





1. Unit 1. My family, Friends and Me ..7

1.1. Acquaintance..7

1.2. About Myself....13

1.3. My Family19

1.4. My Friends...24

1.5. People around Me30

1.6. My Working Day.35

1.7. My Native Town..43

1.8. Appearance...51

1.9. Appearance Description...60

1.10. Test yourself (Unit 1).67

1.11. *Test yourself (Unit 1)...68

2. Unit 2. Hobbies. Relationships ...69

2.1. Hobbies69

2.2. Interests75

2.3. Personal Relations81

2.4. Personal Relations88

2.5. Parents and Children. Family Relations...96

2.6. Traits of Character..102

2.7. Emotions.110

2.8. Emotions.116

2.9. Emotions.121

2.10. Test yourself (Unit 2)128

2.11. *Test yourself (Unit 2)..129

3. Unit 3. Customs and Traditions ....130

3.1. Family Traditions130

3.2. Holidays and Traditions of Ukraine137

3.3. Holidays and Traditions of the English-Speaking Countries..144

3.4. Test yourself (Unit 3)..153

3.5. *Test yourself (Unit 3)154

4. Unit 4. Sports ..155

4.1. Kinds of Sport.155

4.2. Sport in Ukraine and Great Britain.166

4.3. Famous Sportsmen..177

4.4. Olympic Games...186

4.5. Test yourself (Unit 4)..191

4.6. *Test yourself (Unit 4)192

5. Unit 5. World around Us ...193

5.1. Seasons of the Year.193

5.2. Weather...203

5.3. Weather Forecast213

5.4. Man and Nature..227

5.5. The Geographical Position of Ukraine...237

5.6. The Geographical Position of Great Britain...247

5.7. Climate253

5.8. Natural Disasters.263

5.9. Ecological Problems271

5.10. Test yourself (Unit 5).280

5.11. *Test yourself (Unit 5)...281

6. Unit 6. Science and Technology .283

6.1. My Techno World283

6.2. Scientific and Technological Progress.288

6.3. The Nobel Prize and its Laureates296

6.4. Famous Scientists and Inventors..302

6.5. The Role of Science in Modern Life308

6.6. Computer Technologies...316

6.7. Internet.324

6.8. Mobile Phone...331

6.9. Mass Media..340

6.10. Television and Radio..346

6.11. The Role of Mass Media in Our Life.355

6.12. Test yourself (Unit 6).364

6.13. *Test yourself (Unit 6)...365






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