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budgeting motivate (v) operating plan anticipate (v) primary framework складання бюджету спонукати виробничий план очікувати; передбачати основний; найважливіший рамки; межа; структура fiscal year randomly correspond (to) master budget control device бюджетний рік; фінансовий рік довільно; випадково відповідати (чому-небудь) головний бюджет контрольний засіб, стандартний план діяльності бізнесу


The preparation of a budget is an important aspect of a company's success. The preparation of it helps management to establish short-term and long-term goals and standards for the company, motivates employees to achieve company goals, and provides for a systematic review of performance. The success of the budgeting process depends on the cooperation of all employees.

Budget of a business is the financial operating plan for an organization for a fixed period. The budget shows what income is anticipated and how the resources will be used during the budget period. It is a forecast used by a business to plan and control.

The primary objective of the budget is to establish a financial framework for the operations of the business. The accounting period for the budget is usually either the calendar year or the fiscal year. The fiscal year is any randomly chosen twelve-month period that does not correspond to the calendar year.

The total of separate budgets from different departments within a company that shows in detail how the entire business operates is called master budget. As the business year progresses, management can use the budget as a control device that permits monitoring of the company's operations.


1 What is a budget? What does it show? 2 Why is the preparation of a budget an important aspect of a company's success? 3 What is the primary objective of the budget? 4 What is the customary accounting period for the budget? 5 What is a master budget? 6 What can a master budget be used for? 7 What is a control device? 8 What does the success of the budgeting process depend on?


1 Match words that have a similar meaning:


operate goal progress achieve systematic fixed anticipate primary permit total


sum main expect definite reach regular allow objective function develop


2 Give the English equivalents for:

успіх компанії; встановлювати довгострокові цілі; процес складання бюджету; встановлений строк; прибуток; прогноз; найважливіша задача; бюджетний рік; головний бюджет; використовувати бюджет як контрольний засіб; контролювати роботу компанії; виробничий план; бюджетний період.


3 Match the words and phrases in the box with the correct definition:


1) a plan of expected income and expenditure for a particular period of time; 2) the total of separate budgets from different departments within a company; 3) a standard plan for the performance of a business by which its operations may be measured and regulated; 4) a statement about what one thinks will happen in the future; 5) related to a 12-month period of business activity; 6) the people who control a company;

7) an aim or target; 8) the main internal workings of business.


4 Choose the correct word from the box to complete the gaps. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:


total, monitors, accounting, financial year, motivates, budget (2), fiscal year, budgeting, budgets


1 The financial director is responsible for the firm's.... 2... involves setting financial goals and standards for an enterprise. 3 Our company's... is the calendar year, January 1 to December 31. 4 The new channel will be launched with a $3 million promotional.... 5 A desire to go to business school... her to study mathematics hard. 6 She was given a... of € 25 000 to launch the magazine. 7 In the UK, the government's... runs from 6 April to the following 5 April. 8 Our financial manager will calculate the total profit at the end of the... period. 9 The boss... the quality of her employees' work. 10 The... of this month's sales is up 20 %.


5 Translate into English:


Державний бюджет - це план формування та використання ресурсів для забезпечення завдань і функцій центральними та місцевими органами влади. Він є важелем впливу на національну економіку та відображує економічну ситуацію в країні. Бюджет є планом того, які види діяльності мають фінансуватися, скільки коштів буде витрачатися на оборону, охорону здоров'я, освіту, соціальні послуги та на інші програми.

У періоди економічного зростання з'являється більше робочих місць. Держава має можливість фінансувати більше програм.


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