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Your Essential Assignments. 1. Give the biological meaning of evolution.

I. Quick check:


1. Give the biological meaning of evolution.

2. How does neo-Darwinism differ from Darwin’s original theory of evolution?


II. Fill in the missing words:

Term (verb) Noun Adjective
exist ....... .......
suggest ....... .......
reproduce ....... .......
develop ....... .......
inherit ....... .......
inhabit ....... .......
evolve ....... .......
select ….. ……

III. Use monolingual English dictionary and write down what could the words given below mean:

change, naturalist, complex, to escape, to collect, humans.

IV. Match these words with their definitions:

  generation A. an illness or unhealthy condition in your body
  evolution B. the air, water and land in which people, animals and plants live
  evidence C. a member of your family who lived a long time ago
  reproduce D. the careful choice of a particular person or thing from among a group of similar people or things
  species E. to continue to live or exist
  survive F. to change into a larger, stronger, or more advanced state
7. ancestor G. to produce young animals from parents of different breeds or groups
8. develop H. all the members of a group of things which have been developed from a previous group
9. naturalist I. an animal’s baby or babies
  environment J. the state of existing
  selection K. the gradual change and development
12. disease L. to produce young animals or plants
13. interbreed M. someone who studies plants or animals, especially outdoors
14. offspring N. facts that make you believe that something exist or is true
15. existence O. a group of closely related organisms

V. Find English equivalents to the following word combinations:

Russian term English equivalent
1. произошедший от  
2. тесно связанный  
3. последующие поколения  
4. живущие на земле  
5. производить оплодотворенное потомство  
6. генетический состав  
7. придти к выводу  
8. относительно постоянный  
9. собирать свидетельства  
10. сопротивляться болезни  
11. генетика и молекулярная биология  
12. случайные и спонтанные изменения  
13. мутации в репродуктивных клетках  
14. большинство биологов  
15. естественный отбор  

VI. Give Russian equivalents to the following English terms:

English term Russian equivalent
  according to  
  inhabited the world in the past  
  sufficiently great  
  continuous and gradual change  
  widely accepted among biologists  
  to develop the theory  
  natural selection  
  with varying characteristics  
  struggle for existence  
  to obtain limited resources  
  best adapted to their environment  
  to escape predation  
  a full description of the theory of evolution  
  a common ancestor  

VII. Find synonyms among the pool of words:

Pool of words Synonyms
2)1.support /2.happen/3.exist/4.occur/5.underpin /6.live  
3)1. investigation /2.selection /3.research /4. choice  
4)1.escape/2.disease/3.individual/4.get away/5.illness/ 6.human being  

VIII. Answer the following questions. Use all information given before:

1. How does the evolution usually take place?

2. What led Charles Darwin to develop his theory of evolution?

3. What did Darwin mean by “natural selection”?

4. What are three main observations of Darwin’s theory?

5. What does “struggle for existence” mean?

6. What book has been called the most important biology book ever written?

7. Do the majority of biologists accept Darwin’s theory?

8. What is called neo-Darwinism?

IX. Match the sentence halves. Make complete sentences:

1. According to most biologists, the millions of species living on Earth today A. is called neo-Darwinism.
2. Evolution happens B. than are required to replace their parents.
3. The mechanism that is widely accepted among biologists today C. to support his theory and refined his ideas.
4. Organisms produce more offspring D. which underpins much of modern biology.
5. Members of the same population compete E. are descended from other species that inhabited the world in the past.
6. For more than 20 years, Darwin collected evidence F. come about by random and spontaneous changes in genes.
7. Evolution by natural selection has become a central theme G. to obtain limited resources.
8. The variations that are so important in natural selection H. when the genetic composition of a population changes over successive generations.

X. Read and translate the short text without any dictionary:

Fact of life: Highly sensitive dating techniques tell us that the Earth is between 4.5 and 5.0 thousand million years old. It is generally agreed by scientists that the Earth was originally devoid of life, and that the first living organisms arose by biochemical evolution from complex organic chemicals formed in the atmosphere and seas of early Earth. These first forms of life gave rise to countless millions of species. Most have become extinct, but some have evolved into organisms found today. According to the latest estimates, 20-30 million species share our planet.

XI. Food for thought:

In 1809 Jean-Baptiste de Lamark suggested that the driving force behind evolution was the need for organisms to adapt to changing environmental conditions. His theory became known as the theory of evolution by the inheritance of acquired characteristics. He believed that adaptations developed by an organism during its lifetime could be passed on to its offspring. According to Lamark, modern giraffes might have evolved from a short-necked ancestors in the following way. Giraffes feed on leaves ripped off the branches of trees. When leaves on the lower branches were removed, or when the trees became taller, the ancestral giraffe needed to stretch to reach leaves on higher branches. By continually stretching, their necks lengthened and the ability to grow a slightly longer neck was inherited by the next generation which carried on stretching, and so on.

We know that this explanation of the evolution of the giraffe’s neck is untrue because activities such as stretching to feed do not affect the gametes. Therefore, this type of characteristic acquired during the life of an organism is not inherited by its offspring. Expressed in modern terms, Lamarckism would mean that changes in phenotype could determine the genotype of future generations. This does not agree with modern genetics, and there are no generally accepted examples of acquired characteristics being inherited. Suggest a neo-Darwinian explanation for the evolution of the modern long-necked giraffe from a short-necked ancestor.

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