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Post-text exercises. I. Try to remember the origin of the word “Television”.
I. Try to remember the origin of the word “Television”. The word “television” comes from the Greek word “tele” which means “ far”, and the Latin word “visio”- “seeing”. It enables us to see stationary and moving objects at great distance. Television requires pictures to be sent by means of electricity. Pictures are made up of light and darkness. II. Put the words in order: 1. In, television, was, first, 1938, in, colour, demonstrated. 2. TV, to, colour, belongs, future, the. 3. The, to be used, widely, both, television, in, in, industry, life, everyday. 4. The, tests, engineer, new, the devices.5. Radio, important, television, play, and, an, in, society, our, today, role. 6. The, the, the, electric, pressure, of, causes, current, through, lightning, pass, to, air.7. Tubes, the, vacuum, or, power, voltage, amplify. III. Match following words and word combinations with the Ukrainian: 1. means of viewing, observer, a television transmitter, conversion, the perception of audio signals and video signals, the peculiarities of human sight, beam, amplification, simultaneously. 2. спостерігач; особливості людського зору; промінь, сяяти; перетворення; засоби огляду; збільшення, поширення; телеприймач; сприймання аудіо та відео сигналів; одночасно. IV. Arrange synonyms and antonyms in pairs and memorize them: a) speed; peripheral; to control; to write; auxiliary; to do; to receive; rate; to record; to get; to make; to handle; device; unit; instruction; part; to accept; command; section; information; data; to take in. b) to add; presence; hole; input; north; decimal; to multiply; to divide; binary; south; output; blank; absence; to subtract V. Fill in the blanks with the following words: Was developed, is more complicated, is separated, is transmitted, can perceive, picks up, are usually termed. 1. The television receiver …signals. 2.In television broadcasting, the sound signal …simultaneously with the video signal.3. These signals …the picture signals.4. The iconoscope camera tube …as far back as the early thirties.5. The human eye, on the other hand, …many different objects at one and the same time.6. After amplification, the sound signal ….from the composite signal. 7. The transmission of video signals …than the transmission of audio signals by means of radio-waves. VI. Complete the following sentences, using active vocabulary: 1. Television provides a means of viewing the images of … 2. The tube in the television receiver, that provides picture display, is called … 3. … of an object is projected onto the camera tube. 4. The move-ment of the electron beam in the television tube must 5. The transmission of video signals is more complicated than the transmission of … 6. … can perceive many different objects at one and the same time. VII. Which of the following statements are true or false? If the statement is wrong, correct it: 1. Television provides a means of viewing the images of objects that are in our sight.2. The transmission of video signals is very simple, than the transmission of audio signals by means of radio-waves.3. The human eye can not perceive many different objects at one and the same time.4. The iconoscope camera tube was developed in 1970. 5. There is no difference between the perception of audio signals and video signals by the human being. VIII. Memorize the following definitions: Channel. A path along which signals can be sent, for example, data channel. Conductor. A substance or body that alloys a current of electricity to pass continuously it. Noise. Unwanted disturbances superimposed upon a useful signal that tend to obscure its information content. Television. The electric transmission and reception of transient visual images. IX. Complete the following sentences, using active vocabulary: 1. Television provides a means of viewing the images of ….2. Television signals can be transmitted by ….3. The movement of the electron beam in the television tube must be ….4.The receiver aerial picks up the sound and ….5. The electron beam of this tube scans the image ….6. Television provides a means of viewing the images of … X. Answer the following questions: 1. What does the word “communication” include? 2. What does the television receiver (TV-set) pick up? 3. When was the iconoscope camera tube developed? 4. How television signals can be transmitted? 5. Where the signals are amplified and detected? XI. State the functions of the Infinitive and translate the sentences: 1. Specialists face many difficulties to solve the technical problems in the field of communication. 2. To communicate information of some sort must be transferred. 3. During the industrial revolution new communication techniques began to evolve.4. To get rid of noise, specialists investigate general characteristics of noise. 5. It was decided to use “ a bit” as a unit of information. 6. The function of transmitter is to encode the message. XII. Open the brackets using the correct form of the Infinitive: 1. I hate (to bother) you, but the students are still waiting (to give) books their work.2. He seems (to know) English very well: he is said (to spend) his youth in London.3. She was sorry (to miss) the beginning of the experiment.4. We hope (to know) everything by tomorrow.5. He seems (to read) now. 6. The engineer wants the new devices (to test) in the laboratory. 7. Vacuum tubes enable us (to amplify) the voltage or the pover.8. Radio enable the human voice (to transmit) around the globe. XIII. Use the Objective Infinitive Construction in the following sentences: M о d e 1: We know that the operator works well. → We know the operator to work well. 1. We know that the transmitter accepts the message and turns it into signals. 2. Assume that the Iog216 is equal to 4. 3. We know that the capacity of the channel is described in terms of its ability to transmit what is produced out of source of a given information. 4. Suppose that the word communication is used in a very broad sense. 5. We know that the receiver changes the signal back into a message. 6. We expect that the information source produces a message by successively discrete symbols. 7. When one meets the concept of entropy he has a right to expect that it is basic and important. XIV. Use the Subjective Infinitive Construction in the following sentences: Model: It is known that the operator works well.---The operator is known to work well. 1. It is known that the sound from the telephone is transmitted over long distances. 2. It is assumed that the word " information" in communication theory relates to what you could say. 3. It is proved that information is a measure of one's freedom of choice. 4. It is believed that the new method has given good results. 5. It is expected that the result agrees with theoretical predictions. 6. It is known that a system which produces a sequence of symbols according to certain probabilities is called a stochastic process. 7. It is likely that the information theory is known to the students. 8. It turns out that the technical problems are concerned with the accuracy of transference