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The Basic Kicks and Strokes

Task II. Learn the words and translate the word combinations and sentences:

1. propel v передвигаться, перемещаться

2. propulsion n передвижение

3. kick n удар (ногой), v ударять (ногой)

4. flutter kick n удар ногами в кроле

5. breaststroke kick n толчок (отталкивание) ногами в брассе

6. dolphin kick n удар ногами в дельфине

7. scissors kick n ножницы

e.g. Kicks are the movements of the legs and feet.

8. stroke n стиль, способ (плавания)

e.g. Stroke is the movement combined with movements of the arms and hands.

9. alternately adv попеременно

e.g. The legs are alternately moved up.

10. bend n сгиб, v сгибать

e.g. Bend the legs at the knees!

11. peanut n арахис

12. extend v вытягивать, протягивать

e.g. The breaststroke kick begins with your legs fully extended.

13. rear аdv назад

e.g. The breaststroke kick begins with the toes pointed to the rear.

14. outwards adv наружу

e.g. Extend the feet outwards!

15. squeeze v сжать

e.g. Squeeze your legs together!

16. resemble v напоминать

e.g. The dolphin kick resembles the flutter kick.

17. blade n режущая поверхность ножниц

e.g. The open blades of a scissors.

18. snap v сводить

e.g. Snap both legs together!

19. the front crawl n кроль на груди (способ плавания)

e.g. The front crawl is one of the basic strokes.

20. the back stroke

(back crawl) n кроль на спине

e.g. The backstroke, or back crawl, is performed as you lie on your back.

21. the breaststroke n брасс

e.g. The breaststroke is one of the restful strokes.

22. the butterfly n баттерфляй

e.g. The butterfly is a difficult stroke to learn.

23. sidestroke n плавание способом на боку

e.g. The sidestroke is done on your side.

24. steady а равномерный, ровный, непрерывный

25. circular а кругообразный

26. motion n движение

e.g. In the front crawl each arm alternately moves in a steady, circular motion.

27. recover v выносить

e.g. In the front crawl one hand recovers forward above the water while the other pulls beneath the water.

28. breathe v дышать, n вдох

e.g. You lift your head above the water for a breath.

29. to take a breathe v вдохнуть, начать дыхание

30. inhale v вдыхать

e.g. You inhale through the mouth or nose.

31. exhale v выдыхать

e.g. You exhale through the nose or mouth.

32. exsequence n прежняя последовательность

33. glide v скользить, плыть

e.g. My arms extend for the glide.

34. dog paddle n кроль на груди без выноса рук (плавание


e.g. To perform the dog paddle, cup your hands and rotate them in a circular motion underwater, with one hand forward when the other one is back.

Task III. Read the text for full comprehension.

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