous [¢ lu: mwncs] – светлый, ясный, прозрачный
(о тоне, цвете)


Unit I


I Give a name for: 1) the thing to paint with; 2) a wooden frame for supporting a picture; 3) a flat board with a hole for the thumb at one end, used by artist for mixing colours on; 4) a strong cloth used by artist for painting on in oil; 5) treatment of light and shade in painting; 6) a bad picture; 7) a variety of a particular colour; 8) a preliminary drawing; 9) a picture of the scenery of a land area; 10) a picture of the sea; 11) a person with expert understanding of artistic subjects.


II. Answer the following questions:

1) Is painting your hobby?

2) Do you know anybody whose hobby is painting?

3) What kinds of pictures have you got at home (if any)?

4) Do you think pictures, prints, engravings or etchings decorate a living room?

5) Where do they usually arrange picture displays in your town?

6) How often do you attend fine arts exhibitions?

7) Which are the most notable picture galleries in Russia (in the world)?

8) What kind of arts do you appreciate most (painting, graphic art, sculpture, etc.)?

9) What genre of painting do you enjoy best of all?

10) Who is your favourite painter?

11) What colours and shades do you know?

12) What tools, devices and materials does the painter use in his work?


III. Find correct definitions:

1) surrealism a) a style of painting (drama; music) seeking to express the artist’s emotional experience rather than to represent the physical world realistically.
2) classicism b) a style giving the general impression of a subject, especially by using the effects of light, without elaborate detail.
3) realism c) a style in which objects are represented as geometrical shapes.
4) expressionism d) a style representing things as they are in reality.
5) cubism e) a 20th century movement in art that seeks to express what is in the subconscious mind by depicting objects and events as seen in dreams, etc.
6) pop-art f) a style representing things as they are in nature.
7) impressionism g) a movement in art which appeared in France in the 17th century and revived the principles of antique Greek and Roman art. Works of this trend are marked by elegance of form, balance and proportion of composition and control of emotions.
8) naturalism h) neo avant-garde trend, emerging as a reaction against abstractionism. Its typical feature is the exact reproduction of various articles of mass consumption, such as household utensils, decorative wrappings, etc. Reality in such works is replaced by the illogical combination of various replicas.

IV. Analyse some trends in art and their main features. What does cubism / impressionism / expressionism / pop-art / surrealism / classicism correspond to?

Formalism: the cult of artist; the cult of transformation; the cult of the subjective.

Realism: the unity of artist and nature; the unity of reflection and transformation; the unity of the subjective and objective.

Naturalism: the cult of nature; the cult of reflection; the cult of the objective.


Read and translate Text I.


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