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Assignments. Pronounce the following words and word combinations

Pronounce the following words and word combinations. Use a dictionary if necessary.

Disruptive, to clarify, stimulus, rear, to threaten, diversity, renegotiation, assignment, psychopath, abnormal, roughneck, perpetrator, affluent, severe, stigma, to burden, consensus, penalty, assault, pollution, precision, elite, to exert.

Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

To clarify, to be sentenced to a life in prison, at the rear of the bus, commitment, labelling, to get a steady job, affluent, severe mental disorders, stigma, to become lifelong master statuses, to shed, to burden, to hold no consensus over, to be enforced through.

Find in the text the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Быть разрушительным, служить стимулом, гражданские права, разнообразие, психопат, ненормальный, хулиган, преступник, состоятельная семья, бывший преступник, штраф, изнасилование, нападение, кража автомобилей, уличное преступление, оказывать влияние.

Complete the sentences with the information taken from the text.

1) The key sociological problem is to examine why certain people come to be identified and…

2) When a mass murderer is arrested, convicted, and sentenced to a life in prison, the rest of society is…

3) Chambliss’s study of saints and Roughnecks suggests that…

4) In small, traditional societies, deviance is threatening to…

5) People can shed deviant stigmas, although it is usually hard to…

Give English and Russian definitions to the following sociological terms.

Labelling, primary deviance, secondary deviance.

Read the text again and answer the following questions.

1) What is the importance of primary deviance and secondary deviance?

2) What are the stages in a deviant career?

3) How does law (according to Marxist perspective) reflect the interests of powerful groups in a society?

Decide which of the following statements are right and which are wrong. Give the correct variants.

1) The idea that deviant behaviour must be learned is associated with cultural transmission.

2) Information for law enforcement officials, leading to the arrest and conviction of deviant offenders is not provided by deviant subcultures for their members.

3) Deviance creates a need for police departments, it is its contribution to the maintenance of social order.

4) According to Marxist theories of deviance, the legal system favours the poor.

5) People who are labelled deviant sometimes adopt a deviant lifestyle and form an identity with others who engage in the same behaviour.

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