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Match the words with their meaning
Get to know italicized words and give their definitions.
- He acquired his wealth in the steel industry.
- The government will allocate more of its budget to health care.
- An alternative to putting one’s savings into a bank is investing in stocks and bonds.
- A high tax was placed upon luxury commodities.
- Consumption of alcohol seems to decline during late 90-es.
- After Mary lost her job, she had to forego some of the luxuries she had grown accustomed to.
- The government enacted a law to control the sales of guns
- When bad weather is threatening, people tend to hoard food because they are afraid the supermarkets will be unable to get in new supplies.
- The telephone company is promoting a new service for its customers.
- Since the floods last summer, there has been a scarcity of grain products on the market.
In each set of words cross out the word that does not have a similar meaning to the first.
| get
| obtain
| question
| Allocate
| assign
| attract
| set aside
| alternative
| change
| option
| possibility
| commodity
| item
| market
| product
| consumption
| Manufacture of items
| Purchase of items
| Use of items
| forego
| precede
| renounce
| sacrifice
| enact
| establish
| represent
| specify
| hoard
| accumulate
| exchange
| save
| promote
| publicize
| obstruct
| advocate
| scarcity
| gap
| lack
| terror
| Vocabulary # 2
Get to know italicized words and give their definitions.
- Their investments were not attuned to their future goals.
- The workers conceded on salary decreases in order to retain their retirement benefits.
- The introduction of high quality, low cost foreign goods into the local market upset the equilibrium of the economy.
- Since conventional approaches were not proving successful, the company was experimenting with a completely new strategy.
- With recent court decisions guaranteeing their rights, that interest group is exerting more political influence.
- Though single-owner businesses remained profitable, their influence upon the economic policies of the city was marginal.
- Unfavorable reports on the new product stifled consumer interest.
- When interest rates at the banks are low, people have the tendency to spend their money rather than to put it into savings.
- Parents of college-aged children find their savings diminishing because of the high cost of university education today.
Match the words with their meaning
- attuned borderline
- concede exercise influence
- conventional inclination
- equilibrium equal balance
- exert yield, give up
- marginal decrease
- stifle in accord
- tendency ordinary
- diminish prevent, suppress
Vocabulary # 3