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The movies

In the 1920s American movies filled the cinema screens of the world. Most were made in Holly­wood, a suburb of the city of Los Angeles in California. Hollywood's big attraction for film­makers was its clean air and plentiful sunshine. The movies made there were bright and clear. By the 1920s it had become the film-making capital of the world.

Hollywood movies were made by large companies called studios. The men who ran these studios were businessmen and their main aim was to make as much money as possible. They soon found that one way to do this was to standardize their films. When audiences had shown that they liked a certain kind of film, the studios made many more of exactly the same kind.

Another sure way for a studio to make money was to turn its actors into " stars." Stars were actors who were so popular that people went in crowds to see any film they appeared in, no matter how good or bad it was. A famous star could make any movie a certain success. So the studios went to great lengths to make their actors into stars. They encouraged fan magazines. They set up special publicity departments to get stories about their actors into the newspapers.

The movies of the 1920s were silent. They spoke in pictures, not words, and so their language was international. All over the world, from Berlin to Tokyo, from London to Buenos Aires, tens of millions of people lined up every night of the week to see their favorite Hollywood stars-and, without realizing it, to be Americanized. Hollywood movies showed people a world that was more exciting, more free, more equal, than their own. To most people this world of the movies remained a dream world, separate from real life. But to some it became more. It made them realize, however dimly, that perhaps their own conditions of life could be improved.


Вариант контрольной работы №2

Задание 1

Выберите правильную форму причастия (Participle I, Participle II)

1. They have just…

a. coming

b. came

c. camed

2. You are…too fast

a. running

b. run

c. ran

3. We have …at a 5 star hotel

a. Staying

b. Stayd

c. Staiing

4. The professor has already…

a. Entering

b. entered

c. enterring

5. Are you….

a. crying

b. cryed

c. cried

6. The plane is…

a. lend

b. lended

c. landing

7. We have…each other

a. knew

b. knowing

c. known

8. We are…a detective story now

a. reading

b. Red

c. Read


Задание 2

Перепишите следующие предложения. Подчеркните в них временную форму глагола. Предложения переведите:

1. We will start our job right now.

2. They have already sent the telegram.

3. My mother said she had worked at this University 5 years ago.

4. She will be flying over our city at this time tomorrow morning

5. Listen these two people are speaking English.

6. I can’t do anything. I have cut my finger.

7. They will never come back here again.


Задание 3

Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения, обращая внимания на глагол-сказуемое в придаточном предложении.

1. Они сказали мне, что придут в 6 часов вечера

2. Я думаю, я вернусь в офис в 3 часа

3. Моя сестра только что переехала в новую квартиру.

4. Мой друг ушел домой, когда я пришел на вечеринку.

5. Тише. Дети спят.

6. Посмотри, наш сын катается на велосипеде.

7. Мы смотрели телевизор, когда вошел отец.

Задание 4

Определите, какое из следующих предложений является придаточным условия I или придаточным условия II.

1. When we arrive in the city I will let you know.

2. You would never forget this fascinating place if you went with me.

3. If I were you I would let him some money.

4. Please don’t forget to switch off the light when you leave the room.

5. We would go for a walk if it were not raining.


Задание 5

Перепишите следующие предложения, выберете правильный ответ (Present Simple / Present Continuous) Предложения переведите.

1. Where is John? (He is having a shower/He has a shower)

2. Peter (goes/is going) to the cinema every day.

3. We (are watching/were watching) TV show at the moment.

4. They (have bought/bought) a new color TV now.

5. I (was born/were born) in this city.

6. Tom (broke/has broke) his leg 2 days ago.

7. She (write/writes) compositions very well.


Задание 6

Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильной форме (Past Continuous/Future Simple/Past Simple / Present Perfect)

1. When you called, we (were watching TV/ watched TV/ had watched TV)

2. My friend (is late/was late/ was being late) all the time.

3. Mary and John (have married/married/were marrying) last year.

4. We (will write/write/is writing) this book next year, I think.


Задание 7

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

1. We would speak about this problem at the meeting, if our boss were present.

2. If we start our work right now will finish it much earlier.

3. If you book the tickets beforehand we will have no problems.

4. If I were in your place I would tell the truth up to the end

5. I would offer you to buy these shoes if they were not so expensive

6. If he is not so busy, he will print this text in two ours without problems.


Задание 8

Переделайте глагол - сказуемое в действительном залоге (Active voice) в левой колонке на глагол сказуемое(Passive voice) в правой колонке.


I use my computer to write e-mails.


1) We tell fairy tails to our kids, when they go to bed.

My computer is often used for writing e-mails.


1) Fairy tails…


2) Somebody cleans the room everyday. 2) The room …

3) Uncle Jack built this house. 3) This house…

4) Shakespeare wrote Romeo & Juliet 4) Romeo & Juliet


Задание 9

Прочтите текст и переведите его устно. Затем перепишите и переведите заглавие и абзацы 1, 3, 4.


The American Century

Denims and hot dogs, skyscrapers and supermarkets, mass production and rock music-what do all these have in common? One thing is that they can be found today all over the world. Another is that all of them were born in the United States. The country which for most of its existence had been an importer of influences has become in the twentieth century a major exporter of them. In many areas of life, American popular tastes and attitudes have conquered the world.

You have read earlier about the part that American movies played in this process. After the Second World War the spreading of American influence was continued by a powerful new force-television. As early as 1947, around 170, 000 American families had television sets flickering in their living rooms. Thousands more were waiting for sets to be delivered. Soon millions of people were organizing their activities around the programs on television that evening.

Most early American television programs were concerned with entertainment. Comedy and game shows, stories about policemen and detectives, the adventures of fictional western heroes like the Lone Ranger-all these were very popular. The main purpose of such programs was to attract large audiences of " viewers." Manufacturing firms then paid television companies like NBC and CBS lots of money to show advertisements for their products while the programs were being broadcast, or " televised."

By the 1960s filmed television programs had become an important American export. Other countries found it cheaper to buy American programs than to make their own. Soon such exported programs were being watched by viewers all over the world. One of the most popular was " I Love Lucy, " a 1950s comedy series featuring a red-haired comedienne named Lucille Ball. When Lucille Ball died in April 1989, " I Love Lucy" was still being televised. It had been seen by then in seventy-nine different countries and had become the most watched television show ever?



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