«IHD. Stable stenocardia III FC»
| Critereas of the steps assesment
| Collecting complaints and anamnesis
| It is carried out sequentially and it is systematized
| Specification of symptoms of an illness
| Asked questions for specification of character of pains, duration and irradiations of pains, effect from reception of Isoketum.
| Definition of the risk factors of development of an atherosclerosis of coronary vessels
| Age, male, heredity, smoking, excess weight
| Physical examination
| The increased body weight is revealed,
conducted the examination on detection of peripheral edemas
| Examination of the cardiovascular system
| Measurement of the CARDIAC CONTRACTIONS RATE, pulse and BP with keeping of rules. Defined the borders of the relative dullness of heart, made auscultation of heart sequentially and correctly
| Justification and formulation of the preliminary diagnosis
| Considering character of pain: gripping pains behind a breast with an irradiation in the left hand, less than 5 min., arising when walking on distance up to 150 m and passing after the prima of Isoketum,
considering risk factor and given the anamnesis - attacks have constant character, there are 1, 5 years, pains did not become frequent and amplified lately:
Ischemic heart disease. Anginas of exertion of the III FC.
| Purpose of the plan of instrumental examination
| ECG, EchoCG, Daily monitoring of an ECG by Holter, physical stress test
| Purpose of the plan of laboratory examination
| 1. General blood analysis; general urine analysis.
2. Biochemical blood analysis: urea, creatinine, blood glucose Lipide profile, uric acid
| Interpretation of the ECG
| On the ECG registered at the time of an attack, noted the shift of the RS-T segment below an isoline, reflecting development of an acute ischemia and damage in subendocardial parts of a myocardium
| Interpretation of results of daily monitoring of an ECG
| Revealed: - violation of coronary blood supply: a ST segment depression to 0.2 mV in the left chest assignments
| Interpretation of EchoCG
| Aorta is sclerozed. The sizes of the right and left ventricles are not increased. Hypertrophy of a left ventricle. Hypo -akinesia of the posterior-lateral LV. Contractive ability of a myocardium is a little reduced
| Interpretation of general blood analysis and urine
| Indexes within norm
| Interpretation of biochemical analysis
| Dislipidemy (increase of level of a cholesterin, triglycerides, low density lipoprotein, decrease in high density lipoprotein)
| Justification and formulation of the clinical diagnosis
| Diagnosis of an ischemic heart disease, stable stenocardy of exertion of the III functional class. A postmyocardial infarction cardiosclerosis of 2013 ChHF I.FK 2
| Definition treatment planning
| · • Not medicamentous therapy (mode II, diet 10) Anti-anginal therapy (beta adrenoblockers nitropreparations).
· • Antithrombocitic preparations (Acidum acetylsalicylicum (ASK),
· • Hypolipidemic therapy (statina).
The scenario is discussed and approved at faculty meeting of ID No. 1. The protocol No. 2, from 16.09.2015.
The scenario is discussed and approved at a meeting the COP of ID. The protocol No. 1, from 29.09.2015.