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VOCABULARY. Exercise 35. Look at these words for types of films


Exercise 35. Look at these words for types of films. Think of an example of a film for

each type.

Action film western thriller science fiction film horror film comedy

Musical love story

Ex.: action film: “Robocop”

Exercise 36. Look at the adjectives. Which ones can you use to describe something

you like? Which ones can you use to describe something you dislike?

amazing appalling simple remarkable delightful charming impressive awkward far-fetched clumsy sensitive gripping horrible funny powerful terrible emotional fantastic slow extraordinary spectacular




You can use the following common phrases to give opinions:


I thought it was really good.

I found it uninteresting.

I’ve never seen such a good film.

It’s well worth / not worth seeing.

As far as I’m concerned, it’s the best film I’ve ever seen.

In my opinion …

If you ask me …

Personally I think …

I guess …

I believe …

I reckon …






You can also use the following adverbs of degree before an adjective to emphasise something:

absolutely amazingly extremely especially extraordinarily particularly really

Ex.: It’s a really exciting film.


Exercise 37. Make adverbs from these adjectives.

simple brilliant remarkable delightful charming impressive powerful happy spectacular

Exercise 38. Choose the correct adjective or adverb.

I. 1 He thought it was a spectacular / spectacularly film.

2 It was extreme / extremely exciting.

3 The characters acted rather clumsy / clumsily.

4 The plot was particular / particularly far-fetched.

5 It’s got a fantastic / fantastically ending.

6 It’s one of the most remarkable / remarkably films I’ve ever seen.


II. 1 It was an incredible / incredibly thrilling film.

2 He was amazing / amazingly rich.

3 The special effects were spectacular / spectacularly.

4 The action was rather slow / slowly.

5 The acting was really funny / funnily.

6 It was terrible / terribly depressing.




Exercise 39. a) Say the sentences aloud. Use stress to emphasise your opinions .

1 It’s really amazing!

2 It’s an absolutely terrible film!

3 The ending is especially exciting!

4 The plot is particularly well-written.

5 The acting is simply appalling.

6 The music is extremely good.


b) Think of an example of a film for each phrase.







Exercise 40. Joe is talking to Linda about a film classic, “Casablanca”.

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