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Post-text exercises. I. Find the Ukrainian equivalents for the following English words:

I. Find the Ukrainian equivalents for the following English words:

a) circuit; current; keyboard; letter; figure; dash; dot; connect; message; print

b) цифра; літера; тире; повідомлення; клавиатура; поєднувати; друкувати; ланцюг; струм; крапка.

II. Arrange antonyms in pairs and translate them:

a) to stop, to receive, passive, positive, to break, here, automatically, long, the same, inwards;

b) active, to transmit, negative, to start, different, there, by hand, short, to close, outwards.

III. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Ukrainian word combinations:

Базується на тому, що; заставити зуммер дзвеніти; механічним способом; в одному напрямку; той самий період часу; п’ятизначний код; майже відрізняється від; змінює свій напрям; постійний струм; змінний струм; на одній і тій самій телеграфній лінії; кожне повідомлення.

IV. Fill in the blanks with the following words:

circuit, direct, direction, frequencies, increase, length, received, reverses, transmitted, transmitting

1. Electrical impulses will not flow through a wire if the... is broken. 2. Electricity can flow in either... around a circuit. 3. New codes were invented to... the speed of sending telegraph messages. 4. In the International 5-unit teleprinter code all the letters lake the same... of time to transmit. 5. In the Morse code, E can be... more quickly than " nought". 6. Current which travels along a line in one direction only is called... current. 7. Alternating current supplied to people's houses usually... its direction 100 times every second. 8. Cur­rent used in telegraphy alternates at much higher... than current supplied to people's houses. 9. A message sent by a... machine working on current alternating at 540 cycles per second can only be... by a machine working on the same fre­quency.

V. Answer the following questions:

1. How is a key used to send an electrical impulse through a circuit? 2. What is an " earth return"? 3. How can the cir­cuit be closed? 4. Why could the Morse code be trans­mitted more quickly by " double current working" than by " single current working"? 5. Which sign takes the longest to transmit by the Morse code? 6. How is a teleprinter used to receive a message started? 7. What kind of current is mostly used in telegraphy nowadays? 8. What is the highest frequen­cy to transmit messages by alternating current? 9. Why was it necessary to increase the number of messages that could be sent along one telegraph line? 10. Why are machines now used instead of human operators to transmit and receive telegraph messages?

VI. Translate the following definitions and memorize the terms:

Alternating current. A periodic current the average value of which over a period is zero.

Circuit. A conductor or system of conductors through which an electric current is intended to flow.

Direct current. A unidirectional current in which the changes in value are either zero or so small that they may be neglected.

Frequency. The number of periods per unit time.

Noise. Unwanted disturbances superposed upon a useful signal that tend to obscure its information content.

Range. The region between the limits within which a quantity is measured, expressed by stating the lower.

VII. Open the brackets using the correct tense form:

1. The remarkable properties of transistor (to open) the doors to a new era in telephone switching. 2. Tremendous changes in telecommunication (to take place) in the last de­cade. 3. The scientists (to develop) these new units from the beginning of the year to the end of March. 4. Microelectronics (to take) a big leap forward with the development of silicon integrated circuits which (to find) already many uses in space projects. 5. They (to test) these new units for the repeaters for some weeks. 6. I suppose the laboratory (to develop) the new electronic telephone system for the whole year.

VIII. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the verbs in the Passive Voice:

1. Our group was joined by some new persons. 2. The tel­ephone connects you to a person directly and your question will be answered immediately. 3. The lecture will be attended by all the students. 4. The experiment was watched with great interest. 5. Morse invention was followed by a number of new machines. 6. The underwater cable is affected by sea wafer so it is well isolated. 7. The letter will be answered at once. 8. In telegraphy direct current was substituted by al­ternating current. 9. Modern telegraph systems have been influenced by achievements of science and technology. 10. The delegation was joined by a group of students. 11. The mes­sage must be sent immediately.

IX. Use the Passive Voice (with the preposition " by") in the following sentences:

1. Impulses signal a dash and a dot. 2. Most modern systems use alternating current. 3. The telephone connects you to a person directly. 4. Many examples illustrate this fact. 5. The laboratory has developed a new receiving machine. 6. The new inventions minimize the experimental errors.7. Several examples demonstrate this idea. 8. Man has in-creased the speed of the machine. 9. Telegraph lines connect telephone stations. 10. The first underground cable linked] America and Britain in 1866.

X. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the tense forms of the verb:

I. Attention has been paid to the speed of the sending machine. 2. Care is taken not to heat the machine. 3. Account should be taken of the progress of science. 4. All the require­ments are met in the experiment. 5. Steps have been taken to increase the speed of sending up messages. 6, Great atten­tion is given to the study of electricity. 7. Reference had been made to this invention. 8. They will be permitted to do the experiment. 9. We are informed that many scientists are working at the problem of space communication. 10. The work is being done now and soon it will be finished.

XI. Analyze the following words and translate them paying attention to the negative prefixes:

disconnection, unusual, unload, unimportant, non-con­ductor, independently, immobile, impossibility, infrequent­ly, irregularity, illegal, indirect, discharge, ungrounded, incomplete.

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