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Match the definitions with the corresponding words.

1. a belief, principle, or doctrine or a code of beliefs, principles, or doctrines a) account
2. a feeling of fondness or tenderness for a person or thing; attachment b) affection
3. a foolish action, mistake, idea, etc c) arresting
4. a medium for the expression, communication, or achievement of ideas, information, power, etc d) avid
5. a penetrating and often sudden understanding, as of a complex situation or problem e) bond
6. a secret plan or agreement to carry out an illegal or harmful act f) cogently
7. a thing or person seen, esp an unusual or ridiculous one g) coherence
8. a visible object or representation that symbolizes a quality, type, group, etc., esp the concrete symbol of an abstract idea h) condemn
9. ambiguous, dubious, vague i) consciousness
10. assessment; judgment j) conspicuous consumption
11. attracting attention; striking k) conspiracy
12. conforming to modern or current ideas in style, fashion, design, etc l) contemporary
13. conforming with established or accepted standards belief or practice m) contemptible
14. constitute n) define
15. deserving or worthy of scorn; despicable o) docile
16. easy to manage, control, or discipline; submissive p) dogma
17. enthusiastic; greedy q) emblem
18. high status or reputation achieved through success, influence, wealth, etc.; renown r) engulf
19. impartial or reasonable; fair; just s) equitable
20. introduces something that is an important point (etc), often being mentioned at the end or perhaps on its own, giving it some particular emphasis but not making it the most important; may also be used with deliberate understatement to refer to something really crucial that others might have introduced with above all t) equivocal
21. irrefutably, incontestably u) ethos
22. logical or natural connection or consistency v) exhilarate
23. occurring or performed quickly or suddenly; instant w) folly
24. overwhelm, bury x) imply
25. something that brings or holds people together; tie y) insight
26. something that serves as a clue or indication z) intangible
27. the buying of expensive goods in order to impress people and show them how rich you are aa) interpret
28. the condition of having something lying heavily on one's mind, imagination, etc bb) make
29. the distinctive character, spirit, and attitudes of a people, culture, era, etc cc) not least
30. the state of being able to use your senses and mental powers to understand what is happening dd) oppression
31. things that have value but do not exist physically ee) orthodoxy
32. to conceive in the light of individual belief, judgment, or circumstance ff) prestige
33. to describe the nature, properties, or essential qualities of gg) robust
34. to express or indicate by a hint; suggest hh) rummage
35. to express strong disapproval of; censure ii) signpost
36. to make lively and cheerful; gladden; elate jj) spectacle
37. to search (through) while looking for something kk) swift
38. vigorous ll) vehicle

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