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Steps to unlimited wealth
Ø 1) To what category of people do you refer yourself – poor, you just make ends meet, well-off, well-to-do? Would you like to change your financial situation? Ø 2) Read the heading and say what the article is about. Ø 3) Skim the text. Here are the subheadings for the parts of the text. Distribute the subheadings in the proper order. a) CHOOSE ONE MOST SUITABLE STRATEGY FOR YOURSELF AND ACT. b) BE THANKFUL FOR EVERYTHING YOU HAVE. c) START AND CONTINUE SAVING MONEY NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS. d) MAKE A DECISION TO BECOME WEALTHY. e) LEARN DIFFERENT STRATEGIES OF MAKING MONEY. f) PRIORITIZE EVERYTHING. g) ALWAYS MOVE FORWARD. h) VISUALIZE THAT YOU HAVE ALREADY BECOME RICH. i) STAY AWAY FROM NEGATIVE PEOPLE.
Step 1: You must decide exactly what you want. Many people fail in life because they don’t really know what they want to do, have or be with their life. You can hear them saying “I want to make a lot of money.... I would love to travel the world.... I would love to have a beautiful house.... I want this or that.... etc, etc, etc.” The truth is that they don’t really know what they want! So our first big step now will be to take a pen and paper and write everything you really desire out of life. Dream Big, what would you do, have and be if time, money and health were no object? What would you do right now if your annual income became your monthly income? I can hear you asking.... “Is that really needed...? ” “Why...? ” It is very simple... If you don’t know where you are going, how do you know when you have arrived? How do you strive for something if you don’t know for what...? That’s why you will take a 3x5 card and put it in your pocket or purse or any other place that will be easy to reach. For a whole week, every time you think of something that you would like to have or do, write it down on the card. Let me give you some ideas of things you might want: a new home.... a second home.... a new and better car.... amount of money you want to earn monthly or yearly.... where to go for your dream holiday.... how much you want to save.... what you want to do... etc, etc. Once you do this, you will have taken a big step toward your Financial Wealth! Prioritise everything in order you feel what is most important for you. Choose the one most important goal you want that scares you thinking about achieving it. Write out in present tense EXACTLY how it looks, sounds and feels having achieved it. Always start with “I am so grateful that I now...” Visualize (pretend) morning and night with emotion having already reached your goal. Take action on your new idea. If you understand how the mind works you will understand that this is the most powerful process you can undertake. Have TOTAL Faith in God (or whatever you call the Great Creative Power)!!! Be thankful for everything you have!!! No matter what!!! And don’t forget to thank him for the wealth and abundance that is coming your way!!! Step 2: Learn about the different strategies to make money. There are proven ways that you get your FINANCIAL GOAL. 1) The first one everybody thinks of is A JOB. 95% of all people use this strategy yet they accumulate only 3% of the wealth. The reality is that just a handful of individuals may claim that they got FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE through a job. It really does not make sense to repeat the same mistakes other people have already encountered: facing retirement depending on their income from the social security system ONLY. 2) Invest your money... putting your money to work for you. All wealthy people own shares and most own property. Do you?... If not, why not? If you don’t want the results that the masses have then don’t do what they do. Do what the rich people do. What if you don’t know what to do? Well, I didn’t know the stock market even existed 20 years ago; but once I knew I had to invest in it I found someone that was really successful in trading and investing in shares and I learned from them. I am now one of the most successful stock market investors in the world. A word of warning: do not allow other people to invest your money for you! A recent survey shows that only 2 out of 124 financial planners surveyed were found to offer very good advice. Here’s what I learnt if you want to become rich: become self educated in investing and do it yourself! 3) Multiple sources of income; leverage your time and money through other people. Only 5% of the population uses this strategy effectively yet they make over 95% of the total income!!! Once you learn to leverage your money effectively this is the most profitable strategy. You must understand legal structures and business. Yet contrary to what most people think, it is easy to do and takes the least amount of personal effort. Multiple sources of income should make you money with minimal or nil personal exertion. Step 3: Stay away from negative people. Take this suggestion very seriously! Please...., Please... stay away from those people who only talk, think or act in a negative way... Negative people will take you down with them... Don’t let anyone steal your dream!!! Find new friends if you must... Life is too short to let it be jeopardized by negative influences. Surround yourself with people who know what they are doing... learn from them... Apply what they have done to get to where they are now. Step 4: Take Action!!! If you decide to do something.... you know you want it with all your heart.... but don’t take action, nothing will happen!!! You MUST research, you MUST think, but by all means you MUST take action!! Not making a decision is a decision itself. Step 5: All Excuses are Equal. No matter which excuse you can give, or which excuse you choose to give, there is not a good reason to be a failure! Look back five years, can you see yourself at that time? What happened during those five years? Did you get what you wanted? If not, what Is Your Excuse? It’s hard to face reality... It can hurt to face reality... I can understand that... I’ve been there many times... But I can also tell you... “Don’t look back to recriminate yourself... Now is the time to move forward... now is the time to make a decision... now is the time to make the necessary change to have a fantastic future!!! ” Step 6: Start Saving..!!! Save... Save... As much as you can..!!! You can make all the money you want, but if you don’t have a plan to save it you will never get to your golden mountain. Unless you save you cannot use “Money Making Strategy Number 2.” Start with a little... then increase that amount step by step... You MUST save..., save..., save... and remember... all excuses are equal!!! Following these steps to unlimited wealth, you will achieve what you really want out of life... I can promise for sure that you will be successful. These steps to unlimited wealth worked for me... they worked for others who, like me, were willing to pay the price... why not for you?
Ø 4) Skim the text again and say whether these questions are covered in it. a) Most people fail in life because they don’t know what they really want to do. b) Every day repeat this positive affirmation “I am very wealthy” many times. c) Visualize that you have already become wealthy. d) It isn’t useful to repeat the mistakes other people have done. e) Follow the example of the successful investment given in the text. f) Borrow your time and money from other people. g) “Save money” should be your motto.
Ø 5) Support or decline the author’s points of view. Ø 6) Where and how can you use this information?