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Course of lectures ON DISCIPLINEСтр 1 из 33Следующая ⇒
«BASICS OF ECONOMIC THEORY» for non economic specialties Shymkent, 2015 UDC 330.8. (072) BBK 65.01ja73
V. Sherstyuk, G. Urazbaeva, A. Abishova. Course of lectures on discipline «Basics of economic theory».- Shymkent: South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov, 2014.- 68 p.
The course of lectures contains all sections of discipline «Basicsof the economic theory». It is intended first of all for students of not economic specialities, teachers of economic disciplines and all others who are interested in theoretical bases of functioning of economy. The manual is intended for students non economic specialties
The course of lectures is recommended to the edition by Educational-methodical advice UKGU named after M. Auezov, the report record № 4 of " 17" January 2014