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The Myth of Pygmalion

We know the Greek philosophers to call art an ‘imitation of nature’, but their own mythology tells a different story.

The story of Pygmalion is the most famous of the myths that believes art to have the power of creation rather than the power of portraying. Here is the myth of Pygmalion.

In ancient Greece there lived a sculptor, Pygmalion by name. People knew him to be a great sculptor. Once he made a statue of a young woman. The statue was so beautiful that Pygmalion fell in love with it. He wanted the statue to come alive and asked the gods to help him. For a long time he waited, expecting the statue to talk to him, but it was silent. Then Pygmalion decided to go to Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love. He expected her to help him. ‘Oh, Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, only you can help me. I know you to be very kind. Give me a wife as beautiful as my statue or make my statue talk.’ On returning home Pygmalion ran up to his statue, looked at it, and suddenly he noticed it move and then he heard it speak. Soon the statue turned into a beautiful young woman, and Pygmalion married her.

3. Paraphrase the following sentences using the Complex Object construction instead of a clause.

1. The professor found that the report was inaccurate. 2. The doctor declared that the case was a serious one. 3. She meant that the client would give her all the details of the case. 4. They supposed that the task was difficult. 5. The head of the department ordered that the new instructions should be carried out. 6. Why doesn’t he allow that a garage should be constructed in the backyard? 7. We didn’t believe that such a person would represent us in Parliament. 8. I felt that someone was following me. 9. He heard that the door slammed and somebody came in. 10. I would like to see how he would say it to my face. 11. I believe that he is a great personality. 12. We thought that the political and economic situation was difficult. 13. He discovered that the task was difficult. 14. They didn’t intend that you would do it by yourselves. 15. I don’t like it when you interfere with other people’s business.

4. Rephrase the following sentences using the Complex Object construction.

1. He must wash the car. I want him to wash the car. 2. You mustn’t be late for work. I don’t want ____________. 3. Claire must tidy her bedroom. I want ______________. 4. She mustn’t go to the disco. I don’t want ______________. 5. They must go to school tomorrow. I want _____________. 6. Gary mustn’t make so much noise. I don’t want ___________________. 7. You mustn’t make a mess. I don’t want _________________. 8. He must mend his bike. I want _______________.

5. Rephrase the following sentences using have, get or make.

1. She insisted that they go to the meeting. 2. We are going to ask the plumber to install a new shower. 3. They persuaded Paul to lend us some money. 4. My friend insisted that we make new appointments with our partners. 5. The teacher asked Sam to open the window. 6. We couldn’t persuade them to get in touch with us. 7. The doctor insisted that I sit still. 8. They persuaded her to go to hospital. 9. Ms Jones will ask the attendant to fetch the car. 10. My brother insisted on giving him back his book. 11. We’ll try to persuade them to help us with cleaning the territory. 12. I insisted that you take the decision immediately. 13. My father asked me to help him with the new gadget. 14. He insisted on her staying late at work.

6. Fill in to where necessary.

1. The teacher made me …. repeat it all again. 2. Will you help me …. prepare for the exam? 3. I let … you use my notes. 4. I allow you …. use my notes. 5. I heard the door …. open and saw a shadow …. move across the floor. 6. He asked me …. let him …… take my books. 7. I felt her …. shiver with horror. 8. I’d like you …. tell me the truth. 9. I want him ….. revise the rules. 10. She wanted them … stop quarrelling. 11. We got our friends…. go on holiday with us. 12. The chief had the secretary …. type the report. 13. He was seen …. put the watch into her pocket. 14. What made you …. deceive us? 15. We saw him …. run out of the shop. 16. She was made ….. repeat her question once more. 17. We heard the siren …. sound and saw the ambulance …. arrive. 18. Remind me …. call Sam tomorrow. 19. Let me ….. answer your question. 20. We expected him ….go swimming with us. 21. I watched the robbers …. enter the shop. 22. She advises me …. phone the police. 23. Who taught you ….. speak English?

7. Translate into English.

1. Він хотів, щоб я поговорив із ним сам на сам. 2. Ви не бажаєте, щоб я наполягав на цьому рішенні? 3. Нам би хотілося, щоб ви обговорили всі пропозиції перед тим, як відкидати їх. 4. Вони не очікували, що він відмовиться від цієї роботи, навіть не поговоривши з нами. 5. Я не очікував, що його будуть підозрювати (suspect of) в скоєнні злочині (commit a crime). 6. Ми не бачили, як він відчинив двері. 7. Ми нікому не дозволяємо так кричати. 8. Розпорядись, щоб хтось приніс каву. 9. Він сказав, що порушив (break) закон лише тому, що вони примусили його зробити це. 10. Ми не бачили, як трапилась аварія. 11. Я не почув, як хтось поцупив гаманця з моєї кишені. 12. Це змусить тебе подумати ще раз перед тим, як приймати остаточне рішення. 13. Не змушуй мене брехати. 14. Ми чули, що вона розмовляла з кимось телефоном. 15. Ви не вмовите мене приймати ці ліки. 16. Він попросив (сказав, щоб) секретаря підготувати всі необхідні документи. 17. Це змусить вас прийняти правильне рішення.

8. Put the verb in brackets into the infinitive without to or –ing form.

1. When she opened the door she saw someone ….. (to try) to steal her car. 2. Did you see the robber? – Yes. I saw him …. (to get) into the car and ….. (to drive away). 3. I heard him …. (to talk) on the phone as I walked past his office. 4. I heard him …. (to make) a speech last month. It was excellent. 5. We listened to the chairman …. (to announce) the results, then we went home. 6. How do you know the man stole the watch? – I saw him …. (put) it in the pocket and leave the shop without paying. 7. Is Sue in the office today? – Yes. I saw her …. (to type) a report as I came in. 8. I heard the phone …. (ring) twice and then …. (stop). 9. The witness noticed the burglar ….. (break into) the house and … (steal) the television. 10. They didn’t see the guests … arrive.

9. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

1. Адвокат (Barrister) порадив йому притягнути журналіста до судової відповідальності (to prosecute). 2. Нехай вона повторить це ще раз. 3. Ми не можемо змусити її кинути курити. 4. Хто бачив, що він вийшов? 5. Ми не змусимо вас чекати. 6. Дайте мені подумати ще раз. 7. Нехай вони розглянуть все уважно перш, ніж приймати остаточне рішення. 8. Він дав розпорядження, щоб його оглянув лікар. 9. Цікаво, що примусило його сказати таке? 10. Ми не хочемо, щоб вона підписували ці документи. 11. Я дозволяю вам користуватися словниками. 12. Не смішіть мене (Не змушуйте мене сміятися).

10. Choose the correct verb-form to complete the sentences.

1. I didn’t see them ….. at the document.

a) signing; b) sign; c) signed; d) to sign

2. The headmaster got the schoolchildren …. the test next week.

a) to write; b) wrote; c) write; d) writing

3. The employer will invite the leader of the trade unions…. a committee.

a) forming; b) form; c) to form; d) will form

4. We had them ….. their programme.

a) outline; b) to outline; c) outlining; d) outlined

5. My parents made me…… the subject.

a) to choose; b) choose; c) chose; d) choosing

6. They want him ….. support from different sources.

a) drawing; b) to draw; c) draws; d) to be drawn

7. I believe him …. the best student of the University.

a) to be; b) being; c) be; d) is

8. We’d like the result …. early in the morning.

a) to announce; b) announce; c) to be announced; d) announcing;

9. I can’t hear the chairman ….. the result of voting.

a) to announce; b) announcing; c) announce; d) be announced

10. Let us …. everybody in advance.

a) to inform; b) informing; c) informed; d) inform


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