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Examination of the teeth
Examination of the teeth should be the final part of the oral examination. Any number of developmental defects of the teeth may be apparent. Partial anodontia is a common occurrence, especially involving the maxillary lateral incisors. Supernumerary teeth (eg. mesiodens) also are commonly noted. Missing teeth and supernumerary teeth are commonly found in a variety of inherited disorders (eg, Gardner syndrome, oral facial digital syndrome). Gross decay of the occlusal (biting) surfaces of the teeth usually appears as discolored cavitations and represents the sequelae of poor oral hygiene. Decay involving the interproximal (tooth-to-tooth contact) surfaces may not be clinically apparent without the aid of dental radiographs. The decay at the gingival margins of the teeth adjacent to the attached gingiva may be the first manifestation of xerostomia. Root surface caries are also commonly observed in geriatric patients with gingival recession.
Exercise 3. Find English equivalents to the following word combinations:
Огляд зубів; будь яка кількість дефектів; часткова відсутність зубів; додаткові зуби; успадковані порушення; наслідок поганої гігієни; стоматологічні рентгенівські знімки; суміжні зубі; перші прояви хвороби; у старих людей; рецесія ясен; видимі пошкодження.
Exercise 4. Look at the media files. Check the meaning of the new words. Be ready to describe each file in your own words:
1. The oral examination is an area of physical diagnosis but much information can be gained …. a systematic evaluation. a) out b) in c) of d) through e) from
2. The primary objective is … between health and disease. a) to distinguish b) distinguish c) distinguishes d) distinguishing e) distinguished
3. An oral examination can be supplemented by ….of the oral soft tissues. a) X-ray b) TC scan c) Biopsy d) Autopsy e) Paracentesis
4. Always begin the evaluation of a patient with oral symptoms with an extraoral….. examination. a) tooth b) oral cavity c) head and neck d) gingival e) gingival margin 5. ….healthy individuals, the labial mucosa is smooth, soft, and well lubricated. a) on b) at c) in d) from e) by
6. Anxiety regarding the examination may …a transient xerostomia. a) result from b) result c) results in d) result in e) resulted in
7. The mucosa becomes …to the touch. a) lackey b) moist c) dry d) tacky e) smooth
8. The dorsal surface of the tongue … touching the tip of the chin. a) are most easily visualized by b) is most easily visualized with c) is less easily visualized by d) is most easily visualized by e) is most difficulty visualized by
9. Direct visual inspection of the hard palate is …with the use of an intraoral mirror. a) Accomplished b) Finished c) Completed d) Accompanied e) Ended
10. The soft palate is nonkeratinized and … in color. a) salmon-blue b) salmon-gray c) salmon-pink d) salmon-green e) salmon-pink
11. The most common cause of …is poor dental hygiene. a) erythema of the gingivae b) erythrogenesis of the gingivae c) erythremia of the gingivae d) erythralgia of the gingivae e) erotopathy of the gingivae
12. Redness of the skin usually …in patches, caused by irritation or injury to the tissue. a) develops b) occurs c) proves d) appears e) seems
13. Partial anodontia is a common occurrence, especially involving the maxillary lateral… a) molars b) cuspids c) canines d) premolars e) molars
14. The decay at the gingival margins of the teeth adjacent to the attached gingiva may be the first manifestation of… a) xerosis b) xenophobia c) xerostomia d) xanthoma e) xanthemia
15. Root surface caries are also commonly observed in …with gingival recession. a) children b) men c) woman d) geriatric patients e) patients
16. The vermilion borders of the lips … smooth and pliable. a) may be b) should be c) should d) must e) be
17. The dorsal surface of the … is an admixture of thin, keratinized, filiform papillae. a) tongue b) palate c) gingival d) periosteum e) gland
18. The hard palate is keratinized and covered … a series of fibrous ridges or rugae. a) With b) In c) From d) Out e) By
19. The soft palate is more vascular than the hard palate, creating the …color. a) darker blue b) darker green c) darker grey d) darker red e) darker yellow
20. Alveolar mucosa …and often appears to be darker than the alveolar mucosa. a) is keratinized b) are not keratinized c) is not keratinize d) is not keratinized e) is keratinized