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Subject: The constitutional foundations of the social structure of the Republic of Kazakhstan


- The concept of the constitutional order of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

- Constitutional and legal status of social and political institutions.

- The status of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Status of TheParliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The constitutional basis for the organization and activities of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The constitutional principles of judicial authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The constitutional basis for local government and local self-government in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Keywords: constitutional system, government agencies.


The constitutional system means a way of organizing the state, providing its subordination to the law and describing it as a constitutional state. The Constitution establishes the fundamental principles of the constitutional order of the Republic of Kazakhstan: democracy, addressing the most important issues of state by democratic methods, Unitarianism, state sovereignty, the principle of the division of powers, the supremacy of law.

The Art. 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan definds it as a democratic state. It means that the only source of state power in the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan is nation. Democracy is carried out by a national referendum and free elections, and by delegating the implementation of their power to state authority (item 3.2). Democracy is evident not only in the formation of public power by the people of Kazakhstan, but also by participating in the work of the local self-government.

Sovereignty is proclaimed in the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan as one of the bases of the constitutional order. Sovereignty is a property of the state to carry out it's functions independently of the other states in iy's own territory and beyond. The declaration " On the State Sovereignty of the Kazakh SSR", adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR, 25 October 1990 has special role in ensuring the sovereignty of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Declaration enshrined the political, economic and legal guarantees of sovereignty of Kazakhstan. The economic basis of the sovereignty consists of the land and its resources, water, forests, flora, fauna, natural resources and raw materials, raw materials and economic, scientific and technical and cultural potential. The protection of the sovereignty is implemented in different ways: Military way - The Armed Forces are designed to protect the territorial integrity of the Republic and its national interests, diplomatic way - the President and the Government should conduct an independent and autonomous policy in the international sphere.

А democratic state is based on the principle of division of powers. According to the Section 4 of the Constitution st.3 the state power in the Republic of Kazakhstan is unified but using a system of checks and balances it is implemented according to the principle of the separation of the three branches: legislative, executive, judicial.

As a unitary state the Republic of Kazakhstan is characterized as a single, politically homogeneous structure consisting of the administrative-territorial units that do not have their own statehood. As a unitary state Kazakhstan is characterized by anavailability of one citizenship, a common structure of the state apparatus; hierarchical system of administrative - territorial unit, unified system of legislation, a unified court system.

The Republic of Kazakhstan is a state with a presidential form of government (st.2p. 1). It means that Kazakhstan is a republic headed by a publicly elected president. President is the Head of State and Government is responsible to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. President forms the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The candidacy of the Prime Minister is only appointed by the President with the consent of Parliament. The Constitution sets out the main principles of the organization of social life. These include such as principles social cohesion and political stability, the ideological and political pluralism, the principles of the division of public and state institutions.

The political system consists of numerous organizations, institutions and agencies engaged in the fight for power, its organization and operation. The elements of the political system are associations and government agencies. All associations in the Republic of Kazakhstan are equal before the the law (st.3.2). The Constitution prohibits the establishment and operation of public associations whose goals or actions are aimed to change the constitutional order, violation of the integrity of the Republic, undermining the security of the state (st.5.3).

Constitutional recognition of ideological pluralism (Article 5.1) means that the Republic of Kazakhstan recognizes the ideological diversity and there is no ideology that can be established as a national. The political pluralism means that various socio-political structures operating in society are availiable. The variety of forms of economic activity is basis of the political pluralism.The Republic of Kazakhstan recognizes and protects equally both state and private ownership (st.6.1).

The activities of all unions make an influence to political processes of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main public organizations in the Republic of Kazakhstan include political parties, trade unions. Parties occupy more and more importance in the political system and society as a whole. This is due to the vesting of their right to nominate candidates for President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the candidates for deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The country is in the process of becoming a multi-party system, which involves the legality of the political opposition, and this will promote the involvement in the political life of the general population.

One of the fundamental principles of the constitutional order of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the social harmony and political stability. The activities of all the institutions of the political system should be aimed at achieving political stability in society. The peculiarity of the Republic of Kazakhstan is its multi-ethnicity and social associations which determine the forms and directions of its activities should take this fact and seek to establish a social harmony.

The Constitution has defined the strategic goal - the establishment of the rule of law in Kazakhstan. As the Constitution is a policy document the formation of the rule of law is a fairly long process. The achievement of this long-term goal is possible only in the case of the triumph of the rule of law.

Determining the role of the state guaranteeing a social protection should be based on constitutional provisions that the Republic of Kazakhstan is the welfare state. The social state is understood as the state which main objectives are to achieve social progress based on the principles of social equality, universal solidarity and mutual responsibility. This is a state policy aimed at creating the conditions for a dignified life and free development of each individual.

For a certain degree the Constitution provides of social protection for its citizens. This is reflected in the establishment of the state minimum wage and pensions, guaranteed social security in old age (Article 28.1) and the guaranteed volume of free medical care (st.29.2). State sets educational standards (Article 30.4) and the activities of any institution must comply with these standards. The Constitution guarantees the free secondary education in public schools. However, it does not exclude the possibility of getting paid education. Compulsory secondary education is Constitutionally established. The State has a leading role in the development of science and culture. The state must create the appropriate conditions for science and culture. According to constitutional provision to improve the protection and use the spiritual and cultural values the considerable importance is on the duties of every citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan to take care of the protection of historical and cultural heritage and protect monuments of history and culture (Article 37).

Kazakhstan is a secular state. It means that religious associations are separate from the state. They do not interfere in state politics. There is no official state religion in a secular state and none of the creeds is recognized preferred. Moreover, the state also does not interfere in the affairs of religious organizations. It is neutral in matters of religion and belief. Religion and education are separated from each other. Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan citizens receive secular. Religious associations in the Republic of Kazakhstan are based on the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on January 15, 1992 " On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations".

Foundations of Constitutional Order encompass the principles of relations between the state and the person of the citizen. Art. 1 of the Constitution has idendefined an individual, his life, rights and freedom as the highest value of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The state is recognizing, respecting and protecting the inalienable rights of individual and citizen, thus performing its public duty. The Constitution provides for the mutual responsibility of the person of the citizen and society.

The economic basis of the constitutional system of Kazakhstan is both private and state ownership, which are equally protected by the state. For the first time the RK1995 Constitution established the right of private ownership of land in accordance with paragraph. 3 St.b. Freedom of economic activity, business and labor are ensured in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Economic relations are based on social partnership of individual and the state, fair competition is ensured. The state has the right to regulate business and economic life in individual and society interests.

7-тақ ырып. Баланс-тепе-тең дік. Зат есім, жалаң жә не кү рделі зат есімдер. Зат есім, жалаң жә не кү рделі зат есімдер туралы білімдерін кең ейту.

Баланс немесе тепе-тең дік принципі – кө терілген мә селеге қ атысты, ақ тау немесе даттау пікірлерін қ атар беріп, айқ астырып қ ою емес. Сол мә селеге қ атысты сарапшылардың бірін-бірі толық тырып, назарғ а ілікпей қ алғ ан жерлеріне кө ң іл аударуы.Зат есім - заттың, қ ұ былыстың атын білдіріп, кім? не? деген сұ рақ қ а жауап беретін сө з табы. Кү нделікті ө мірде кездесетін ә деттегі жай нә рселерді ғ ана емес, табиғ ат пен қ оғ амдық ө мірдегі ұ шырасатын ә р алуан қ ұ былыстар мен уақ иғ аларды, ұ ғ ымдар мен тү сініктерді де қ амтиды. Қ ұ рылымы жағ ынан зат есім жалаң да, кү рделі де болады. Жалаң зат есімдер екі салағ а бө лінеді: біріншісі - тү бір зат есімдер, екіншісі - туынды зат есімдер. Кү рделі зат есімдерге кемінде екі я онан да астам тү бір морфемадан қ ұ ралғ ан формалар жатады. Ондай зат есімдер қ азіргі қ азақ тілінде тө рт тү рлі: біріккен зат есімдер, қ осарлағ ан зат есімдер, тіркес (қ ұ рама) зат есімдер, қ ысқ арғ ан зат есімдер. Зат есім туралы студенттердің білімдерін кең ейту.

Lecture 7.

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