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B) The USA Presidents and Historical Events

The United States Presidents
The President The period of ruling Some historical events
1.George Washington 2.John Adams 3.Thomas Jefferson 4.JamesMadison 5.James Monroe 6.John Quincy Adams 7.Andrew Jackson 8.Martin Van Buren 9.William Henry Harrison   10. John Tyler 11. James Knox Polk 12. Zachary Taylor 13.Millard Fillmore 14.Franklin Pierce 15. James Buchanan 16.Abraham Lincoln 17.AndrewJohnson 18. Ulysses Simpson Grant 19.Rutherford Birchard Hayes 20.James Abraham Garfield 21.Chester Alan Arthur 22(Stephen)Grover Cleveland 23.Benjamin Harrison 24.Grover Cleveland 25.William McKinley 26.Theodore Roosevelt 27.William Howard Taft 28(Thomas) Woodrow Wilson 29.Warren Gamaliel Harding 30.Calvin Goolidge 31.Herbert Clark Houver 32. Franklin Delano Roosevelt 33. Harry S. Truman 34.Dwight David Eisenhower 35. John Fitzgerald Kennedy 36.Lyndon Baines Johnson 37.Richard Milhous Nixon 38.Gerald Rudolph Ford 39.Jimmy Carter 40.Ronald Wilson Reagan 41.George Bush 42.Bill Clinton 43. George Bush (the junior) (1789-1797) (1797-1801) (1801-1809) (1809-1817) (1817-1825) (1825-1829)   (1829-1837) (1837-1841) (March 4, 1841-April 4, 1841) (1841-1845) (1845-1849) (1849-1850) (1850-1853) (1853-1857) (1857-1861) (1861-1865) (1865-1869) (1869-1877)   (1877-1881)   (1881)     (1881-1885) (1885-1889)   (1889-1893) (1893-1897) (1897-1901) (1901-1909) (1909-1913)   (1913-1921)   (1921-1923)   (1921-1923) (1923-1933)   (1933-1945)   (1945-1953) (1953-1961)   (1961-1963)   (1963-1969)   (1963-1969)   (1974-1977)   (1977-1980) (1981-1989)   (1989-1993) (1993-2001)   The United States has had over 40 Presidents: Grover Cleveland was elected as the 22nd and the 24th President. The State Department ruled that he must be counted twice. George Bush was the 41st President, he served 2 terms that ended in 1797, when he died he was mourned in the US and abroad as one of the great men of the time. He was buried at his home at Mount Vernon, Virginia. Nine Presidents were elected for 2 terms. The shortest term was served by William Henry Harrison who died one month after his inauguration in 1841.     Four Presidents were killed while in office. The first of these was the 16th President, Abraham Lincoln. He was shot while attending the theatre in Washington. James Garfield was shot a few months after his inauguration and died at the age of 49. William McKinley was killed in Buffalo, New York in 1901.   James Buchanan was the only bachelor to be elected. He was assisted in the social activities of the White House by his niece.     One of the Presidents (Andrew Johnson) was a tailor before he became President. Three of the Presidents - Washington, Grand and Eisenhower were Generals of the Army before they were elected. The 26th President, Theodore Roosevelt was a colonel in the Army before he was elected to serve as Vice-President during William McKinley's term of office. When McKinley was killed, Theodore Roosevelt became President. He became the youngest man to be called upon to fill presidency. He was 42. John Kennedy was the youngest person to be elected to the office. He was 43 at the time he was chosen. The state of Virginia is known as the " Presidents' State". Eight Presidents were born there and seven were born in Ohio.     Franklin D. Roosevelt served three fool terms. He was elected to a fourth term in 1944. he died in 1945, and his term was completed by Harry Truman.     John Kennedy was killed in Texas in 1963.     Some Presidents will be remembered by people as great men of their times.  

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