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Read, translate and retell the text, given below, using the word list


Sport and Games



People all over the world are fond of sports and games.

That is one of the things in which people of every na­tionality and class are united. All kinds of physical exercises are very useful to make our bodies strong enough to keep ourselves fit and healthy. The most popular outdoor winter sports are shooting, hunting, hockey, in the countries where the weather is frosty and there is much snow — skating, skiing and tobogganing. Some people greatly enjoy figure-skating and ski-jumping. It's so nice to go to the skating-rink or to the forest on a frosty sunny day!


Summer affords excellent opportunities for swimming, boating, yacht­ing, cycling, gliding and many other sports. Among outdoor games football takes the first place in public interest; this game is played in all countries of the world. The other games that have firmly established themselves in favour in different countries are golf, lawn-tennis, cricket, volley-ball, basket-ball, and so on. Badminton is also very popular.


All the year round many people indulge in boxing, wrestling, athletics, gymnastics and track and field events. Scores of young girls and women go in for callisthenics. Over the last few years aerobics has become popular with young girls. It helps them to be slim, healthy and strong. The founder of this kind of sport was a well-known American actress Jane Fonda. Being a great enthusiast of aerobics she has been trying to initiate many young women from all over the world into this sport.


Among indoor games the most popular are billiards, table-tennis, draughts and some others, but the great international game is chess, of course. The results of chess tournaments are studied and discussed by thousands of en­thusiasts in different countries.


So we may say that sport is one of the things that makes people kin. To cut the long story short, I should admit that everyone must do all he can to be healthy. Physically inactive people get old earlier than those who have plenty of exercises. If you do daily exercises you feel refreshed, have a good posture, and that makes you feel good. I can add that good health is better than the best medicine. You have " A sound mind in a sound body, " as the old Latin saying goes. The English proverb " Sickness in the body brings sickness to the mind" expresses a similar idea, but from a different point of view.


3. Read and learn by heart word list:

Supplementary Word List and Word Combinations on the Subject " Sport and Games"

Some Popular Sports

archery — стрільба з лука

artistic gymnastics — художня гімнастика

boxing — бокс

car (motorcycle) racing — автогонки (мотогонки)

cycling — їзда на велосипеді

diving — стрибки у воду

fencing — фехтування

figure-skating — фігурне катання

gliding — планерний спорт

gymnastics — гімнастика

mountaineering — альпінізм

rowing and canoeing — веслування

skating — катання на ковзанах

ski-jumping — стрибки на лижах

sky diving (parachuting) — стрибки з парашутом

swimming — плавання

weight-lifting — піднімання штанги

wrestling — боротьба

yachting — вітрильний спорт

athletics (track-and-field) — атлетика (легка атлетика)

discus (hammer, javelin) throwing — метання диска (молота, списа)

high (long, triple) jump — стрибки у висоту (у довжину, потрійні)

hurdle races гони з перешкодами

marathon — марафонський біг

pole vault (vaulting) — стрибки з упором або жердиною

race (run) — біг

steeplechase — біг із перешкодами

4. Give names for the illustrated sports, using supplementary word list and word combinations:




  1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or s _ _ _ _ _
  2. _ _ _ _ y
  3. _ _ _ _ _ t_ _ _ _
  4. _ _ c _ _ _
  5. _ _ _ l _ _ _
  6. _ _ _ m _ _ _ _
  7. _ _ _ _ _ _ - ball
  8. g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  9. h _ _ _ j _ _ _
  10. _ k _ _ _ _ _



5. Read the words and learn their meaning:


Open air games

open air games - ігри на свіжому повітрі

badminton - бадмінтон

basket-ball - баскетбол

cricket - крикет

football (soccer) - футбол

hockey - хокей

rugby (rugger) - регбі

tennis - теніс

water polo - водне поло

Indoor games

indoor games - ігри в приміщенні

chess - шахи

draughts - шашки

squash - гра в м’яч

table-tennis - настільний теніс


Sport events

Amateur (professional) sport - аматорський (професійний) спорт

championship - чемпіонат

competition - змагання

cup (final, semi-final) match - матч на кубок (фінальний, напівфінальний)

tournament - турнір, спортивне змагання


team - команда

national (Olympic, college) team - національна (олімпійська, коледжу) команда

sportsman - спортсмен

sportswoman - спортсменка

official (umpire, referee, judge) - суддя, арбітр

participant - учасник

opponent (rival) - супротивник (суперник)


audience - публіка

fan - уболівальник

spectator - глядач

sport enthusiast - шанувальник спорту

Scoring system

best (record, fastest) time - кращий (рекордний) час

defeat - поразка

draw - нічия

goal - гол

to lose - програвати

point - очко

score - рахунок

victory - перемога

Sport equipment

barbell - штанга

beam - перекладка

chessboard - шахівниця

discus - диск

javelin - спис

net - сітка

racket - ракетка

rings - кільця

trampoline - батут


6. Match the following sports with the right pictures, using supplementary word list and word combinations:





… rowing … fencing

… javelin … relay race

… pole vault … wrestling

… hurdles


7. Read these words and expressions, and learn them by heart:

Additional Words and Expressions


athletic training — тренування з атлетики

to kick the ball вдарити м’яча

to score a goal — забити гола

to keep the score — утримувати рахунок

to end a game in a draw — закінчити гру в нічию

to win a prize (a cup, a victory) — здобути перемогу

to win the championship — виграти чемпіонат

to win by 2 (3, etc.) goals (points) — виграти на (2, 3) голи (очки)

to win with the score 3: 0 in smb.'s favour — Виграти з рахунком 3: 0 на чиюсь користь

to set up (break) a record- побити рекорд

the world (national, European) record — світовий(національний, європейський)рекорд

Do you go in for sports? — Ти займаєшся спортом?

What's your favourite sport? – Який вид спорту Ваш улюблений?

I like heavy athletics (track-and-field athletics, figure-skating, tennis). – Мені подобається важка атлетика, (легка атлетика, фігурне катання, теніс)

What kind of aquatics (water sports) do you like best of all? – Які види водного спорту тобі найбільш подобаються?

I am fond of swimming (diving, yachting and water polo). — Мені подобається плавання, (стрибки у воду, вітрильний спорт, водне поло)

Which strokes of swimming do you prefer? — Яким видам плавання ви віддаєте перевагу?

Do you play football (tennis, cricket, basket-ball, volley ball)? — Ти граєш в футбол, (теніс, крикет, баскетбол, волейбол)?

Our football teams participate in international matches. — Наші футбольні команди беруть участь у міжнародних змаганнях.

They have gamed remarkable achievements in sports. — Вони досягли видатних успіхів у спорті.

What is the most popular sport game in your country (Britain, the USA)? – Який найбільш популярний вид спорту в Вашій країні(Британії, США)?

What team do you fan for? — За яку команду Ви вболіваєте?

The team won (lost) the game. — Команда виграла (програла) гру.

The match ended in a draw. — Матч закінчився в нічию.

The competition (championship) will be held at the stadium. — Змагання (чемпіонат) відбуватимуться на стадіоні.

Who is the coach (captain) of your team? — Хто тренер (капітан) Вашої команди?

Would you like to play a game of tennis? — Ви полюбляєте грати в теніс?

Where's the tennis court? — Де знаходиться тенісний корт?

I’m a sports fan. - Я запеклий уболівальник.

Do you have tickets for today’s game? - Ви маєте білети на сьогоднішній матч?

What was the final score? - З яким рахунком закінчився матч?

Who’s in first place? - Хто посів перше місце?

8. Read the dialogues, translate them and choose one of them for learning by heart:

Game and Sport

Alan: Hallo, Bob! Can you tell me something about the words “game” and “sport”, please? I’m never quite certain how to use them?

Bob: What is the difficulty, Alan?

Alan: Well, football and tennis are games, aren’t they? Swimming and rowing and mountain climbing are not games, are they? What is boxing? Is that a game or a sport?

Bob: Well, football and tennis are games. When we use the word “game”, we generally think of some kind of sport in which there are two sides or teams, the eleven men in a football team, for example, or fifteen, if it is Rugby football.

Alan: But what about boxing?

Bob: Boxing is a sport, but not a game. It is true, that we talk about boxing matches and football matches. You can say: “Do you play football? ” But if you ask about boxing, you must say: “ Do you box? ” or “ Are you a boxer? ”

Alan: Oh! I understand. Thank you. By the way, what is your favourite sport?

Bob: I like tennis, football and swimming most of all. And you?

Alan: Oh, and I like tennis too, and water polo. I’m sorry, I must go home. I have a lot of things to do. See you later. Bye.

Bob: Bye-bye.


The Fitness Craze

Ann: So when we going to get together to finish off this report?

Debbie: Well, I’m free most of the week. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have my fitness class, though.

Ann: Fitness class! How do you find the energy?

Debbie: But I find that getting a good work-out a couple times a week actually makes me feel more energetic. You should try it.

Ann: What kind of class is it?

Debbie: Aerobics- it is fun, a lot of dance-type steps.

Ann: Dance? What is this – an epidemic?

Debbie: Sure, haven’t you heard? Everyone’s getting into the fitness craze- especially young or elderly and all that jazz. Why don’t you come and try out my class?

Ann: I don’t know. Where is this class anyway?

Debbie: It’s at the community centre near my place. I just wear a T-shirt and sweat pants. And you need to have a good pair of runners. What about tomorrow? We can go to the class and then work on the report afterwards.

Ann: Ok. I think it will be funny. See you tomorrow.

9. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Наша команда по футболу здобула перемогу на чемпіонаті.

2. Команда з тенісу встановила національний рекорд.

3. Чи ти займаєшся спортом? - Так, я займаюся важкою атлетикою і плаванням.

4. Наш тренер вирішив, що нашу футбольну команду беруть взяти участь у міжнародних змаганнях.

5. Наші спортсмени досягли видатних успіхів у спорті.

6. Вчорашня гра з футболу закінчилася в нічию.

7. Сьогодні нам оголосили, що змагання між школами відбуватиметься на стадіоні.

8. Тренер нашої команди - один із найкращих тренерів країни.

9. Щоб пограти в теніс, вам треба спочатку дізнатись, де знаходиться тенісний корт.

10. Чи не підеш ти зі мною на сьогоднішній матч, в мене є 2 білети.

11. Вибачте, Ви мені не підкажете хто посів перше місце в цих змаганнях?

10. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:


1. People all over the world are fond of sports and games.

2. All kinds of physical exercises are very useful to make our bodies strong enough to keep ourselves fit and healthy.

3. If you do daily exercises you feel refreshed, have a good posture, and that makes you feel good.

4. The English proverb: ” Sickness in the body brings sickness to the mind”.

5. All the year round many people indulge in boxing, wrestling, athletics, etc.

6. We may say that sport is one of the things that makes people kin.

7. Physically inactive people get old earlier than those who have plenty of exercises.

8. Good health is better than the best medicine.

9. It is so nice that we have a lot of kinds of sport nowadays.

10. If you are not interested in sport, you may not go in for sport, but you have to do physical exercises every day.

11. A sound mind in a sound body.



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