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Read the questions and think

1) Where do people live? Look at the photos and try to remember the names of the habitations. Say everything you can about the houses: the origin, material, advantages and disadvantages.



2) What affects the type of habitations?

3) What about our planet? Where is it most suitable for a person to live? Why?



City and country: Rural – сельский, деревенский Urban - городской Outskirts / suburbs –окраина, пригород, окрестности Residential – жилой Town hall – ратуша, мэрия Greengrocer’s – бакалейная лавка Church - церковь Department store – универсальный магазин Railway station – ж/д вокзал Rush hour – час пик Commuter - пассажир, регулярно совершающий поездки из пригорода в город и обратно (обычно на работу) Skyline – контур, силуэт на фоне неба (часто: высоких городских зданий, небоскрёбов и достопримечательностей) Market - рынок Temple - храм Castle - замок Guide book – гид, путеводитель Footpath/ Lane – тропинка, дорожка Hedge – живая изгородь Pavement - тротуар Pedestrian crossing – пешеходный переход Traffic lights - светофор Rubbish bin – мусорная корзина, мусорный бак Accident – несчастный случай, авария Wheels - колёса   House and flat: Block of flats – многоквартирный дом Flight of stairs – лестничный пролёт Huge/ enormous – огромный Central heating – центральное отопление Lounge – гостиная, холл/ комната для отдыха Curtains – занавески, шторы Blinds - жалюзи Sink/ Wash basin - раковина Freezer – морозильная камера Fridge - холодильник Sheet - простыня Blanket - одеяло Pillow - подушка Iron - утюг Hoover/ vacuum cleaner - пылесос Tap - кран Kettle - чайник Geography: Wildlife – растительный и животный мир Wood/ Forest - лес Rainforest – тропический дождливый лес Crime rate – уровень преступности Soil - почва Roots - корни Valley – долина Inhabitant - житель Inland - расположенный внутри страны; удалённый от моря или границы Wool - шерсть Pear - груша Grape - виноград Government - правительство Verbs: To miss - скучать To bear – выносить (терпеть) To cope with – справляться (напр., с трудностями) To be in a hurry - спешить To turn to dust – превратиться в пыль To be worth Ving sth – стоить чего-л Adjectives: Empty - пустой Polite - вежливый Breathtaking – захватывающий, поразительный Magnificent – великолепный, величественный, впечатляющий Draughty расположенный на сквозняке Packed – переполненный (зд. Людьми) Touristy – переполненный туристами Cosmopolitan - многонациональный Polluted - загрязнённый    


Task: study the differences between the synonyms. Use them in the sentences of your own

Suburbs vs. outskirts

The outskirts of a city or town are the parts of it that are farthest away from its center.

If you live in the suburbs, you live in an area of houses outside the center of a large town or city.


Huge vs. enormous

Something or someone that is huge is extremely large in size.

Something that is enormous is extremely large in size or amount.


Sink vs. washbasin

A sink is a large fixed container in a kitchen, with taps to supply water. It is mainly used for washing dishes.

A washbasin is a large bowl, usually with taps for hot and cold water, for washing your hands and face. [mainly BRIT]


Footpath vs. lane

A footpath is a path (a way or track laid down for walking or made by continual treading) for people to walk on, especially in the countryside.

A lane is a narrow road (a long piece of hard ground which is built between two places so that people can drive or ride easily from one place to the other.), especially in the country.


Wood vs. forest

A wood is a fairly large area of trees growing near each other. You can refer to one or several of these areas as woods, and this is the usual form in American English.

A forest is a large area where trees grow close together.


Prepositions of place and movement:




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