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General OutlineСтр 1 из 25Следующая ⇒
Saint-Petersburg Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy was the first educational institution in Russia to train specialists for chemical, pharmaceutical and microbiological branches of industry. The Academy was founded in 1919 on the initiative of such outstanding scientists as V.L.Komarov, L.A.Orbeli, G.A.Nadson, A.E.Selivanov and A.S.Ginzberg. Since the very first days of its establishment the Academy has become one of the leading research and educational centres of our country. Presently the Academy has the teaching staff of 230. The teaching staff is highly qualified and carries on both academic and research work. {It includes professors, readers (lecturers and senior lecturers) and laboratory assistants}. The Academy is headed by the rector and four vice-rectors: vice-rector for academic work, vice-rector for scientific work, vice-rector for pedagogical work, vice-rector for international relations. The student body of the Academy amounts to 2, 000. During their studies at the Academy the students are divided into groups of 20-25. The Academy is located in Professor Popov Street and occupies several buildings. There are three faculties at the Academy: 1) the Faculty of Pharmacy, 2) the Faculty of Industrial Drug Technology and 3) the Faculty of Further Education. The Faculty of Pharmacy includes a daily department for full-time students and a correspondence department (the department of distance learning) for part-time students. Each faculty is headed by the dean and two sub-deans. The duration of study at the Academy at both faculties is 5 years. {The graduates get certificate called 'A Diploma of Higher Education and a qualification of a specialist}. The graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy get a qualification of a " pharmacist ", the graduates of the Faculty of Drug Industrial Technology get the qualification of an " engineer-technologist" (" specialist"), Bachelor in Biotechnology, Bachelor in Chemical Technology. Each faculty has a post-graduate course. Full-time post-graduate students study for 3 years. Post-graduate students cary on research in their field of science, take exams and defend a thesis. After defending a thesis they are awarded the degree of a " kandidate of science". The Faculty of Further Education is engaged in post-diploma education in two directions. 1. Continuing professional development (CPD) is absolutely essential as pharmacy and biotechnology are professions which are constantly changing and evolving. CPD is mandatory and well supported by employers. It is necessary for the specialists to keep up to date with new developments in drug research and pharmacy management.. This need to keep up to date means that a specialist will have to constantly read the professional journals and publications and attend courses and training sessions throughout his or her career. Every 5 years pharmacy practitioners and engineeres-biotechnologists come to the Academy to raise their level of knowledge, both theoretical and practical. 2. To be entitled to work as practicioners, graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy must get a licence. To become a licensed pharmacist they enter the internship and study for one academic year. They attend classes, have some practical experience, pass exams, obtain a licence, and only then they are eligible to practice pharmacy. The routine of this Academy is much the same as elsewhere in Russia. The academic year is divided into two terms. The first term begins in September and lasts till the end of December or the beginning of January. The second term begins in February and lasts till the beginning of July. At the end of each term the students take their tests and terminal examinationsafter which they have their vacation (winter vacation in January and February and summer vacation in July and August). Final examinations are taken at the end of the course of studies. The results of the examinations are marked by the teacher in the student's record book. The students who study well get student grants. The student's day usually starts at 9.00 and lasts six or eight hours. Students have three or four classes a day. They may be lectures, seminars and laboratory classes. Most of them last two academic hours and are called " doubles". In the first and in the second years of studies attendance of classes is compulsory.{ In the third and in the fourth years of studies attendance of some classes for bright students is optional}. The curriculum at the Academy is devoted to both professional and non-professional subjects. At the disposal of the students there is a library which provides teachers and students with literature on special subjects - text-books and periodicals - and other scientific literature, both Russian and foreign. There are two hostels at the Academy in which the accommodation is given to those students who study away from home. When the classes are overthe students of the Academy have some time for recreation. For recreation purposes there are some student societies and different sports clubs. Talented students who are interested in research take part in the work of the Students' Research Society. When students graduate from the Academy they find occupation in the area of their interest according to the qualification.
Translate the following sentences into English; a) 1. Наша академия была основаа в 1919 году. 2. Академия находится на улице проф. Попова. 3. Учебный год делится на два семестра. 4. Он интересуется химией. 5. В его лаборатории проводится большая научная работа. 6. Его работа посвящена важной теоретической проблеме. 7. Кафедру возглавляет профессор Иванов. 8. Студенты делятся на группы. 9. Студент обеспечивается учебниками. b) 1. Наша академия готовит инженеров. 2. Это крупный научный центр. 3. В академии несколько факультетов. 4. В академии имеются заочное отделение, факультет повышения квалификации, аспирантура. 5. Академия занимает несколько зданий. 6. В распоряжении студентов находится библиотека. 7. Студенты имеют в своем распоряжении два общежития. 8. В конце каждого семестра студенты сдают зачеты, экзамены. 9. Государственные экзамены сдают в конце курса обучения. 10. Студенты получают стипендию. 11. Когда студенты оканчивают академию, они получают работу по своей специальности. Answer the following questions: 1. What are you? 2. What year student are you? 3. What Academy do you study at? 4. Where is the Academy located? 5. When was the Academy founded? 6. What is the teaching staff of the Academy? 7. How many students study in the Academy? 8. Who is the Academy headed by? 9. Are the students divided into groups during their studies at the Academy? 10. How many buildings does the Academy occupy? 11. What departments are there at the Academy? 12. Do you study at the daily department? 13. Is there the Faculty of Further Education at the Academy? 14. Who is a post-graduate course given to? 15. How many faculties are there at the Academy? 16. What are they? 17. Who is at the head of the faculty? 18. What does the library provide students with? 19. Who lives in the hostel? 20. How many hostels does the Academy have? 21. What is the routine at the Academy? 22. How many terms is the academic year divided into? 23. When are students to take their tests and examinations? 24. When are final examinations taken? 25. Do you get a student grant? 26. When does a student's day begin? 27. When are the classes over at the Academy? 28. Is the attendance of the classes compulsory or optional? 29. What facilities does the Academy possess for recreation purposes? 30. Who takes part in the work of the Students' Research Society? 31. Will you get work in your own field when you graduate from the Academy?
The Faculty of Industrial Drug Technology The Biotechnological Faculty was founded in 1945. The faculty trains Bachelors in Chemical Technology and Bachelors in Biotechnology — specialists for industrial enterprises, research institutes and laboratories of the Chemical, Medical and Microbiological Industry. The faculty is headed by the dean and two sub-deans. At present the dean of the faculty is Aleksey L. Marchenko. The dean's-office is located in Professor Popov Street, 14. There are 13 departments at the faculty. Among them there are: the Department of Biotechnology, the Department of Microbiology, the Department of Industrial Technology of Medicines, the Department of Processes and Apparatuses of Chemical Technology, and others. The faculty hostel is not far from the Academy. It accommodates about 800 students. The teaching staff and the students of the faculty are engaged in research problems of chemical technology of medicinal preparations, problems of microbiology and biotechnology, processes and apparatus of chemical technology. In the first years of study much attention is paid to such subjects as general and inorganic chemistry, biology, mathematics, technical drawing and computing techniques. Some departments are equipped with up-to-date computers and have computer classes. The students of the faculty have their field practice at chemical and pharmaceutical plants of our country and abroad. During their field practice the students are to acquire necessary professional skills. They get acquainted with their future specialty. The course of studies for engineers, chemists and microbiologists lasts four years. At the end of the course of studies they are to submit a graduation paper.
Translate the following sentences from Russian into English: 1. ФПТЛ был основан в 1945 году. 2. В настоящее время факультет возглавляет доцент А. Л. Марченко. 3. Деканат расположен на улице проф. Попова, 14. 4. Кафедра микробиологии занимается многими современными проблемами науки. 5. Эти лаборатории оборудованы современными компьютерами. 6. Студенты имеют возможность приобрести необходимые профессиональные навыки. 7. Он представил дипломную работу две недели назад.
Answer the following questions: 1. What faculty do you study at? 2. When was this faculty founded? 3. What specialists does it train? 4. Who is the faculty headed by? 5. What departments does the faculty have? 6. Who is each department headed by? 7. Where is the faculty hostel located? 8. How many students live in the hostel? 9. What problems do the teachers and students of the faculty study? 10. Have the students of the faculty computing techniques at their disposal? 11. Where have the students of the faculty their field practice? 12. What part does the field practice play in the students' education? 13. How long does the course of studies at the faculty last? 14. When are the students to submit a graduation paper? 15. When will you graduate from the Academy? Pharmaceutical Faculty The Pharmaceutical Faculty was founded in 1919. The faculty trains pharmacists and chemists-analysts. Graduates from the faculty can work not only in pharmacies but also in chemical research laboratories and at pharmaceutical plants. The faculty is headed by the dean and two sub-deans. At present the dean's — office is located in Professor Popov Street, 4. In the process of training much attention is paid to studying organic, inorganic, analytical, pharmaceutical, physical, colloidal, biological and toxicological chemistry. Microbiology, botany, physiology and anatomy are also very important for future pharmacists. The main professional subjects are the following: technology of medicinal forms, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology, pharmacognosy and pharmacy administration. Students acquire some knowledge in computing techniques and their application in pharmacy. Students may be engaged in research through the Students' Research Society at every department. Much time and attention are given to students' practical work. After the first year of studies students do practical work in botany, after the second year they have their medical practice in hospitals and hospital pharmacies. The third-year students have their practice in pharmacognosy, in the fourth and fifth years students work in pharmacies. The teaching staff is highly competent. At present about 200 students are admitted to the pharmaceutical faculty every year. The faculty has a 15-storey comfortable hostel which accommodates 600 students. There are all necessary facilities for studies, recreation and sport. The course of studies at the dayly department lasts 5 years and ends in the final examinations. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Фармацевтический факультет был основан в 1919 году. 2. Факультет готовит провизоров и химиков -аналитиков. 3. Выпускники факультета работают как в аптеках, так я на фармацевтических заводах. 4. Большое внимание обращается на изучение химии. 5. Микробиология, ботаника и физиология также очень важны для будущих провизоров. 6. Студенты факультета занимаются научной работой. 7. Ежегодно на фармацевтический факультет принимаются около 200 студентов. 8. Много времени уделяется практической работе студентов. Answer the following questions: 1. What faculty do you study at? 2. Whenwas the Pharmaceutical faculty founded? 3. What specialists does it train? 4. Who is the faculty headed by? 5. What subjects are paid much attention to? 6. Are microbiology and botany of great importance for future pharmacists? 7. Do students acquire knowledge in informatics? 8. How may the students be engaged in research? 9. When do the students have their medical practice? 10. Where do fourth and fifth-year students work? 11. How many students are admitted to the faculty every year? 12. How long does the course of studies last? 13. What does the course of studies end in? 14. What will you become after graduating from the Academy?