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The system of education in Kazakhstan



Read and translate new words. Make up 6 sentences using new words



  A.. education system, compulsory education, primary school, secondary school, comprehensive school, public school, further education, polytechnic, college of higher education to specialize in teacher training degree undergraduate graduate post-graduate full-time student part-time student reader lecturer practical classes final examinations (fin changing room students' society Students' Council (Union) С B.A, B.Ed., B.Sc, B.S.E., B.S.M. degree (Bachelor of Arts, Education, Science, Engineering, Medicine etc.) M.A., M.Ed (Master of Arts, Education, etc.) Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)   B. tutorial, residential, college, non-residential, college hall of residence, to live in hall principal building (the Senate), teaching staff Physical Education (P.E.) gymnasium (gym) scientific subjects an intending teacher optional core component (core school (teaching) practice School-based experience Subject studies Education studies (Theory of) Education main subject age-range junior students senior students play production educational aids audio-visual facilities visual aids to observe a lesson supervisor (tutor) to hold examinations


Read and translate the text


The system of education in Kazakhstan

Nowadays in Kazakhstan you can realize your dream of getting education at universities, polytechnics and colleges. Students working for their first degree at university are called undergraduates. When they take their degree we say that they graduate and then they are called graduates. If they continue studying at university after they have graduat­ed, they are called post-graduates. In general, the first de­gree of Bachelor is given to students who pass examinations at the end of four years of study.

Further study or research is required at the modern uni­versities for the first post-graduate degree of Master, and at all state universities for that of Doctor.

In Kazakhstan full-time university students (students who spend all their time studying and have no other employment), have two terms of about fifteen weeks in each year.

University teaching combines lectures given by profes­sors, readers or lecturers, practical classes (in scientific sub­jects) and small group teaching in seminars or tutorials.

The course of study is based upon compulsory and optional subjects.

Junior students go into passive practical work at organizations. Factories and enterprises according to their speciality.

Senior students spend about fifteen weeks on aching practice. They learn the use of different aids, technologies, audio-visual facilities, observe experienced workers and take an active part in discuss­ing them with a supervisor on practical work.

Examinations are held at the end of each term. Final ex­aminations (or finals) are taken at the end of the course.

Of course, the system of education, as everywhere, has some advantages and disadvantages. Because it is not free; you can get a grant in the cases if you leave school with “Altyn Belgy”, or pass entrance examinations successfully. The others pay for getting education.


4.1.3 Write English equivalents of the following words and

Педагогическое образование (обучение учителей), политехничес­кий институт, колледж высшего образования, степень, выпускник, аспирант, бакалавр, дальнейшее обучение, исследовательская работа, магистр, студент дневного отделения, студент вечернего отделения, лектор (2 words), практические занятия, будущий учитель, быть осно­ванным на чём-л., обязательный, факультативный, практика в школе, изучение основного предмета, комплекс предметов педагогического цикла, педагогика, профилирующая дисциплина, возрастная группа, студенты младших курсов, постановка пьесы, студенты старших кур­сов, учебные пособия, аудиовизуальные средства, посещать уроки, руководитель по педпрактике (2 words), проводить экзамены, выпуск­ные экзамены.


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