
Food & Meals

Unit VI

Vocabulary Notes

food ( , ) meal ( , ) Types of meals breakfast lunch , brunch = breakfast + lunch dinner (afternoon) tea five oclock tea -- ( ) high tea supper   light breakfast   hearty breakfast square breakfast substantial breakfast   appetizer (starter) ; ( ) a three-course dinner for a first course for a main course for dessert[di'z: t] , Names of some dishes appetizer (starter) salad vegetable/ mixed salad Russian salad - fruit salad first course soup [su: p] clear soup or broth cabbage soup pea soup noodle soup - main (second) course macaroni = pasta , spaghetti noodles porridge mashed potatoes fried potatoes potatoes-in-jackets fish and chips , bacon and eggs hard-boiled egg soft-boiled egg fried eggs - scrambled eggs - omelette third course (dessert) ,. stewed fruit juice sweets , ice-cream fruit Having meals feed(fed, fed) eat (ate, eaten) , eat well hearty eater , bite (bit, bit) , chew swallow drink (drank, drunk) drink to smth or smb -., -. hungry I am hungry thirsty I am thirsty have breakfast (dinner etc.) () have tea at breakfast (dinner etc.) ( ) for breakfast (dinner etc.) ( ) What have we got for dinner? ? have a snack have a bite , snatch a hasty meal I feel like having a snack - At the table lay the table (lay laid laid) spread the table cloth serve Let them serve dinner sit down to table (sit sat sat) be/ sit at table / treat smb to smth. (- -) Ill treat you to my proprietary dish help oneself to smth -, -. He helped himself to the salad . Help yourself to the sweets helping have , Have another helping of pie Have some cookies Have some more salad Have a cup of tea pass Pass me the salt, please. , , . No more, thank you , Bon appetit! [bon a: pe'ti: ] ! clear the table take away the dirty dishes wash the dishes = wash up Eating out bar/ snack bar , , coffee-shop café self-service café take-away café , canteen ( ) refreshment-room ( , ) restaurant menu(bill of fares) wine list = wine card table d'hô te [ta: bl 'deut] , à la carte [a: la: 'ka: t] waiter (waitress) (-) order , vacant seat (table) () take a table a table for two an I have? ? (heavy) bill () pay the bill tip


Taste Qualities of the Food it smells good it tastes good it is delicious tasty tasteless delicious food sweet bitter acid sour , salty unsalted stale tough tender juicy (un)eatable () General Phrases nutrition , malnutrition ( ) cuisine [kwi'zi: n] diet strict diet slimming diet to keep to a diet to be on a diet to put on a diet to do justice to the meal to enjoy the meal to make ones mouth water this dish makes my mouth water to have a tooth for - ( ) I have no tooth for fish (= ) to have a sweet tooth
Types of food  
frozen food canned food pet food cooked food uncooked/ half-finished food  
Bread , flour batter dough [dou] rich dough unleavened dough doughnut , dumpling bread white bread brown bread rye [rai] bread bread crumbs , chunk of bread slice of bread loaf (pl. loaves) of bread () new bread stale bread bun (roll) ring roll puff cake , , cheese cake pancake pie , toast , rusks Cereals & Groats grain , groats wheat [wi: t] rye barley pearl barley buckwheat rice semolina oats oatmeal illet , corn corn-cob cornflakes maize [meiz] , Meat joint , () beef tender beef , tough beef beefsteak corned beef roast beef rump steak mutton veal pork cold pork bacon fat (lean) bacon () gammon brisket ribs smoked meat meat in jelly , minced meat chop cutlet meat balls goulash entrecô te ['ontrkot] sausage () salami , polony [pe'louni] - saveloy ['saevloi] (), ham frankfurter kidney ['kidni] liver stomach ['st mk] tongue [t ŋ ] Poultry & Game poultry () chicken , chicken tabak chicken Kiev - duck goose turkey


game hazel grouse black grouse quail partridge pheasant ['feznt] Fish & Sea-food fish fish in aspic (jellied fish) kipper sushi caviar(e) anchovy bream burbot carp wild carp cod cod liver crucian eel gudgeon haddock herring ide omul ['omju: l] mackerel , pike perch pike-perch plaice roach ruff salmon , , Siberian salmon sardine sheat-fish sprat , sterlet sturgeon white sturgeon trout [traut] turbot (halibut) vobla (Caspian roach) crab lobster oyster shrimp (prawn) [pro: n] clam DairyProducts milk new/fresh milk sour milk condensed milk baked milk cream sour cream yoghurt mayonnaise butter () boiled butter margarine cheese cream cheese processed cheese curds or cottage cheese egg egg shell to shell an egg the white of an egg the yolk of an egg [jouk] Vegetables & Greens tomato cucumber salted cucumber pickled cucumber lemon carrots beetroots potatoes aubergine or egg plant marrow (squash) turnip radish white radish horse radish pumpkin cabbage green cabbage red cabbage savoy cabbage sauerkraut Brussels sprouts cauliflower kohlrabi green peas beans , lettuce - asparagus spinach onions spring onions leeks - garlic chicory globe artichoke pepper sweet pepper dills parsley celery sorrel Mushrooms (un)edible mushrooms () poisonous mushroom orange-cap boletus brown mushroom champignon chanterelle coral milky cap honey agaric milk agaric orange agaric fly agaric Fruit & Berries stone ( ) seeds , grapes raisin(s) seedless raisin , rennet apple worm-eaten apple


apricot pear plum prune [pru: n] cherry , bird-cherry peach orange orange peel tangerine lime grapefruit/ pomelo , pine-apple banana coco-nut papaya = papaw pomegranate quince persimmon dates figs melon water melon strawberries , raspberries gooseberries currants (black, red, white) (, , ) cranberries barberries blackberries bilberries whortleberries mulberries rowanberries (ash-berries) Nuts almond cedar nut hazel nut () nutmeg peanut , pistachios walnut Spices & Seasonings cinnamon ginger horse radish mustard bay leaf pepper salt sugar powdered sugar Beverages softdrinks tea blend of tea orange pekoe to stir tea coffee strong coffee black coffee white coffee mocha (coffee) Turkish coffee - to grind coffee [graind] to make coffee cocoa spring water mineral water soda water (fruit) juice stewed fruit lemonade coca-cola or coke -\ aerated water fizzy drink strong/ harddrinks () beer dark beer light beer mug of beer cognac brandy cherry brandy sherry whisky gin rum wine green wine thin wine , vintage wine ( ) dry wine semi-dry wine sweet wine semi-sweet wine table wine dessert wine portwine mulled wine champagne absinthe ['aebsinθ ] tequila [ti'ki: l] ( ) sake (saki) ['sa: ki] ( )
granulated sugar - lump sugar - soda pinch of soda vanilla poppy sesame ['sesmi] , vinegar yeast [ji: st] oil sunflower oil mayonnaise sauce [so: s], gravy , ketchup Sweets
chocolate milk chocolate bar of chocolate chocolates box of chocolates toffees , (fruit) drops candies pastila ice-cream jam jar of jam marmalade ( ) candied fruit jelly jelly honey pastry , biscuits / cookies waffles Turkish delight -


recipe['resipi] () teaspoonful ( -.) tablespoonful ( -.) add 2 teaspoonfuls of sugar 2 to cook (food) a cook to make a scratch dinner to boil to boil potatoes in jackets to fry to roast ( ) to stew [stju: ] to simmer , to peel (potatoes, onion) to pare (fruit) to grate to clear meat from bones to chop to carve the meat ( ) to mince the meat to dredge smth with flour .-. to roll smth in fine breadcrumbs .-. to turn over to beat up () to drain , to grow cold to prick to probe () to taste to pour out to whip [wip] () overdone meat underdone meat well done meat rare meat to spread to sprinkle stuff to stuff , to spill over dressing ( ) to dress salad with mayonnaise
Kitchen Utensils
roll holder with kitchen roll mixing spoon frying pan thermos-jug - set of bowls three-compartment dish whistling ['wislirj] kettle pan set pot (cooking pot) lid casserole dish milk pot saucepan immersion heater juice extractor pressure cooker fruit preserver preserving jar cake tin toaster rotisserie - spit mincer blades chip pan potato chipper mixer blender butter dish sugar basin mustard pot pepper box salt cellar tablecloth napkin tray serving trolley - soup ladle
Tableware and Cutlery .
place setting / cover china crockery sauce (gravy) boat bottom plate dinner plate deep plate (soup plate) () dessert plate (dessert bowl) soup tureen sauce ladle (gravy ladle) bread basket salad bowl salad servers vegetable dish dish bowl plate (platter) pour into a glass raise one's glass (to) cup saucer tea set bread plate tea kettle tea pot coffee pot decanter cheese board cutlery - , knife handle / () blade edge (cutting edge) knife rest carving set (serving cutlery) fork cocktail fork handle / () prong (tang, tine) ()


corkscrew nutcracker spoon handle table spoon tea spoon dessert spoon (fruit spoon) salad spoon / fork / vegetable spoon / a serving spoon wine glasses champagne glasses tapered glass crystal glass liqueur glass spirit glass beer glass table decoration place card


Proverbs and Sayings 1. Appetite comes with eating. . 2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. . 3. A hungry belly has no ears. . 4. I am as hungry as a hunter. . 5. Hunger is the best sauce. . 6. Tastes differ. . 7. Don't live to eat, but eat to live. He , , , . 8. Eat at pleasure, drink with measure. , . 9. Hunger breaks stone walls. . . 10 The proof of the pudding is in the eating. . 11. Too many cooks spoil the broth. . 12. Who has never tasted bitter, knows not what is sweet. , , , . 13, You cant eat your cake and have it. ( ). 14. He knows what side of bread is buttered. , ( ). Idiomatic Expressions 1. After meat mustard , . 2. Apple of discord 3. Be meat and drink to smb -., 4. Bite more than one can chew , , 5. Bread and butter (daily bread) , 6. Dogs breakfast , 7. As easy as pie (a piece of cake) , , , 8. Eat like a bird , 9. Eat like a horse/ wolf , 10. The food of the gods , 11. Thats another cup of tea 12. Milk and honey ,


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