![]() Ãëàâíàÿ ñòðàíèöà Ñëó÷àéíàÿ ñòðàíèöà ÊÀÒÅÃÎÐÈÈ: ÀâòîìîáèëèÀñòðîíîìèÿÁèîëîãèÿÃåîãðàôèÿÄîì è ñàäÄðóãèå ÿçûêèÄðóãîåÈíôîðìàòèêàÈñòîðèÿÊóëüòóðàËèòåðàòóðàËîãèêàÌàòåìàòèêàÌåäèöèíàÌåòàëëóðãèÿÌåõàíèêàÎáðàçîâàíèåÎõðàíà òðóäàÏåäàãîãèêàÏîëèòèêàÏðàâîÏñèõîëîãèÿÐåëèãèÿÐèòîðèêàÑîöèîëîãèÿÑïîðòÑòðîèòåëüñòâîÒåõíîëîãèÿÒóðèçìÔèçèêàÔèëîñîôèÿÔèíàíñûÕèìèÿ×åð÷åíèåÝêîëîãèÿÝêîíîìèêàÝëåêòðîíèêà |
A. Decimals are indicated by a point
Numbers after decimals are spoken separately, e.g. 45.73 forty-five point seven three A zero following a decimal point is spoken as O (oh), the same as the letter of the alphabet, e.g. 3.05 three point oh five Percentages (%) are spoken like this: sixty-seven percent (67%) Read the following text: In 1991 the population of Belgium was 2.9% of the total European Community, and the unified Germany’s was 22.9%. France had a lower population of 16.3%, and Ireland’s was quite small – only 1%. Britain’s population was similar to that of France – 16.7%
B. Fractions are spoken like this:
Mathematical symbols are read like this:
Say (or write out) the following mathematical expressions
Read these sums out e.g. 2+2÷ 2× 2-2=2 Two plus two divided by two times two minus two equals two 12+6÷ 9× 10-2=18 ¾ +½ -⅔ = 7/12 4.12÷ 2=2.06 75+15%=86.25 Section B Language Focus. To have I. Put the following sentences into interrogative and negative forms: a) Computers have many remarkable powers. b) Second generation computers had transistors instead of vacuum tubes. II. Insert the correct personal forms of the verb to have: 1. He … a laboratory class in the computer class yesterday. 2. The introduction of terminals and screens … partly replaced the use of punched cards. 3. The first computers … thousands of separate electrical components connected together with wires. 4. Programs are not hardware as they … no electrical or mechanical components. 5. The students … a seminar on informatics in two days. 6. Most computers, whether large or small … three basic capabilities. III. Ask as many special questions as you can: 1. Computers have circuits for performing arithmetic operations, such as addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and exponentiation. 2. Integrated circuits of third generation computers had about 200 components on a single chip. 3. By the 1960s semiconductors had replaced vacuum tubes. IV. State the function of the verb to have in the following sentences: 1. Not all computers have the same type of memory. 2. Second generation computers were smaller than first generation ones. 3. The programmer has to write instructions. 4. Step-by-step (ïîøàãîâûé) procedures had to be specified in detail. 5. Early computers had a capacity of around 80, 000 bits. 6. The integrated circuitry of a microcomputer has been reduced to a chip. V. Say in English: 1. Öåíòðàëüíûé ïðîöåññîð èìååò ñâÿçü ñî âñåìè áëîêàìè êîìïüþòåðà. 2. Ñêîëüêî ðàç â íåäåëþ ó âàñ çàíÿòèÿ â êîìïüþòåðíîì êëàññå? 3. Ó òåáÿ ìíîãî êíèã ïî èíôîðìàòèêå? 4. Â÷åðà ó íàñ íå áûëî ñåìèíàðà. 5. Ó ýòîãî êîìïüþòåðà äâà äèñêîâîäà. 6. Ñêîëüêî äèñêîâîäîâ ó ýòîãî êîìïüþòåðà? 7. Ó íàñ äâàäöàòü êîìïüþòåðîâ ñ öâåòíûìè ìîíèòîðàìè. Section C Reading I. Study the following words and word combinations and make sure you know their translations. Use a specialized dictionary in case of any difficulties. valve vacuum tube cog lever chip glowing filament alternating current direct current to amplify integrated circuit II. State the type of word-building of the following words and translate them into Russian. invention, pressure, microchip, development, unreliable, impossible, semiconductor III. Computers were devised thanks to the development of the devices that produce and process electrical signals. Put the following devices in the order of their chronological invention. Look through the text to prove your order. integrated circuit; cog; semiconductor; electronic valve; transistor; vacuum tube; microchip
IV. Skim paragraph 4 and name two main discoveries in the field of modern computers. V. Read the text attentively and make a list of people who contributed greatly to the development of computers.
VI. Main idea 1. Only W. Shockley, I. Bardeen and W. Brattain made the invention of present-day computer possible. 2. World War II was the reason for the invention of the electronic computer. 3. A series of great and important discoveries in the field of electronic led to the appearance of the first microchip – the main component of present-day computer. 4. 1946 is the year in which the first general-purpose computer ENIAC was completed. VII. Understanding the passage T F
VIII. Locating information …… 1. During the same period in history, the diode valve and three-electrode mode valve were developed. …… 2. Integrated circuitry has further changed computers. …… 3. The invention of electronic valves opened a new page in the history of electronics. …… 4. Two main discoveries in the field of electronics belong to American scientists. …… 5. Colossus was a one-purpose computer. …… 6. Today’s computers have more circuits than previous computers. IX. Contextual reference
X. Understanding words
Now refer back to the text and find antonyms for the following words.
XI. Word forms 1. reliably, rely on, reliable, reliability a. Computers are … machines. b. If you don’t know the meaning of a computer term, you cannot always … an all-purpose dictionary for the answer. c. Computers can do mathematical operation quickly and ….
2. integration, integrate, integrated, integrating a. Some computer manufacturers have … both input and output devices into one terminal. b. The success of any computer system depends on the … of all its parts to form a useful whole. c. … input and output devices into one peripheral has reduced the area needed for a computer installation.
3. change, changeable, changeably, changing a. Computer personnel often have to take refresher courses in the … field of computer science. b. Many… have taken place in the computer industry in the last decade. c. Memory and primary storage can be used inter-….
4. generality, generalize, general, generally a. …-purpose computers are larger than minicomputers. b. It is the … consensus of opinion that computers have improved the quality of life. c. Minicomputers are … cheaper than mainframes. d. It is often easier to … than to talk about specifics. XII. Content review
b. Use the information in the text to complete the following table.
XIII. Translate paragraphs 4 and 5 into Russian after checking the unknown words in the dictionary.
Unit 3 Section A Comparisons
A. Better and best § an abacus with a pocket calculator § your car with your teacher’s car § two different ways of investing money 2. Consider the points below, and then give your opinion. Say which you think is better.
3. Compare § three different forms of transport § three different jobs § your country with two other countries 4. Consider the points below, and then give your opinion. Say which you think is best.
Section B Language Focus. The Passive Voice I. Study the models of the passive constructions and translate the sentences into Russian: 1. Computers are used nowadays for many different kinds of work, e.g. in offices, banks, factories, hospitals, universities and schools. 2. In computers of the 1950’s the transistors, diodes, resistors and other components were mounted on printed-circuit cards. 3. The speed and capacity of these components have been greatly improved with each new generation of computers. 4. The conference will be held next week. 5. Is the program being loaded now? 6. Many books on the computer’s architecture had been translated into Russian by the end of last year. B. 1. In the early 1960’s a wholly new technology was created by semiconductor makers. 2. The power of Central Processing Unit (CPU) is partly determined by its speed. 3. He is often asked to make a report at conferences. 4. They were shown new computer classes. 5. The newest electronic memory systems will be much spoken about. 6. The conductor is acted upon by an electric field. 7. The results of his numerous experiments are often referred to. 8. That design was soon followed by many others. 9. In the 1960’s advances in microelectronic components were followed by an even smaller microcomputer. 10.The development of computers was greatly influenced by the invention of transistors. II. Use the following sentences in the negative and interrogative forms: 1. The results of computations were recorded in the form of tables. 2. Computers are divided into three main types depending on their size and power. 3. The instructions in the user’s program are examined by the Control Unit. 4. The program will be written in three days. 5. Minicomputers have been made possible by the development of integrated circuits. III. Ask special questions: 1. The concept of the stored program was worked out by John von Neuman in 1945. 2. Almost every profession is deeply affected by the computer revolution. 3. A permanent storage of both data and programs is provided by storage devices. 4. His book on programming languages will be translated into English and German. IV. Paraphrase the following sentences using the Passive Voice. Give two variants if possible: 1. The famous Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov compiled a lot of calculating tables. 2. Storage devices provide a permanent storage of both data and programs. 3. W. Oughtred constructed the first slide-ruler in 1630. 4. They have shown us new computer classes. 5. They explained him how to solve this problem. V. Open the brackets. Use the proper form of the verb: 1. A new model of the printer (to be shown) tomorrow. 2. The concept of the stored program (to be worked out) by J. Neuman in 1945. 3. The constituent parts of the computer (to be called) hardware. 4. A new program (to be compiled) when you called. 5. Your information (to be sent) by e-mail now. 6. Microcomputers (to be applied) since the 1970s. 7. In the first generation, the central processor (to be built) from electronic valves which were rather unreliable. VI. Make up sentences using the Passive Voice: 1. The mouse – to design – to slide – around – your – desktop. 2. The first – transistors – to use – 1959. 3. The information – to store – already – registers. 4. Calculating tables – to compile – next week. 5. The problems – artificial intelligence – to discuss – widely – all over the world. 6. Minicomputers – usually – to find – banks – offices. VII. Translate into English: 1. Äàííàÿ ñòàòüÿ áûëà íàïèñàíà â ïðîøëîì ìåñÿöå. 2. Àðèôìîìåòð áûë èçîáðåòåí Ï.Ë. ×åáûøåâûì â 1882 ãîäó. 3. Ñåé÷àñ â íàøåé ëàáîðàòîðèè ïðîâîäèòñÿ èíòåðåñíûé ýêñïåðèìåíò. ß äóìàþ, ÷òî îí áóäåò çàêîí÷åí ê êîíöó íåäåëè. 4. Ñåãîäíÿ ìíîãî ãîâîðÿò î ëàçåðíûõ ïðèíòåðàõ. 5. Ýòó èíôîðìàöèþ ïðåäñòàâëÿþò ñ ïîìîùüþ áèíàðíîé ñèñòåìû. 6.  êàêîì ãîäó áûë ðàçðàáîòàí Áåéñèê? 7. Êîãäà áóäåò ïåðåâåäåíà ýòà ñòàòüÿ? Section C Reading I. Nowadays our lives can’t be imagined without computers. What is a computer? Give your own explanation and compare your definition with the one given in paragraph 1. II. Skim the text and name three general types of computers. III. Study the following words and word combinations and make sure you know their translations. Use a specialized dictionary in case of any difficulties. to process data sequence of instructions discrete form digit binary code to store instructions to perform a task to utilize IV. State the type of word-building of the following words and translate them into Russian. computer, various, unlike, to rearrange, conversion, representation, to misunderstand, continuously V. Read the text attentively and learn the advantages and disadvantages of 3 computer types.
VI. Main idea 1. The digital computer is the most efficient one. 2. Computers differ from one another in terms of operating principles. 3. All computers have the same basic components. 4. The hybrid computer is the easiest to operate. VII. Understanding the passage T F
VIII. Locating information …… 1. The hybrid computer is a combination of both digital and analog computers. …… 2. Computers use special instructions to solve problems. …… 3. Analog and digital computers have different operating principles. …… 4. In recent years hybrid systems have become widely used in military industry. …… 5. The results of the operations performed by digital computers can be used by people without any further processing. IX. Contextual reference
X. Understanding words
Now refer back to the text and find antonyms for the following words.
XI. Word forms 1. operation, operate, operator, operating a. A computer can perform mathematical … very quickly. b. One of the first people to note that the computer is malfunctioning is the computer …. c. The job of a computer … is to … the various machines in a computer installation. d. The new machines in the computer installation are not yet ….
2. solution, solve, solvable, solver a. It may take a lot of time to find a … to a complex problem in programming. b. A computer can … a problem faster than any human being. c. A computer has often been referred to as a problem ….
3. comparison, compare, comparable, comparatively, comparative a. Renting a computer isn’t … to owning one. b. Computers can … numbers. c. There is sometimes very little … to be made between two different brand-name microcomputers. d. The difference in price of microcomputers from different manufactures can be … small. XII. Content review
b. Complete the following statements with appropriate words from the box. (Some can be used more than once.) Make sure you use the correct form, i.e. singular or plural.
… can be defined as … which accept … in the form of instructions called a … and characters called …, perform mathematical and logical … on the information, and then supply results of these …. … can be of 3 types: …, … and …. The … … gets its name because the … that are presented to it are made up of a code consisting of …. The … … operates on …. The … system is a computer which has combined the features of both the … and … computers. It is used mainly in scientific research. XIII. Translate paragraph 2 into Russian after checking the unknown words in the dictionary. Unit 4 Section A Time management Think about your typical working day.
3. What time do you start work in the morning? 4. And when do you finish? 5. How do you get to work? 6. How long does it take? 7. What do you do to relax in the evening?
Section B Language Focus. Modal Verbs and Their Equivalents I. Change the following sentences into interrogative and negative forms: 1. Computers can process a large volume of data in a short period of time. 2. Every teacher must learn how to select computer programs. 3. A student may go on to the next question if his answer is correct. 4. They should process the results of the experiment. 5. You have to study two computer languages. 6. He is to speak at the conference on computer technology. II. Give the modal verb in the following sentences in the Past and Future Simple (add the adverbials if necessary): 1. We can interact with the computer by using many other specialized input devices. 2. Students must know how to solve this problem. 3. You should know programming for your research work. 4. They may work in the computer centre on Mondays. 5. To model the universe we have to create another one. 6. The data is to be transmitted as pulses of light. III. Ask as many special questions as you can: 1. The first automatic computers could operate at a low speed. 2. Different combinations of 1s and 0s may be used to represent numbers and characters. 3. The microcomputer has to communicate with the outside world. 4. The memory board of a new powerful computer produced by IBM can easily pass through the eye of a needle. 5. He must use a computer in the classroom to make his work more interesting. IV. Fill in the missing modal verbs or their equivalents: 1. Modern specialists … know the latest computer technology. 2. No man … do 500 000 sums per second, but a modern computer …. 3. A program is a set of instructions written in a special computer language, telling the computer what operations and processes … to be carried out and in what order they … be done. 4. When … you give your lecture on computer languages? – I … to do it next week. Now I am very busy. I … process the results of the experiment. 5. In order to make a good report on data communication systems you … to sit for many hours in the library.
V. Translate into Russian paying attention to modal verbs followed by the Infinitive Passive: 1. Data, however, is the particular information that has to be processed by the computer. 2. A computer can be made more powerful by connecting a second processor to work in parallel with the first one. 3. In the early 1960’s several of integrated circuits could be mounted on a single printed card. 4. The computer must be programmed to accept data in any or all of the media. 5. The data may be stored or it may be sorted according to a plan desired by the programmer. 6. The culmination of all the advancements was the microprocessor, which has become virtually synonymous with microelectronics, but should not be confused with it.
Section C Reading I. A computer consists of a number of components. How do we call a component used to save data and programs? Look through paragraph 1 to prove your idea. II. Skim paragraph 2 and name all storing units of the computer system. III. Study the following words and word combinations and make sure you know their translations. Use a specialized dictionary in case of any difficulties. on a temporary / permanent basis to retain information storage cell to conduct to detect auxiliary storage unit input / output unit semiconductor very-large-scale integration (VSLI) circuitry storage capacity volatile power supply IV. State the type of word-building of the following words and translate them into Russian. numerous, storage, nonconducting, nonresistive, extensively, compactness, microelectronic V. Using the English-Russian dictionary write out the translation of the following English abbreviations. asf; abl; dct; e.c; e.g; et al; i.e; etc VI. Read the text attentively and name the operating principle of the computer memory.
VII. Main idea 1. Main memory is more important than auxiliary storage units. 2. Memories of digital computers use transistor circuits of various types. 3. Semiconductor materials are applied to control electric current flow. VII. Understanding the passage T F
IX. Locating information …… 1. The operating principle of the main memories in digital computers. …… 2. There are two types of memories in computer systems. …… 3. Semiconductor materials are widely used in transistors. …… 4. Information is stored in memory on different basis. …… 5. Semiconductor memories have a number of advantages. X. Contextual reference
XI. Understanding words
Now refer back to the text and find antonyms for the following words.
XII. Word forms 1. power, powerful, powerfully, powerless, powered a. There are many ways of producing …. b. Battery … calculators occupy less space than their predecessors. c. A computer is a very … machine. d. Computers are rendered … if there isn’t an emergency supply system in case of power failure.
2. logic, logical, logically a. To be a good programmer one must be … in one’s approach to a problem. b. The … operations performed by the arithmetic-logical unit are under the control of the control unit. c. A program must be … organized if successful results are to be obtained.
3. computer, compute, computerized, computed, computation a. The banking industry has become more and more …. b. It is a fact that humans cannot … as fast as …. c. The … requirements necessary to produce the payroll for a large company take a very long time.
4. provision, provide, provided, provider a. A programmer must … the computer with the necessary data and instructions to execute the problem. b. The … of a new and larger computer installation will result in a better service to customers. c. A programmer can operate a computer … he has the proper training. XII. Content review
b. Complete the following statements with appropriate words from the box. (Some can be used more than once.) Make sure you use the correct form, i.e. singular or plural.
One of the most important … of a computer is its capability of … information in its … long enough to … it. The memory of the first computers was made up of a kind of network of vertical and horizontal …. At each intersection where the … crossed there was a core. Each core represented a binary digit of either 0 or1, depending on its …. Early computers had a … of around 80, 000 bits. In the 1970s there was a further … in the computer field. This was the ability to place thousands of … onto a tiny piece (chip) of …. Each circuit is capable of … one bit. Because of the very small size of the chip such … are very popular, however when … is removed, … in the memory is …. XIV. Check all the unknown words from paragraph 3 in your dictionary and translate it into Russian. Unit 5 Section A Advantages and disadvantages. Job definition A. Advantages and disadvantages 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of your job? Give your job a score from 0 (very bad) to 5 (very good) on the chart below.
2. Which of the factors above are most important for you? 3. What qualities do you need to do your job successfully? 4. What information would you include in an advert for your job? Ø One good thing about my job is … Ø Another is … Ø The bad thing about it is … Ø I like … Ø I don’t like … Ø I’d like … Ø I wouldn’t like … B. Job definition Outline your job definition. Make rough notes first. Explain: § what you are responsible for § how your performance is measured § where you have the authority to change things
C. Self study: Easily confused words Make a list of the words you used to outline your job definition, e.g. check, control, organize, supervise, maintain, repair. Make sure you know the difference between words with similar meanings. A good dictionary will help you. These words are often confused. Do you know how to use them?
Section B Language Focus. Simple Tenses