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Active Vocabulary. bylaws юридичні положення для підприємств
bylaws юридичні положення для підприємств I need some legal advice мені потрібна юридична порада to incorporate об’єднуватися to invest вкладати гроші to expand розширювати(виробництво) to follow a legal procedure діяти згідно юридичної процедури to apply for a corporate charter подавати заяву на корпоративний патент to issue and sell stock випускати і продавати акції in exchange for investment capital в обмін на вкладений капітал stockholder, shareholder акціонер, власник акцій to hold a meeting проводити збори to elect a board of directors проводити збори директорів to choose the company's officers вибирати адміністративних виконавців компанії to have a final authority мати вирішальне слово to supervise daily management здійснювати щорічне керівництво to vote голосувати annual meeting щорічні збори to have limited liability мати обмежену юридичну відповідальність to own property володіти майном to sue порушувати судову справу to be sued підлягати судовому розгляду
Vocabulary Exercises Exercise 1. Transform the sentences according to the model. Model: We are the company officers. We supervise daily management. We, as the company officers, supervise daily management. 1. My friends are the stockholders of IBM corporation. They hold annual meetings. 2. These businessmen are the organizers of this corporation. To issue and sell stock in exchange for investment capital. 3. A corporation is the owner of the property. It has limited liability. 4. Dick is a manager. He wants to form a corporation. 5. A corporate charter is a certificate of incorporation. A charter is granted by a state officer. 6. The stockholders are the owner of the corporation. They have final authority in management of the company. 7. The owners of the corporation are the stockholders. The owners of the corporation must vote. Exercise 2. Transform the sentences according to the model. Model: We organized our corporation a year ago (to invest much money). We have been investing much money since we organized our company. 1. They became company officers (to supervise daily management). 2. My friend bought the stock of the company five years ago (to make money). 3. They received the corporate charter a month ago (to plan a meeting). 4. We advertised the application last week (wait for reply), 5. He became a member of the Board of Directors (work hard). 6. We elected a new Board of Directors last month (plan change).