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My speciality is an engeneer


1. Read and memorize the active vocabulary to the text “What's it like to be a Civil Engineer? ”

water supply schemes – система водоснабжения

sewerage systems – канализационная система

harbors - порт

dockyards – судоремонтный завод

site – строительная площадка

supervision - руководство

foundation - фундамент

construction - строительство

advise on – советовать о

meet a client's needs – удовлетворять нужды клиентов

supervise labor – руководить рабочими

natural disasters – природные бедствия

water resources engineer – инженер в области водных ресурсов

highway engineer –инженер по дорожному строительству

culvert – кульверт, водопроводная труба

overpass - эстакада

structural engineer –инженер в области строительства

materials and testing engineer- инженер по исследованию стройматериалов


2.Read and translate the text “What's it like to be a Civil Engineer? ”

What's it like to be a Civil Engineer?

Civil engineers plan, design, construct, operate and maintain roads, bridges, dams, water supply schemes, sewerage systems, transportation systems, harbors, canals, dockyards, airports, railways, factories and large buildings.
Civil engineers may work in offices or on site. They may be required to work long hours and meet strict deadlines while working under minimal supervision. Civil engineers deal with various professional, skilled and semi-skilled people.
Consulting and contracting engineers often travel interstate, and some travel overseas. It may be necessary for some civil engineers to change residence every few years as their work takes them from one major engineering site to another.

Civil engineers may investigate sites to determine the most suitable foundation for a proposed construction; research and advise on the best engineering solution to meet a client's needs and budget. These engineers organize the delivery of materials, machinery and equipment needed for the construction project and supervise labor. They work with other engineers, architects, landscape architects and environmental scientists.

Civil engineers operate computers to assist with the design of civil engineering projects; research, advise on the control and minimization of air, water and solid waste pollution, and the management of water resources. They supervise the testing and commissioning of completed works.

These engineers also analyze risks associated with natural disasters (including cyclones, earthquakes, fires and floods), and design structures and services to meet appropriate standards.

Civil engineers have different specializations:

There is a hydraulic/water resources engineer which designs and supervises construction and advises on the operation, maintenance and repair of water resource facilities such as dams, aqueducts, hydro-electric plants, and water supply, drainage and sewerage systems.

A highway engineer specializes in analyzing population and growth statistics, traffic patterns and volume to project future requirements. Duties may include designing efficient and safe traffic systems, studying roadway and embankment design, and maintaining facilities such as culverts and overpasses.

Traffic engineers look at the symptoms of general traffic conditions, and make a competent diagnosis, they take traffic counts, analyze accident statistics, study speed data, examine roadway conditions, conduct research and study what other professionals are doing and the results they have achieved.

A structural engineer designs the frameworks of buildings, towers, bridges, water treatment facilities, tunnels and other structures to ensure strength and rigidity.

A materials and testing engineer conducts research, development, testing and evaluation of the quality or suitability of materials and products such as asphalt, concrete, steel, cement, timber and plastics, taking into account factors such as stresses and strains, estimated load, water pressures, wind resistance and temperature fluctuations related to projects.

An Ecological engineer designs facilities and information systems in the manufacturing, finance or transportation industries. They are involved in planning, designing and building structures, transportation systems, water supply infrastructure and wastewater treatment facilities.

Potential applications of ecological engineering in cities have included the field of landscape architecture, urban planning, and urban horticulture, which can be synthesized into urban storm water management. Potential applications of ecological engineering in rural landscapes have included wetland treatment and community reforestation through traditional ecological knowledge.


3.Read and translate the topic “Economist”.

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