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Units 28-33, Bastrakova Lena ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4
I. Fill in the missing idioms in the sentences below. To help you there is an explanation of the missing idioms after each sentence. 1. The doctor … the dog …before he began performing the operation (perhaps, he used drugs or anesthesia) 2. The boy thought that by hiding the broken dish he could … his mother's … (could deceive or delude her) 3. Hey, it’s not funny at all. You are… (make me get angry) 4. The death of his wife and the money he was going to inherit … The police were sure to…(concluded, decided) 5. Would you …if someone close had just done something horrible like murder, rape or discrimination? (you pretending that you do not know) 6. I …a new leaf: I've decided to quit smoking (I’m starting afresh) 7. I was just …Karl's …when I said Marissa wanted to go out with him, but he believed me and he called her. And now they really are going out! (played a joke by saying something that wasn't true) 8. The good food you serve here will really …this place …(it’ll be famous) 9. Say you'll take him to court if he doesn't pay up - that should …him (make feel anxious about the situation) 10. Tell them all they've got to work on Saturday. That should… (trouble and makes them angry or worried) 11. This man doesn't... I wouldn't like to get into an argument with him(doesn’t speak in an honest way without trying to be kind) 12. His father …and got him out of jail (used the influence over important people in order to to help him) 13. He'll lose his job unless he …and starts doing a lot better (try to do better) 14. I really …when I asked her how her husband was. I forgot that he died last year(you embarrass or upset her) 15. When the students came to know what the Registrar was trying to do, they tried to…
1.put … to sleep 2.pull the wool over… eyes 3.putting my back up. 4. put two and two together 5.turn a blind eye 6.am turning over 7.pulling… leg 8.put on the map 9.put the wind up. 10.put the cat among the pigeons 11.pull any punches 12.pulled some strings 13.pulls his socks up 14.put my foot in my mouth 15. Put a spoke in his wheel
II. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Мы усыпили кошку, она была старой и больной. 2. Адам предпочел закрыть глаза на знак «рыбалка запрещена». 3. Я хочу начать все с нуля. 4. Он сопоставил факты и понял, что к чему. 5. Не злись. Я не имел в виду ничего плохого. 6. Шекспир прославил свой родной город Стратфорд-на-Эйвоне. 7. На этот раз я и в правду совершил бестактность. Я не знал, что это ее муж! 8. Что ты наделал? Пустил лису в курятник! 9. Клянусь, в прошлый выходной на рыбалке я поймал двадцатипятифунтового окуня! Ты это взаправду или шутишь? 10. Он мешал своему сыну как только мог, вставлял палки в колеса. 11. Не говори неправды! Ты должен говорить прямо. 12. На вашем месте я бы приложил больше усилий, иначе можно не попасть в этот класс. 13. Я мог бы подключить влиятельный людей, если вам это надо. 1. We had to put the cat to sleep. It was old and ill. 2. Adam preferred to turn a blind eye to the " No Fishing" sign. 3. I want to turn over a new leaf. 4. He put two and two together. 5. Don't get your back up. I didn't mean any harm. 6. Shakespeare put his hometown of Stratford-on-Avon on the map. 7. I've really put my foot in it this time. I didn't realize that was her husband. 8. What have you done? You put the cat among the pigeons. 9. - I swear, last weekend I went fishing and caught a 25 pound bass! - Are you for real, or are you just pulling my leg? 10. He put a spoke in his son's wheel as much as he could. 11. Don’t tell the lie! You should pull any punches. 12. If I were you, I’d pull my socks up, or you will not be able to enter this class. 13. I may be able to pull a few strings for you if you need
Match the idioms with the correct definitions.
1-i 2-e 3-m 4-b 5-n 6-f 7-k 8-a 9-g 10-h 11-c 12-l 13-d 14-j
Translate from Russian into English.
1. Новая спортивная машина Генри ездит невероятно быстро 2. Это был очень короткий успех 3. Он нe ответил ни да ни нет, ходил вокруг да около 4. Сэлли, прекрати! Иначе я начну ругаться 5. Он выиграл в самый последний момент 6. Мы хотели купить ковер, на который раньше положили глаз, но в магазине выяснилось, что мы пришли к шапочному разбору — ковер уже купили. Поезд ушел... 7. Давайте прекратим спор и заключим перемирие 8. Теперь будь честен со мной, не вводи в заблуждения 9. Союз был вынужден сдаться и урегулировать свой спор 10. Если он думает, что может обдурить меня, то сильно ошибается 11. Дети всегда раздражают меня, если они в плохом настроении 12. Сестры-близнецы похожи как две капли воды 13. Он всегда очень хвастлив 14. Не играй с огнем!
1Henry's new sportscar goes like an absolute bomb. 2 A flash in the pan 3 He did not answer yes or no, but beat about the bush. 4 Sally, stop it, or I'll give you a piece of my mind 5 He piped at the post 6 We wanted to buy the carpet we had set our heart on but at the shop we found we had missed the boat — the carpet had already been sold. 7 Let's stop arguing and bury the hatchet. 8 Now, be honest with me. Don't lead me down the garden path. 9 The union was forced to throw in the towel and settle their dispute. 10 If he thinks he can fool me, he is barking up the wrong tree. 11 My children always drive me up a wall when they are in a bad mood. 12 The twin sisters are like two peas in a pod. 13 He's always blowing his own trumpet. 14Don't skate on thin ice!
Fill in the missing idioms in the sentences below. 1. It is very seldom that I can enjoy my holiday for three weeks … 2. If a criminal is…, they have not been found or caught. 3. Because of their barking dog, the Morrises lived …with their neighbors. 4. His car can take four people comfortably, five … 5. he seemed to think he could walk in and out of her life … 6. If I was alone with her, I'd feel …for words. 7. We were …for about a week after we moved in. 8. …I’d say there were about two hundred people 9. He would sign the contract… 10. The rooster crows …and wakes up everybody on the farm. 11. After a wedding and a funeral she was … 12. The question of car privileges put Sam and his parents… 13. The accident brought the work to… 14. She called the meeting on such …that we had no time to prepare. 15. Aunt Mathilda got married …, she was already 49 years old. 16. I was so ill that I was …for three days
1. at a stretch. 2. at large 3. at loggerheads 4. at a pinch 5. at will 6. at a loss 7. at sixes and sevens 8. at a rough guess 9. at the drop of a hat. 10. at the crack of dawn 11. at her wits' end 12. at loggerheads 13. a standstill 14. short notice 15. at the eleventh hour 16. at death's door
Fill in the missing idioms in the sentences below. Anna woke up 1)... [very early]. She was 2)… [was confused and did not know what to do], because her best friend Jack was nearly 3)…[dead]. For three days 4)…[continuously ]she has thought that she was 5)… [quarreled ]with him last month. Doctor said that he will live for three or four days 6)…[ inaccurately]. She was 7)… for words[do not know what to say]. She was nearly 8)…[was sad]. But 9)… [at the last moment] they found a donor. 10)… [immediately] Jack had surgery. 11)… [quickly] doctor called Anna and said: “He will live”. And she decided not to put off indefinitely and run to the hospital because she wanted to see Jack. She took a bus 12)…[with difficulties] because there were a lot of people. Anna knew that 13)… [if you want] she can help him as much as she can.
1. at the crack of dawn 2. at sixes and sevens 3. at death’s door 4. at a stretch 5. at loggerheads 6. at a rough guess 7. at a loss 8. at her wits’ end. 9. at the eleventh hour 10. At the drop of the hat 11. At a short notice 12. at a pitch 13. at will
III. Fill in the missing idioms in the sentences below. To help you there is an explanation of the missing idioms after each sentence.
1. Local kids steal cars and race them up and down the street, just… (they did it purely for fun or thrills). 2. I arrived at the concert on time but only…(A short period). 3. We've decided to do without a car…(it will be like that for a period of time, but may change in the future). 4. He played this song…, because he hadn’t plan to play before (This comes from not using sheet music to play the music). 5. She'll be … when her mother finds out she's been smoking (will be punished or severely criticized). 6. I'm by … angry with you(absolutely not). 7. I found this book … at a book sale(without planning). 8. They tried to repair it many times before they fixed it… (forever). 9. David goes by Dave… (little time). 10. Betty had trouble learning the song…, but her teacher insisted on it(memorize very well). 11. He's hopeless and unreliable. I wouldn't give him a job… (you will not do it whatever happens). 12. I chose the wrong road…. Now we are lost (in error; accidentally). 1. for kicks 2. by a hair's breadth 3. for the time being 4. by ear 5. for the high jump 6. no means 7. by chance 8. for good 9. for short 10. by heart 11. for love and money 12. by mistake IV. Fill in the missing idioms in the sentences below We had a trip which I’ve remembered 1)…. George and I went by car. George took this Jaguar from his father’s garage without demand. I didn’t know the way but he made me sure that he has learn the map2)…. However, we came in the wrong city3)…. By chance we’ve met Jack there. At first he said that we are in the right place, 4)….We answered that we would never believe in this 5)…. And he said that we shouldn’t have been gone to the south part of the country6)…???. That time we were 7)…the place we needed. But we couldn’t go there because we didn’t have enough time. George’s father could have already been at home. 8) …, he had been there when we arrived. I thought George would be…. And he wouldn’t drive the car 10)…. 1. for good 2. by heart 3. by mistake 4. just for kicks 5. for love and money 6. by no means 7. at a hair’s breadth 8. For short 9. for the high jump 10. for the tome being
V. Fill in the missing idioms in the sentences below. To help you there is an explanation of the missing idioms after each sentence. 1. It means spending a bit now, but … it'll save us a lot of money (a long time in the future). 2. Tourism is down and many hotels are operating … (spending more money than they earned). 3. The four boys grew up together and have a lot … (were equal). 4. Grandma seldom uses her car; it is already ten years old, but it is still … (Excellent; as good as new). 5. The crime was committed …(clearly visible). 6. The killer walked up and shot the woman …(without feeling). 7. He's usually … in the winter(in low spirits). 8. The company is going to cut some jobs, but they're keeping the workers … so they won't cause trouble (don’t have the information that they should have). 9. Strawberries are … here in May and June (available fresh locally). 10. He did all his lessons … (in a manner such that one thing is followed uninterruptedly by another). 11. Government agents tried …to kidnap him (without success). 12. Making a speech brought him out … (make nervous). 13. John is having trouble with back taxes. He's …(in a dangerous or vulnerable situation). 14. It happened …(quickly; immediately). 15. The whole story is being revealed …(in small portions). 16. The explanation is long and involved, but let me put it …for you (o state something very concisely). 17. This car isn't…. I'd like to have one that's in better condition (it’s not good). 18. She spoke to each of the guests …(one after the other). 1. in the long run 2. in the red 3. in common 4. in mint condition 5. in broad daylight 6. in cold blood 7. in the doldrums 8. in the dark 9. in season 10. in succession 11. in vain 12. in a cold sweet 13. in deep water 14. in a flash 15. in dribs and drabs 16. in a nutshell 17. in good shape 18. in turn.
VI. Translate from Russian into English.
1. Она впустую тратила свои силы 2. Сегодня она была как всегда не в духе. 3. Боюсь, я не могу одолжить вам денег. Я и сам сильно задолжал. 4. Многие семьи сильно пострадали из-за ипотечного кризиса. Кто-то рискует потерять свои дома. 5. Присяжные должны решить, виноваты ли двое в хладнокровном убийстве родителей. 6. Компьютеру два года, но он еще в отличном состоянии. 7. Мы можем заплатить и больше, но лучше сэкономим немного денег на долгое время. 8. Она запомнила ответ мгновенно. 9. Похититель кошельков грабит женщин средь бела дня. 10. Мне приснилось, что я потерял наши билеты на самолет, и я проснулся в холодном поту.
1. in vain 2. Today she was in the doldrums as usually. 3. I'm afraid I can't lend you any money. I'm in the red myself 4. Many families are in deep water because of the mortgage crisis, and some might even lose their homes. 5. The jury must now decide if the two men are guilty of killing their parents in cold blood. 6. Computer's two years old but it's still in mint condition. 7. We might pay more now, but we'll save money in the long run. 8. She remembered the answer in a flash. 9. The purse-snatcher is striking women at the bus stop in broad daylight. 10. I dreamed I'd lost our plane tickets and woke up in a cold sweat.
Revision exercise 1. I was …for words when I heard she didn't get the job. a) at a loss b) at large c) For kicks 2. I'd never visit them again,.... a) by no means b) not for love or money c) at a pinch 3. I'd like to provide a good example, but I'm feeling…. a) in the doldrums b) At his wits’ end c) dribs and drubs 4. They were very lucky they didn't get themselves killed because they came … of falling down the mountain. a) At death’s door b) At short notice c) within a hair's breadth 5. I was finished with the job interview …. a) In turns b) For short c) in a flash 6. Stop beating…. Just tell me what's happened! a) about the bush b) In turns c) Turn a blind eye to someone 7. Over-18s only allowed, Juliet. I know you’ve got lots of make-up on, but I know how old you are, so you can’t …! Come back in three years! a) Give a piece of my mind b) pull the wool over my eyes c) Pull your socks up 8. The two senators had long been … on foreign aid. a) Skating on thin ice b) In turns c) at loggerheads 9. I studied piano for two years, and all I learned to play … was " Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." a) by heart b) by ear c) At a pinch 10. The man undressed right there on the street – in…. a) For the time being b) broad daylight c) a flash
1-a. 2-b 3-a 4-c 5-c 6-a 7-b 8-a 9-a 10-b