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Na nameta smaren na ca
na paç yen na ca gä yec ca na ca nindet kadä cana nä nyocchiñ ö aà ca bhuï jé ta nä nya ç eñ aà ca dhä rayet avaiñ ë avä nä à sambhä ñ a vandanä di vivarjayet “One should always be in a state of full shelter, have no other practice or goal and have no other need. One should not worship, pay obeisances, remember, see, praise, and should never criticize the demigods. One should not eat the remnants (ucchiñ ö a) of others, should not accept the left overs (ç eñ a) of others. And one should avoid talking with and praising nondevotees.” FOOTNOTE: After serving out a meal, the left-over unserved portion is called ‘ç eñ a’. Anyone who is initiated with name and mantra of the Lord by a bona-fide spiritual master should take full shelter (of the Lord). The word 'ananya-ç araë a' means having no other shelter or object of service except Lord Govinda within and without the material world. The word 'syä t' is used for certainty. Similarly one should be 'ananya-sä dhana', which means one who avoids the process of material activities such as nitya and namittika and who is undeviated in the devotional service of Lord Govinda, following the ninefold process of hearing, chanting, remembering etc. 'Ananya sä dhanä rtha' means one who uses his wealth only for the service of great pure devotees in an authorised line. (Not for those who pretend to be devotees without having initiation from a bona-fide spiritual master). That means one has to serve those who have taken complete shelter of the Lord. He should not serve others who are servants of external demigods i.e. Ç aivas, Ç aktas, Ç auras and Gaë apatyas who are averse to the Supreme Lord Govinda. They can be provided food and water as guests according to one’s ability, but not in the mood of servant and the served, because then there will be a possibility of committing offence to the holy name of the Lord. 'Ananya-prayojana' means thinking oneself a servant of Lord Hari. One should not have any other goal to achieve except the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Such a devotee of Kå ñ ë a, being 'ananya-ç araë a', should not worship other demigods and should not perform any nitya, naimittika, kä mya rites or ç rä ddha and tarpaë a for the ancestors. 'Kadä cana' means never. One should not offer obeisances to the demigods, should not remember them by chanting their names, should not circumbulate them, should not see their idols or deities, should not touch their bodies, should not criticize or glorify them, should not eat their remnants and should not accept their nirmalya (flower, garlands, cloth, or candana). One should not accept anything such as water, prasä da, flowers, garlands, candana given by a Ç aiva, Ç akta, Ç aura, or Gaë apatya who have turned their faces away from the Lord, although situated in varë ä ç rama. But one can accept those things if they are given by the devotees of Kå ñ ë a. One who has accumulated enough wealth out of his business in his previous situation as a Ç aiva, Ç akta, Ç aura, or Gaë apatya under the Lord's external energy, and then later accepts the name of Govinda from a bona fide spiritual master and becomes purifed by rebirth with paì ca saà skä ra, should use his wealth only for the service of Kå ñ ë a and His devotees. One should diligently try to avoid talking with nondevotees who have forgotten the Lord; one should avoid meeting them, offering homage, praising, touching them, sitting with them and eating food with them. (The next section shows that not only Vaiñ ë avas, but all people should avoid worship of devatä s and pitå s.) It has been shown that the surrendered devotees of Lord Viñ ë u or Kå ñ ë a should not worship the devatä s. But the same rule applies to even those brä hmaë as who are not initiated into the viñ ë u -mantra. In Nä radiya Purä ë a it is said: brä hmano' pi munir jï ä né devam anyaà na pü jayet