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Ex.1. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian and state the form and function of the Infinitive.

1. She was the last to solve the problem.

2. To do it accurately was the main problem.

3. This is a prestigious company to work in.

4. It was kind of your boss to have offered it to you.

5. Our plan was to finish this work by the end of the month.

6. I was lucky to have been chosen for this job.

7. This is a very good hotel to stay in.

8. There is a lot of work to be done today.

9. She was the first to be given a rise.

10. It’s nice to be working right now.

11. He hopes to be chosen for this position.

12. Our boss doesn’t like to be interrupted while he is working.

13. Do you know him well enough to ask him for some money?

14. I only want to be understood.

15. All the necessary changes may be made any moment.

16. I hope to find a job in accounting.

17. I’m sorry not to have kept my promise.

18. It was a big mistake for them not to keep him as accountant.


Ex.2. Insert “to” where necessary before the infinitives in brackets.

1. We made him (do) it all over again.

2. I recommended him (learn) the laws of my country.

3. The boss made the secretary (repeat) the message.

4. They won’t let you (leave) the Customs area till your luggage has been examined.

5. Will you help me (fill in) this application form?

6. Please let us (know) about his decision as soon as possible.

7. I’d like him (accept) this invitation.

8. I don’t want anybody (use) the results of my experiments.

9. He made me (sign) this paper.

10. I saw him (leave) the office.

11. Nobody noticed him (come) in.

12. I don’t want anybody (know) about our plans.

13. She knew him (be) a good marketer.

14. I believe this (be) the only way out.

15. The lawyer advised me (read) the contract carefully.

16. They let us (go out) at the weekends.

17. I saw him (sign) the cheque.

18. They persuaded the bank (finance) the project.


Ex.3. Translate into English:

1. Він не хотів, щоб касир перераховував гроші.

2. Всі вважають, що він дуже успішний підприємець.

3. Це змусить менеджерів компанії подумати, як вирішити проблему захисту свого виробника.

4. Це змусило уряд підвищити ціни на імпортні товари.

5. Я сподівався, що ця новина змусить його підвищити тобі заробітну платню.

6. Я не хочу, щоб ви контролювали мою діяльність.

7. Він не сподівався, що це питання розглянуть так швидко.

8. Ніхто не сподівався, що ця перспективна компанія стане банкрутом.

9. Ніхто не знав, що примусило їх змінити їхні плани.

10. Я хочу, щоб ви проглянули цей звіт.

11. Що змусило його зробити цей крок?

12. Дозвольте мені дати вам пораду.

13. Мені б не хотілося, щоб ти так погано думав про нього.

14. Вони не сподівалися, що ми закінчимо цей звіт без їхньої допомоги.


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