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In this talk, we have looked at the nature of speaking as a skill and defined aims of teaching speaking at school. We have compared psychological and linguistic peculiarities of dialogic and monologic speech and defined functional types of dialogue and monologue. From these, we have derived teaching speaking strategy and defined the smallest item of teaching dialogue as a dialogical unit and that of teaching monologue as a supra-phrasal unit. On this basis, we have been able to outline the structure of the system of exercises for either form of oral speech. Discussion 1. List all possible psychological characteristics of speaking as a productive skill and describe its structure. 2. What are the aims of teaching speaking in mainstream secondary school? 3. Characterise functional and structural correlation of dialogue replies. 4. Describe the correlation between kinds of dialogical units and functional types of dialogues. 5. Define an item and stages of teaching dialogue. 6. Describe major types of typical communicative situations for teaching dialogue. List the factors forming a communicative situation. 7. Characterise the system of exercises in teaching dialogical speech. Give examples of exercises aimed at acquiring dialogical replies. 8. Characterise the exercises aimed at acquiring dialogical units. Give examples of your own. 9. Characterise the exercises aimed at acquiring micro-dialogues. Give examples of your own. 10. Dwell upon the dialogue-functional scheme as a specific means of teaching dialogue. Give your own examples. 11. Compare dialogue and monologue from the psychological point of view. List all their possible common and different features. 12. What are the most essential linguistic characteristics of monologue? Describe functional types of monologue. 13. Dwell upon the logical-syntactical scheme and its importance in teaching monologue. 14. Give the general outline of the system of exercises in teaching monologue. Characterise exercises aimed at mastering a logically coherent combination of phrases into a supra-phrasal unit. Give examples of your own. 15. Characterise exercises aimed at mastering micro-monologue. Give examples of your own. 16. Describe the most effective verbal and illustrative aids. 8. TEACHING THE RECEPTIVE SKILLS: LISTENING
8.2. Listening as a skill in real-life communication 8.3. Typology of listening 8.3.1. Kinds of listening 8.3.2. Types of listening 8.4. Types of texts for teaching listening as a skill in school 8.4.1. Authentic and non-authentic listening 8.4.2. Structure of texts for listening 8.4.3. Types of texts for listening 8.5. Major premises and conditions for effective teaching listening as a skill 8.5.1. Major premises for listening 8.5.2. Conditions for effective listening 8.6. System of exercises in teaching listening in school 8.6.1. Preparatory exercises: Isolating the listening skill 8.6.2. Preparatory exercises: Non-isolated listening skill Exercises in finding grammatical references Exercises in guessing the meaning of unfamiliar words Exercises in understanding sentences containing unfamiliar words which do not interfere with comprehension Exercises in anticipation Exercises in eliciting different categories of meaningful information Exercises in estimating types of cohesion Exercises in telling the main idea in a group of sentences Exercises in developing auditive memory and attention 8.6.3. Authentic listening material Authentic listening material at the early stages Communicative exercises: Teaching listening as a skill 8.6.4. Using listening dialogue in class 8.6.5. How to justify the use of songs 8.7. Conclusions