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IX. Make up your own dialogue using the following


to solve the problem of economic growth

to cause harmful externalities to take measures

to limit the effects of harmful externalities acid rain

to make efforts to protect the environment to damage crops

to release pollutants into the air to control pollution


X. Ask questions as in the model:

Model: Ask your friend if chemical fertilizers have been

used by farmers.

Have chemical fertilizers been used by farmers?

Ask your friend:

1) if water has been polluted in this region; 2) if massive amounts of wastes have been produced by modern technology;

3) if building surfaces have been worn by acid rain; 4) if those who fail to obey government regulations have been fined; 5) if effluent fees have been levied on polluters for discharging


XI. Ask when and where-questions using the Passive Voice:

Model: Massive amounts of wastes have been produced by this plant this year.

When have massive amounts of wastes been pro­duced by this plant?

1. Acid has been formed in clouds and followed by acid rainfall. 2. The acid rain has been blown by winds far from the source of pollution. 3. Chemical fertilizers have been used by farmers very intensively in this part of the country. 4. People who failed to obey government regulations have been fined this year. 5. The factory that pumped its waste into the atmosphere has been charged by the group of experts this week.


XII. Translate into English, using the Present Perfect Tense (the Passive Voice):

1. Велику кількість відходів було забраковано та знешкоджено цим підприємством. 2. Водні та земельні ресурси були забруднені внаслідок кислотних дощів. 3. Донедавна вода в цій річці вважалася забрудненою, оскільки її не можна було використовувати для фермерства, виробництва та з іншою господарською метою. 4. Використання пестицидів і хімічних добрив у великій кількості було заборонено урядом країни. 5. На підприємства та фермерів, які тривалий час забруднювали навколишнє середовище, було накладено штраф.


ХIIІ. Communicative situations:

1. Protecting the environment is important.

a) identify and describe potential sources of pollution in your community;

b) describe what is being done to protect the community from the efforts of pollution.

2. Industrialized countries produce many dangerous substances (toxic wastes) while manufacturing the goods consumers need and want.

a) Is it government's responsibility to control toxic waste disposal? Why or why not?

b) What basic strategies have governments used to regulate industrial pollution?

c) What are «pollution credits»?

How can they be used to reduce pollution?



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