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Text work. Pronounce correctly and transcribe

Pronounce correctly and transcribe. Consult the dictionary if necessary.

Densely, surprising, exception, comprehensive, square, covered, for­tune, Virgin Value ticket, piece, coach, struggle, government, route, ur­gently, achieve.

2. Compare and mind the difference:


timetable schedule

deal bargain

metre meter

centimetre centimeter

kilometre kilometer

motorway highway

Answer the questions.

1. Why is the transport system in Britain fairly comprehensive?

2. What is the major transport system in many countries?

3. What is the major transport system in Britain?

4. What deters people from using trains?


5. What will happen if you just go to the station and buy a ticket?

Unit 4. Travelling By Train

6. Is it possible to get a good deal for tickets in Britain? Which way?

7. What is useful to know if you are travelling in London?

8. What are the advantages of coach service?

9. What are the disadvantages of coach service?

10. What solution to the problem does government have?

11. What is the situation with transportation and timetables nowadays?

Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations. Find and translate sentences with them in the


Less than half the space, per square kilometer, notable exception, roads have taken over from rail, get on the train, special types of tickets, to book in advance, useful piece of advice, seven major stations, coach lervice, rush hour, the worst drawback, a long struggle through traffic, Ultimate solution to the problem, a series of disconnected parts, com­pete with each other on one route, to address all these problems, politi­cal will.


Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

ГУсто населенная страна; сеть автомобильных и железных до­рог; основная система транспорта; безопасный, быстрый и ком­фортный способ передвижения; удерживать людей от...; по край­ней мере; получить хорошую скидку; заплатить целое состояние; Избежать неприятного сюрприза; билет в оба конца; в час пик; купить как минимум за три дня заранее; сэкономить ровно сто фунтов; полезный совет; нужная станция; без ограничений; есть

Недостатки; интегрированная транспортная система; улучшить си­стему общественного транспорта; паром; автовокзал находится в километрах от железнодорожного вокзала; расписание автобусов не совпадает с расписанием паромов; в конце концов вы берете такси; Срочно необходимо; большое количество времени; достигать.

Make word combinations, translate them and find them in the


densely fairly
way exception hour comprehensive ticket fortune
notable square network of comfortable

Английский язык для турбизнеса и сервиса

small types
nasty list
full station
special roads
return shock
rush populated
right centimeter


* sft *

advanced drawback

coach timetable

the worst struggle

long will

ultimate problems

disconnected needed

ferry booking

bus solution

waiting room

urgently station

to address service

political parts

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