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78. A sum of money to be paid when a contract is broken. a) fee b) penalty c) charges 79. To make the necessary arrangements for starting a business. a) to set up a business b) to reorganize a business c) to maintain a business 80. A description of a person’s characteristics. a) character b) profile c) attitude 81. A way of feeling or thinking about someone or something. a) motivation b) relationship c) attitude 82. To do business, to buy and sell. a) to trade b) to do research c) to perform 83. A company or business. a) patent b) concern c) budget 84. To go up, to rise. a) to plunge b) to upgrade c) to increase 85. To give employment to someone. a) to promote b) to hire c) to estimate 86. A movement to a job, with more responsibility and money. a) recruitment b) promotion c) career 87. A job or profession for which you are trained and which you intend to follow for part or the whole of your life. a) recruitment b) promotion c) career 88. The power to give orders. a) career b) authority c) demand 89. To put in order of importance. a) to rank b) to require c) to establish 8. Read the text then write “T” if the statement (90—100) is true and “F” if it is false. The Opel company was established more than one century ago and its cars have often been among the fastest on the planet. In 1914 a German factory at Russeiheim produced the 260hp Opel race car, which could attain astounding seed of up to 228 km/h. The First World War interrupted Opel’s road to success, but the military defeat of the Kaiser’s Germany by the countries of the Entente almost destroyed the business altogether. However, in the 1920s Opel began to create cars capable of stunning speed: an impressive new speed record was set at 254 km/h. At the end of the ‘20s the German company was swallowed up by General Motors. This explosive cocktail saw 100 000 Opels making their way onto the market every day. The Second World War and co-operation with the Third Reich put a huge dent in the company’s reputation. However, towards the 1960s Opel once again began to dominate the market, bringing out the Opel GT, which continually set new standards for speed. The Opel Astra is the descendant of it. In 2000 Opel Astra gained the top position in numerous rallies. 90. At present the Opel company is a subsidiary of General Motors. 91. The Opel company was founded at the beginning of. the 20th century. 92. Opel is the fastest car on the planet. 93. The Opel business flourished during the First World War. 94. The Opel company revived some years after the First World War. 95. By the ‘30s General Motors took over the Opel company. 96. At present the Opel factory produces 100 000 cars every day. 97. The co-operation with the Hitler Reich was bad for the company’s image. 98. In the ‘60s the Opel business degraded. 99. The Opel Astra is one of the fastest cars in the world. 100. The Opel Astra was successful in numerous rallies.