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Chapter twenty. The rain had eased up somewhat by the time she turned onto the dirt road of the ranch, but Pat was still thankful Carly had left the gate open for her
The rain had eased up somewhat by the time she turned onto the dirt road of the ranch, but Pat was still thankful Carly had left the gate open for her. She pulled up to Carly's now covered Jeep and ran to the porch. She raised her hand to knock just as the door opened. " Didn't want me sneaking up on you today? " Pat asked. " I've been waiting, " Carly said. " Come inside." She stood back and let Pat enter, then closed the door behind her. Pat took off her raincoat and pulled off her cap, shaking her long dark hair. Carly could only stare. No woman had the right to look that good in jeans. " So, an egret, " Pat said. " Are you sure it wasn't a heron? " she teased. " Funny. Don't think I won't drown you if I get the chance." Pat laughed, a loud, rich laugh that Carly found delightful. Pat found Carly's huge smile delightful. " Here, " Pat said. She handed Carly her business card. " My cell number is on the back." " Thanks." " It's been raining non-stop. What possessed you to wander outside? " " I pulled my Jeep into the old barn Sunday after you left. I walked there today to put the top on, then decided to drive the back roads. There's a pond in the back. A rather large pond. That's where I found them. Snowy Egrets, " she said. " Oh. I know that one. Dark legs with yellow feet." " My, my. We'll make a birdwatcher out of you yet." " Don't threaten me, Carly. That label will never apply to me. I refuse to end up like old Mrs. Davenport." " I can't wait to meet this woman. Between you and Rachel, she's practically a birding legend around here." " So, you really want to brave the rain? We could wait for a sunny day, " Pat suggested. " I would really like to use them in the brochure. That is, if you think you can get a shot in this mess." " It'll be dark, but I can try. In weather like this, shooting a white bird, the color will look washed out. But maybe they can touch it up." Pat pulled on her raincoat again. " I'm ready if you are." They took Pat's Jeep. The rain had let up even more but dark clouds hovered to the north, a threat of more rain to come. " There's the barn, " Carly said, pointing to the structure that had seen better days. " Looks bad on the outside, but I didn't find any leaks." Pat drove down the bumpy road, pausing when it forked. She looked at Carly with raised eyebrows. " To the left." Just a short way down the road, Pat saw the water. The pond, obviously dug to supply the cattle with fresh water, was larger than she imagined. The oaks and brush had grown right up to the edge on the far side and she suspected that this was where Carly had found her nest. " I saw the bird over there, in the shallow part. I was so thrilled to find him here, I never suspected they had a nest." " Did you see both parents? " " Yes. And I think there are only two young. I didn't get very close. I didn't want to disturb them." She pulled out her binoculars and scanned the brush, looking for white in all the green. She finally found the head of the egret. She handed Pat the binoculars. " They are to the right, about three o'clock, " she said. Pat searched the trees, finally spotting one egret on the ground. She looked higher and found the other, she assumed on the nest. Or nearby. Did egrets sit on nests? " Got them." Pat lowered the glasses and studied the area, planning the best route to take. From the left, she decided. There would be less cover but she would more likely get a clean shot from there. She reached into the back and pulled out her camera bag, taking the smaller lens off the camera and replacing it with the 500mm. The lighting wasn't good for the larger lens but she doubted she would get close enough to use the smaller one. She shoved it into her coat pocket just in case. " Okay, wish me luck." " Wait, you won't disturb them, will you? I mean, I want the shot, but I don't want to run them off." " I promise I won't get too close." She got out and closed the door silently, taking slow, quiet steps away from the Jeep. Carly watched as she disappeared into the brush, wondering why she was going away from the nest. But a short time later, Pat reappeared, now much closer to the nest, but still in the cover of the brush. Carly picked up the binoculars and watched the egrets. They didn't seem to notice Pat. The steady dripping of the rain on the canvas top increased and Carly wondered if Pat would be able to get a shot before the next downpour hit. She raised the glasses and focused on Pat. The woman's clear complexion and tanned face appeared, intense eyes glued on the nest. She barely moved. " Jesus, but she's attractive, " Carly whispered. " Why does she have to be so attractive? " Pat inched along, her boots silent on the wet leaves. She barely noticed the rain. When the egret on the ground, presumably the male, flicked its head in her direction, she froze. After a few seconds, it looked away and Pat moved again, slowly, silently. " So that's how she sneaks up on me, " Carly murmured. If the birds knew of her presence, they didn't show it. Finally, with hardly any movement at all, Pat raised the camera. Both birds looked her way at the sound of the shutter and Pat kept still, camera still held to her eyes. With her thumb, she advanced the film, waiting until they looked away. The light wasn't as bad as she'd feared, but they would still be washed out. She snapped several more, finding that the egret was indeed sitting on the nest. She wanted to change the lens. She needed to get closer but she was totally exposed. She suspected the birds were getting nervous and she'd promised Carly she wouldn't disturb them. Carly held her breath as the male fidgeted on the ground. " No closer, " she whispered. When she looked again at Pat, she noticed that the woman had moved back several feet. The male settled back down. But they all jumped at the crack of thunder overhead. The downpour had begun. Pat finally became aware of the rain as it ran down her back. She hadn't put the hood up, fearing it would spook the birds. With as little movement as possible, she slipped the camera under her coat, protecting it from the rain. She continued backing up, away from the nest. However, the lightening strike and loud clap of thunder caused her to jump. " Shit, " she whispered. " What the hell am I doing out here? " " Jesus Christ! Will you get back here? " Carly spoke to the empty Jeep. She watched as Pat disappeared into the brush again, knowing she would reappear near the Jeep. She reached over and opened Pat's door, not caring if she startled the egrets. Pat was going to be drenched, that is, if the lightening didn't get her first. Another flash across the sky followed by a boom of thunder made her jump. Then Pat was there, sliding into the Jeep, dripping wet. " Are you insane? " Carly demanded. " Do you have any idea how close that was? " " Yes. I damn near shit on myself." Then she flashed Carly a grin. Carly returned it reluctantly. " I'm sorry. I never should have made you do that." " Dr. Cambridge, I've never been one to pass up a shot. I'm all in one piece." " You're soaking wet. I'm sure I'll never live it down if you end up with pneumonia." " Thank goodness you're a doctor, " Pat quipped as she started the Jeep and backed away. The egrets never moved. Carly couldn't resist. She pulled out a tissue from her coat pocket and dabbed at the rain dripping down Pat's nose. Pat brushed her hand away. " Jesus, I'm going to run into a goddamn tree, " she said. She grabbed the tissue from Carly's hand and wiped at the windshield, now fogged. They managed to make it back without hitting anything and they both ran for the porch. Pat stood dripping by the door as Carly went to find towels. " Leave your coat down there, " Carly called from the top of the stairs. " I guess that means I'm to come up, " Pat murmured. She tossed her raincoat on the floor and pulled off her muddy boots. Even her socks were wet. " You look like a drowned rat, " Carly observed as Pat leaned against the bathroom door. She walked over and pulled Pat's cap off her head, then lifted up her hair. " You are so wet, " she said, her hand squeezing water from Pat's hair. The statement, made so innocently, nonetheless caused Pat's mouth to lift in a grin. She couldn't resist. " You just seem to do that to me, Dr. Cambridge." Carly refused to let Pat see the blush that covered her face. Instead, she covered Pat's head with the towel and escaped into the kitchen, but not before she heard the rather loud chuckle coming from beneath the towel. " Damn the woman, " she murmured. But when Pat reappeared, she still looked like a drowned rat. It was Carly's turn to laugh. " Have you looked in the mirror? " " No. In my mind, I still look perfectly groomed." " Trust me, those words do not fit this...look, " Carly said with yet another smile. " I believe you. Now, if you're done having your fun with me, can we turn on the heat? I'm actually freezing to death." Carly noticed the flushed appearance and saw that Pat was actually shivering. She frowned. The woman would be lucky if she didn't come down with the flu." " You need to get out of those clothes." As soon as the words left Carly's mouth, she saw the grin Pat flashed her. " If you insist. I thought you would never ask." Carly decided to ignore the comment. It was safer that way. " I have nothing that will fit you, though. And unfortunately, the washer and dryer won't be installed until the utility room is finished downstairs." " How about those cute baggy sweats you had on the other day? " Pat asked. Cute? They were her oldest pair. " And a pair of socks, " Pat added. Carly looked down at Pat's feet. " You wear what? Size twelve? " " Nine." Carly pointed at her own feet. " Seven." " That'll do." Carly shrugged. She hadn't washed the sweats, but she doubted Pat would care. They were at least dry. She found a thick pair of socks, knowing they would still be small. Pat disappeared into the bathroom. Carly poured them each a glass of wine, then found two cans of soup and heated that. When Pat returned, she couldn't help but laugh. The sweats reached just below her calf and the socks were stretched tight over her feet. " May I borrow your camera? " Carly asked. " No, you may not. And you're not to tell anyone about this." " You actually look adorable, " she said before she could stop herself. Pat's reply died on her lips. Her blue eyes locked on green and she saw embarrassment, followed by confusion in the other woman's eyes. " Well, I thought they looked adorable on you, too, " Pat said quietly. Carly didn't try to hide the blush this time. She simply handed Pat a glass of wine and went to stir the soup. " I thought a bowl of hot soup might warm you up some." " That'll be great." " Do you think any of the shots will turn out? " Carly asked, trying to find a safe subject to talk about. She cursed her traitorous body. She wanted to ignore the attraction she felt for this woman but inappropriate thoughts seemed to form words and leave her mouth without her even being conscious of it. Adorable? What are you thinking? " Maybe. The light was better than I thought. But I never got the young. The mother was completely on the nest." " Well, I'm sorry I made you do that. Especially if we don't end up using them." " Maybe later, when they're older, we can take more. You can always use them in your next brochure, " Pat suggested. They sat across from each other at the small table, eating the soup silently. Carly refilled their glasses for the third time. She felt she was giving Pat the wrong signals. She had been practically flirting with her. Well, as much as Carly knew how to flirt. Actually, she wasn't flirting. She was just reacting. But she had to stop things right now. When Pat got up to put her empty bowl in the sink, Carly took a swallow of wine before speaking. " I think we should talk, " she said. " Talk? " " I just wanted you to know that I'm not...well, I'm not interested in you, " she said. Pat leaned against the counter and crossed her arms, waiting for Carly to continue. " I think we can be friends, " she said. " Despite the outcome of our first couple of meetings, " she added with a small smile. " But, I'm not interested in anything else. Just in case you were." " In case I was interested in you? " " Yes. I just wanted to make sure you were clear about that. I'm not...I'm not attracted to you. At all, " she added. " So, in case you were thinking that I was..." " Well, it's not really up to you, is it? " " What is that supposed to mean? " " I am attracted to you. You don't really have a say in that." " Of course I do! There will never be anything between us. Trust me." " Okay, I trust you, " Pat said. But she walked purposefully to Carly and bent down, kissing her full on the mouth before the other woman knew what was happening. " I've got to go. Thanks for the dry clothes. And the soup." Carly sat there, stunned. Absolutely stunned. She heard Pat leave the bathroom, presumably with her wet jeans, heard her walk quietly down the stairs, heard the front door open and close, heard the Jeep start up and leave. Only then did she dare raise her fingers to her mouth and touch it where Pat's lips had rested. The kiss had been too brief, too hard to be passionate. It was a kiss of possession, of ownership. " Shit. I can't believe she did that." But yes, of course she could believe it. She had no doubt Pat Ryan would go after whatever, whomever she wanted. " I'm in big trouble, " she murmured.