
Index of stylistic terms

(See Commentaries)

Alliteration L 6, note 8; L 11 (part I), note 10; L 14, note 2.

Allusion L 6, note 5; L 9, notes 6, 7, 8; L 14, note 9.

American English L 11 (part I), notes 5, 6, 8.

Anaphora L 10, note 1.

Antithesis L 10, note 9; L 13, note 7.

Chiasmus L 10, note 2.

Cliche L 13, note 7.

Climax L 5, note 12.

Colloquial speech L 4, notes 4, 5; L 6, notes 2, 6; L 11 (part I), notes 1, 2, 3, 6, 9.

Elliptical sentences L 4, note 5; L 6, note 6.

Epithet L 1, note 1.

Hyperbole L 4, note 9; L 14, note 8.

Inversion L 2, note 1.

Metaphor L 5, notes 5, 7; L 13, note 6; L 14, notes 6, 12.

Metonymy L 1, note 9; L 2, notes 2, 4; L 5, note 2.

Paradox L 6, p. 71. [223]

Parallelism L 1, note 7; L 10, note 6; L 13, note 7.

Pleonasm L 11 (part II), note 3.

Reiteration L 2, notes 1, 6; L 10, note 1.

Represented speech L 7, note 3.

Rhetorical question L G, note 9.

Simile L 3, note 9; L 14, note 9.

Slang L 8, note 1.

Spaced letters L 6, note 7.

Stage directions L 6, note 1.

Tautology L 11 (part I), note 10; L 14, note 2.

Vulgarism L G, p. 78.

Understatement L 11 (part 1), note 9. [224]


* He little Rawdon, Rebeccas son

** Lord Southdown brother lady Jane Crawley, Rawdons aunt

*** Briggs an old spinster who lived with Rebecca as companion

**** Lord Steyne an old aristocrat, Rebeccas admirer

* Gaunt House Lord Steynes mansion

** Bon Dieu! (Fr.) !

*** Vehmgericht (German)

**** That kep him up that kept him up

* Saint Pauls Saint Pauls Cathedral, the largest and the most famous cathedral in London built by Sir Christopher Wren between 1675 and 1710

** Matters not stands for does not matter; seldom used nowadays

* Pray is a form of request equivalent to please (or I beg you to), It is now going out of use.

** Master a title of respect for a boy

*** Nigh archaic for near

* warmintevidently " varmint" dial, or slang of vermin: a noxious or troublesome animal or person

** since you came of age = became a man (in English law, 21 years)

*** whiles you was a minor = while you were below the age of 21

**** What odds...? = What does it matter...?

* * Missouri is a state in the central part of the USA. Aaron Burr (17561836)third Vice-President of the United States (18011805) [50]

** Aaron Burr (17561836)third Vice-President of the United States (18011805)

* the local practitionerthe local doctor Dick had applied to

** Maisiethe girl Dick loved

*** BinkieDick's dog

* Torp (Torpenhow) -a journalist, the friend Dick shared rooms with

** Christmas-carol booka book of Christmas hymns (carols)

* Catherine-wheelsrotating fireworks

** dorglumshere evidently stands for " doggie"

* The " Melancholia" is the name of Dick's last picture.

* Mr. Hushabye and Hesione, his wife, are host and hostess of the house.

** He... shews his teeth.He takes up threatening attitude; " shew" is B. Shaw's spelling of the verb " show".

* dead lift an effort under discouraging conditions a difficulty

** to go bust (sl.) to burst up, to go bankrupt

* The exercise is borrowed from A. S. Hornby's Oxford Progressive English for Adult Learners, Book 3, p. 192.


* Robin Hill the country house where Jons family lived. It was originally built for Irene by her first husband Soames, Fleurs father.

** A miraculous dawdle wonderful idle pastime

*** The Downs grassy hills, especially in Southern England

* The vertebrae the backbone or spinal or spinal column

** Wandson a place in Sussex

*** The loss of castle - the loss of the right to be respected

**** The Dragon probably the local inn or public house

* Tahiti [ta: 'hi: ti]an island in the South Pacific Ocean

** the Paumotus [pa: u'moutu: z]an archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean

*** the Marquesas [ma: 'keisǽ s]an archipelago lying to the North of the Paumotus

* Papeete [pa: pei'eitei]seaport on Tahiti; capital of the Society Islands


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