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Dialogue. books in the original книги в оригинале

Topical Vocabulary


article статья

atlas атлас

books in the original книги в оригинале

books in translation книги в переводе

books on art, history, linguistics книги по искусству, истории, лингвистике

books about nature, animals книги о природе, животных

to borrow books брать книги (в библиотеке)

to carry away увлекать

collection of books собрание книг

to come out выходить

detective stories детективные рассказы

dictionary словарь

encyclopedia энциклопедия

to enjoy наслаждаться

essay реферат

fable басня

fiction books художественные книги

to join a library записаться в библиотеку

lending department абонемент

library библиотека

librarian библиотекарь

magazine журнал

master of psychological analysis мастер психологического анализа

memoirs мемуары

newspaper газета

novel роман

play пьеса

poem стихотворение

the plot of a book сюжет книги

to be popular with быть популярным среди

to publish опубликовывать

to read time and again перечитывать время от времени

reference library научная библиотека

short story рассказ

science fiction books книги по научной фантастике

to be a success with иметь успех среди

to touch upon important problems затрагивать важные проблемы

travel books книги о путешествиях

writers of yesterday (today) авторы прошлого (современники)




A. Good afternoon, Mary! What! Again you are reading?

M. Oh you, Ann! I was so absorbed in my book that I didn't hear you knock. Come in, please.

A. Whenever I come I always find you sitting deep in a book.

M. Well, I take great delight in books, you know.

A. And so do I. But the way you read, well, you are simply a bookworm, you are. What are you reading?

M. " Jane Eyre" by Bronte. Have you read it?

A. " Jane Eyre"? No, I don't think I have. Is it a good book?

M. Very. And moving too. Want to read it?

A. I should like to. Are you through with it?

M. Not yet. You may have it in two day's time, if you like. And what are you reading now?

A. A kind of a novel but it's just like milk-and-water. What's this?

M. That's Fred's book. One of those detective stories, you know.

A. How can he read such penny dreadfuls!

M. Well, he doesn't read — he simply skips through books. He has no patience whatsoever.

A. How do such books find their way into print, I wonder? And the way he handles the book!

M. Yes, I tell him time after time not to fold the pages.

A. Say, Mary, what's the name of that book over there?

M. " The Adventures of Tom Sawyer." That's Fred's book, too.

A. Can I have it for the time being?

M. I don't think Fred would mind. But haven't you ever read it before?

A. Yes, I have, but I'd like to re-read it. It was quite a time ago when I first read it, and besides its easy reading, and funny too.

M. Indeed it is.

A. What about going out for a walk?

M. With great pleasure. Let's go.


Vocabulary and Speech Exercises


Task 1. Answer the following questions.


1. Is there a library at your Institute?

2. When did you join it?

3. How many books do you borrow at a time?

4. How long may you keep them?

5. What department lends them?

6. What are reference books?

7. On what occasions do you usually consult them?

8. Where can you read periodicals?

9. What monthly magazines can you read in the reading-room of the library?

10. Does it cost anything to borrow books from the library?

11. Which do you like better: novels or short stories? poems or fables?

plays or essays?

12. What book are you reading now?

13. How many English books have you already read?


Task 2.Ask your fellow students.

...if there is a public library in her (his) native town

...what books one can borrow there

...how often she goes to the library

...if she always consults the librarian about what books to choose

...what book she borrowed last

...if she has already read and enjoyed it

...what reference books she knows

...what reference books she usually consults if she has to write a report

(an article, an essay)

...if she often consults dictionaries

... where one can get information about science, art, outstanding people, etc.

...if she reads periodicals regularly

...if she remembers any article which produced a great impression on her

...if she likes to read in bed

...what books she likes best of all

...if she has a rich collection of books at home

...how many books she buys monthly

...what books her younger sister (brother) likes to read

...what books she was fond of when she was a child


Task 3. Complete the following sentences.


1. If one wants to borrow books from the library ….

2. If you want to know the latest news ….

3. I’m especially fond if magazine Cosmopolitan because ….

4. I think it is very useful to consult ….

5. If you don’t know what book to choose ask ….

6. The books by Chukovsky are very popular with the children because ….

7. The librarian advises ….

8. I think that the proverb “Choose an author as you choose a friend” is ….

9. In my opinion reading is ….

10. The best way to master a language is ….


Task 4. Explain the meaning of the following.

a weekly magazine, a playwright, a poet, a reference library, to renew a book» a microcopy, a thriller, a best­seller, a review, to read a book at a sitting, a headline, a title, a preface, a table of contents

Task 5. Insert prepositions or post-verbal adverbs where necessary. Reproduce the dialogue.

— I'm going to join... the local library. Where is it, by the way?

— It is just... the corner.

— How many books can we take... the library... a time?

— Two or three. You may keep them... a fortnight. But if you haven't finished reading them, you may renew them... another fortnight.

— Is it possible to read or study... the library without taking the book away?

— Yes, there is a reading-room there, and also a reference library for the use... students or research workers.

— Is there a good choice... books... the library?

— Oh, yes, there is a large selection of books... foreign languages. There is one bookshelf containing nothing but English classics. The nineteenth-century novelists are still very popular with the readers.

— What happens if the book you want is...?

— They can keep it... you when it is returned.


Task 6. Read, translate and use in situations of your own.


1. It’s the dullest book I’ve ever read. It makes one sleepy.

2. His books are always a great success. He is a great master of psychological analysis.

3. The plot of the story is very complicated and it carries you away.

4. I’ve greatly enjoyed the language of the book. It’s very rich and expressive.

5. The characters of the book are vivid and real.

6. I’ve nothing against detective stories id they are good.

Task 7. Combine the author and the title of the book. According to the pattern.

Pattern: Oscar Wilde, The Ideal Husband

O. Wilde wrote the play The Ideal Husband.

The author of the play The Ideal Husband is O. Wilde.


Authors: William Shakespeare, George Gordon Byron, Luis Stevenson, Charles Dickens, Jach London, Mark Twain, John Galsworthy, Ernest Hemingway, Somerset Maugham, Iris Murdoch, Oscar Wilde, Bernard Shaw


Books: The End of the Chapter, The Sun Also Rises, Of Human Bondage, Black Prince, Little Dorrit, The Treasure Ireland, Hamlet, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Charles Harold, Pygmalion.


Task 8. Translate into Russian.


Недалеко от нашего дома находится районная библиотека. В библиотеке два больших зала — абоне­мент и читальный зал. Я регулярно посещаю читальный зал. Я люблю просматривать свежие (еженедельные и ежедневные) газеты, читать интересные статьи в еже­месячных журналах. В нашем читальном зале много различных журналов. Я особенно люблю читать журнал «Иностранные языки в школе».

Я также постоянный посетитель абонемента. Я обычно меняю книги раз в две педели. Если книга, которую я хочу взять, выдана, и прошу библиотекаря оставить ее для меня, когда ее вернут. Библиотекари знают, что я люблю исторические и автобиографические (autobiographic) романы. Так как я изучаю англий­ский язык, и стараюсь читать английские книги в подлиннике.


Task 9. Make up dialogues.


1. You’ve just become a student and want to join the library. Ask your fellow student who is a third-year student about the library, and how to join it.

2. You’ve come to join the library. Ask the librarian how you can do it, if you have to present any document, how many books you may borrow, etc.

3. You have to write an essay on Shakespeare. Ask the librarian what books you must consult and if they have them in stock.

Task 10. Describe the picture:



Task 11. Speak on one of the topics.

1. My private collection of books. 2. Our faculty library. 3. Our local library.

4. The work of a librarian. 6. Joining a library. 7. Books of reference and their usage.


Task 13. Speak on your favourite book according to the plan.


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