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Chapter Nine
Margo did a little dance as she headed into Destiny’s, her feet automatically responding to the joyous rhythm of Pink’s latest hit. Cushy, the bartender, caught her eye and waved. “Margo! ” She leaned over the bar so Cushy could plant a kiss on each cheek. “Hey, sweetheart.” “I’ve missed you. How come you haven’t been by? ” Cushy’s dramatic frown was only half kidding, and she knew it. Cushy, whose nickname derived from her forty-two F bosom, was the owner of Destiny’s, and she valued customer loyalty. She’d once berated a regular who’d started splitting her time between Destiny’s and a competitor. “I’ve been working, sweetie.” Cushy smiled and handed her a Cosmopolitan. “Enjoy.” She held the drink up in salute and sauntered toward a table of noisily gregarious women. She couldn’t remember their names, but she’d seen two of them before. They folded her into their group and resumed their conversation about plastic surgery. Since three of them were model-thin, she wasn’t surprised to hear that they favored a woman’s right to augment. She only interjected her opinion twice, content with listening to their absolutely fascinating perspectives on the world. They were the drunk version of The View. A Christina Aguilera song began, and the women flew from the table to the dance floor, leaving her with her thoughts. The plane would arrive soon in Vegas, and she imagined the trip could have upset Grace so much that she was purchasing her return ticket. On the other hand, Logan could have seduced her in the cab, and they were nestled between the hotel sheets. That would be fabulous. She guessed that Grace had swallowed the Root of Passion in the bathroom and called Logan. She had no idea if the potion really worked, but it was apparent that Grace thought it did. She bit her lip. That could be good or bad. Grace would take chances, but how far would she go? Strong arms embraced her from behind, and she didn’t need to turn around to know it was Joseph. His cologne announced his presence sight unseen. “How are you, darling? ” he asked, joining her. She paused and thought about the question. “I don’t know, ” she finally said. “There’s some really weird shit going on in my life right now.” Joseph, who was used to dyke drama, sipped his martini, expressionless. “Go on. Dr. Joseph is listening.” “You’re not a doctor, ” she said. “You’re a chemist.” “Yes, but I’d play one on TV so well, ” he teased. “And I look ten times better than most of those doctors in that hospital. Grey’s Anatomy totally over-beautified the medical profession.” “Can we get back to me? ” He nodded and returned to his drink. She told him about her visit to Rio, Chayna, the Root of Passion, Grace’s rendezvous with Michelle and her own escapade in Paris with Norma. When she finished, he burst into laughter. “Girl, what are you on? ” he said. “That’s the biggest fairy tale I’ve ever heard.” He slapped the table and looked around. “Am I being punk’d? ” “It’s true. This potion seems to have some bizarre effects.” He shook his head. “Margo, there’s a simple explanation. In both circumstances, alcohol was involved, and it’s been known to free people of their inhibitions, and liver function too. Your dictator boss was probably just responding to her own repressed lesbianism, and as for Grace and Michelle, that’s a volcano that’s been waiting to erupt for years! ” What he said was scientifically sound, but he hadn’t seen the look in Norma’s eyes when she begged for more sex after six times. To convince him, Margo would need more proof. A thought dawned on her. “Okay, I understand your reasoning about the alcohol, but what if I told you that at this moment our friend Grace is flying to Las Vegas with a gorgeous perfect stranger to attend Kazmar Edens’ wedding and do God knows what else.” His drink nearly slipped to the floor, but he caught it before too much of the precious liquor spilled over the rim. “Shit.” He looked at her, unbelieving. “You’re full of shit.” She pulled out her cell phone. “Shall we call her? By now her plane has probably landed.” “Who is this person? And how did Grace get an invite to the biggest celebrity wedding of the year? She’s Grace. Grace doesn’t go to flashy events. We couldn’t even get her to go to that club opening last month.” “She went with Logan Brown, the photographer. Her father is one of Grace’s patients. Apparently, they really hit it off. She wasn’t going to go, but then she met me for a drink—” “Again, more alcohol, ” he said. “We only had one. Then she went to the bathroom and announced she was going. Explain that to me, mister scientist.” He shrugged. “I can’t, but I don’t think that automatically means she’s taking a magic potion.” He waved his hands around dramatically and she glowered. He wasn’t going to believe her—unless he tried it himself. She pulled the oak box from her purse, and he watched as she withdrew the vial and took a small sip. “There. I’ve proven that this isn’t some type of horrible poison. How about you drink it? ” His eyes widened. “Me? You want me to drink that stuff? ” “Why not? You don’t believe it has any effects, so what’s the harm? Be a man and prove me wrong.” He eyed her shrewdly. “Let’s go all the way to Fantasyland and take a ride on Dumbo. What if it does work—and I’m not saying it does. What the hell am I gonna do in a lesbian bar? ” She pointed at the dance floor. “See that group of women? They’re definitely straight and just here to hide from the vultures.” He studied each of them, realizing that his eyes were glued to a curvaceous redhead who wore a purple silk dress with a plunging neckline. Joseph believed he was ninety-percent straight, but he’d admitted to her that he periodically found himself attracted to a man. He felt a strong urge to care for a woman, get her pregnant and build a family. For some strange reason, he didn’t have that urge with another man. Yet, when it came to dating, he was terribly shy. He talked a great game but when it came time to ask a woman out, he ran for the restroom. He was still watching the redhead when the music changed to a slower beat. The five women danced with each other, laughing and carelessly stepping on each other’s heels. “You could go out there and sweep her off her feet.” “Yeah, right, ” he snorted. “Joseph, watch.” She held up the vial, and his eyes followed the red and blue as it separated and remixed. He blinked several times, and she grinned. “Pretty freaky, huh? ” He said nothing and just watched as she poured a small amount into his empty martini glass. “Try it.” He glanced at the redhead, who was now dancing by herself, hugging her body as she swayed to the beat, and then he threw back the drink and licked his lips. After several seconds, he shrugged. “I don’t feel anything.” “Give it a little time.” The music shifted and a deep bass beat filled the room. He drummed his hand on the table, keeping time. Soon he was singing along with Katy Perry, and she grinned. “Go get her, tiger, ” she said, pointing to the redhead. He danced across the floor and joined the women, who immediately welcomed him. Who wouldn’t want to dance with a totally hot guy? At first, he gave all of them his attention, but by the fourth song, he’d wrapped his arms around the redhead’s waist and she was pressed against him. The other women returned to the table, twittering about their friend, Ainsley, and the handsome black stud sweeping her off her feet. “Hey, that’s my friend Joseph, ” Margo offered. “He’s a great guy. Is she okay for him? ” “Oh, God, yes, ” a brunette with heavy red lipstick said. “Ainsley is like this super smart lawyer. She’s the nicest person.” “And her family’s incredibly rich, ” another said, and Margo noticed the huge rock on her ring finger. “Why doesn’t she have a boyfriend, or does she? ” The brunette said, “She spends most of her time at work. She only agreed to come with us tonight because we made her feel guilty about canceling on us again.” “Thanks, ” Margo said, moving away from the table and heading for the bar. Joseph led Ainsley off the dance floor and into a quiet booth that was just being vacated. It was clear she was just as interested in him as he was in her, and when he kissed her on the cheek—something shy Joseph would never do—she was convinced the Root of Passion was working. She felt a sloppy tap on her shoulder and turned to face Eva. Her entire face drooped and her expression was dark. “Where’s Grace? ” “I don’t know.” “Yeah, you do. Did she go to Vegas for the weekend? ” She couldn’t hide her surprise. “How did you know about that? ” “My telepathic powers, ” Eva slurred. “Is she with anyone? ” “Yeah, she’s the guest of a world famous photographer.” Eva scowled. “Not Logan? Not the patient’s daughter? Tell me it’s not her.” She nodded. “She invited her to Kazmar Edens’ wedding. Logan’s taking the photographs.” “I thought you were her friend. You shouldn’t have let her go.” Margo’s anxiety peaked. “What do you know about Logan? ” At first Eva didn’t respond, and Margo could tell she was entirely trashed. She opened her mouth to speak and seemed stuck. Finally she blurted, “She’s bad news. I saw her at the hospital. I should have reported it…” “Reported what? ” “She made a drug buy in the parking lot.” “Are you sure it was her? ” Eva nodded. “I was going to my car in the garage. I was on the ground floor and I looked over at the visitor’s lot and I saw this other nurse, Paula, walking between the rows.” “How do you know it was Paula? ” “Paula’s hard to miss. She’s got this electric blue hair. They tried to get her to dye it but she threatened to sue, so they backed down. I saw her with Logan.” “Wait, wait. Go back. So, she’s in the parking lot. Where was Logan? ” “She came up to her. I knew who she was. I’d seen Grace talking to her the day before, and I was a little jealous. So I stopped to watch them. I mean, maybe they were lovers and I didn’t need to worry about her coming on to Grace. They stood there talking for a few seconds, making it look like Logan was lost. Paula kept pointing at the hospital as if she was giving directions, but she had something in her hand. And Logan got really close to her, and I saw a flash of green go into Paula’s hand, and then they were both stuffing something into their pockets.” “How do you know it was drugs? ” “I guess I don’t know for sure, but there’ve been rumors flying about Paula for months. It’s just nobody can prove it.” She felt her chest tighten. Don’t panic. She’s drunk and jealous. She couldn’t have been very close to see what was really happening. And even if Logan was buying drugs, that doesn’t mean she’s an awful person and would hurt Grace. Eva closed her eyes and started to fall backwards but Margo caught her in time. “Eva, wake up, ” she said harshly. She shook her until her eyes opened again. “I’m taking you home.”
Margo had been to Eva’s place many times with Grace. The women had never lived together, a blessing in her opinion. When they broke up it was quick and painless, particularly since Grace didn’t seem to realize it had occurred for nearly two weeks. Eva’s condo was a few miles from the hospital in an old part of central Phoenix. The single-story units sat in a rectangle, framing a beautiful courtyard full of lush shrubbery, plants and waterfalls. Weeping willows and bottle brush trees drooped over the roofs, perpetually shading the entire structure. It always reminded her of perfect solitude and she understood why Eva refused to leave, even for a girlfriend. The condo was spacious, a throwback to a time when square footage wasn’t a luxury. She half-carried, half-walked Eva to her bedroom and tossed her onto the giant futon. Grace hated this thing. She’d listened to her endless whining every time it was her turn to stay at Eva’s. She’d rant about back support and comfort, but she never told Eva how much she detested the sleeping arrangements. Eva turned over and groaned. “How did I get here? ” “I brought you home. Why are you drunk? ” she thought to ask. She gave a slight shrug. “I can’t explain it. I saw Grace and she told me she might be going to this wedding and the next thing I know, my car is sitting in front of Destiny’s. I didn’t plan it.” “Hmm. I see, ” Margo said, understanding the situation entirely. She glanced over at Eva’s nightstand and her suspicions were confirmed. Perched on the edge, in the place of prominence reserved for favorite photos, sat a five by seven of Eva and Grace, staring into each other’s eyes, moments before their lips met in a kiss.