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Chapter seven

“You want to go out to the landing and test the audio? ”

Andi stared, realizing Ronnie was speaking to her.

“Me? ”

“Yeah, you. Make yourself useful.”

Andi frowned. I hate him. She hesitated before standing, then glanced at Jamie, who smiled slightly.

“I’ll go with you.”

The light was out in the third floor hallway and Jamie produced the tiny flashlight she’d handed Andi the night before. She shined it along the ceiling, finding the speaker.

“There it is.”

“Couldn’t he have tested this before dark? ”

“I think this was the last one he set up.”

“Where is the light switch? ”

“By the landing.”

“Of course, ” Andi murmured.

They walked slowly down the hallway, Andi glancing in every direction as she tired to maintain her composure. The speaker was centered over the landing and they stopped, Andi feeling comforted by Jamie’s presence.

“Did you hear something? ” Jamie whispered from behind her.

Andi shook her head, her eyes glued to the dark stairwell. She felt Jamie move close behind her, felt the hand that came out to touch her waist. Her breathing increased, and she wasn’t sure if it was from being scared or the warm body pressed against her back. When she felt Jamie move, felt her small breasts, she realized it was the latter.

“Don’t move, ” Jamie whispered.

Andi swallowed, hoping Jamie couldn’t hear the pounding of her heart.

“I feel something, ” Jamie whispered again. “Like feathers brushing my skin.”

They both saw it at the same time, and Andi leaned back, her body molded with Jamie’s. She took the hand at her waist and pulled it tighter around her.

“Oh my God, ” Andi murmured, her voice trembling.

“Don’t move, ” Jamie said again. “Ronnie, are you getting this? ” she asked loudly. “Bottom of the stairs.”

“What is it? ” Andi asked, aware that she was beginning to shake, and this time it had nothing to do with the body wrapped around her own.

“I’m not sure.”

They both jumped as the ghostly shape leapt up the stairs, loud masculine laughter echoing in the hallway. The hand around Andi’s waist tightened.

“Back up slowly, ” Jamie said. “I think it wants us off the landing.”

“Slowly? Can’t we just run like hell? ”

“Remember, it’s just an aberration.”

“Well it’s a fucking scary one! ”

They backed up down the hall, Andi pushing the limits of slow as she urged Jamie to hurry. The bedroom door opened and Dr. Gilbreath stepped out, her eyes wide.

Where is it? Is it still there? ”

“Halfway down the stairs, ” Jamie said.

Dr. Gilbreath walked quickly in the dark hallway, and Andi stared after her, thinking the woman was crazy.

“Go sit down, you’re white as a sheet.”

Andi nodded, her heart still pounding as she sat on the edge of the bed. Ronnie and Beth were huddled around the monitors.

“There’s something in the bedroom, look, ” Beth pointed.

“There she is in the den again, too.”

“You got sound? ” Jamie asked.

Ronnie adjusted the volume, shaking his head. “No sound.”

“Listen. There’s something, ” Jamie said, moving closer. “There it is. Like a scraping noise or something.”

Andi cocked her head. “Like something’s being dragged, ” she murmured.

Ronnie nodded as the noise sounded again.

“What room? ”


Andi glanced out into the quiet hallway, then back at the others.

“Shouldn’t Dr. Gilbreath be back by now? ”

“Holy shit. Look! ”

Ronnie enlarged the picture. Dr. Gilbreath was in the second floor den, arms spread wide. In front of her, they could see the shapes of two small children.

“Sound? ”

Ronnie switched monitors, then they all heard the children’s laughter.

“Should she really be in that room? ” Andi asked nervously. “I mean, really, is it safe? ”

“Look behind her, ” Jamie said, pointing. “It looks like the mother.”

“She was just in the first floor den, ” Beth said.

“I doubt they have to use the stairs to move around.”

“Get out! ”

They all watched as Dr. Gilbreath turned, facing the ghostly aberration.

“Get out of my house! ”

Andi stood, moving closer to Jamie, her eyes wide. If she wasn’t witnessing this herself, she never would have believed it.

It was Beth who ran for the door and down the hallway, screaming.

“Dr. Gilbreath! Dr. Gilbreath! ”

The others turned back to the monitors, watching. Dr. Gilbreath seemed to be in a trance. Her eyes fluttered as she raised her face to the ceiling. Then Beth appeared in the frame. She grabbed Dr. Gilbreath, pulling her, but another force—an unseen force—pulled against her.

“What the hell? ”

“What should we do? ”

“Dr. Gilbreath! Come on! ”

Andi gasped as she watched Beth slap Dr. Gilbreath hard across the face. The older woman shook her head, her eyes blinking several times.

“Come on! ”

“Beth? ”

“Come on! ”

“She’s like, under a spell or something, ” Ronnie said.

“No shit.”

Jamie went out into the hallway, waiting. Before long, Beth and a bewildered looking Dr. Gilbreath climbed the stairs.

“She okay? ”

“I’m not sure.”

Jamie looked into the hallway, making sure they weren’t being followed by... something, then closed the door. She found Dr. Gilbreath sitting on the edge of the bed, Beth fanning her with a magazine. For the first time since Jamie had been working with them, Dr. Gilbreath looked scared.

“What happened? ”

Dr. Gilbreath shook her head. “I don’t know. I went out to the landing, I wanted to see first-hand what you and Andrea had called up. The next thing I know, Beth is pulling me from the den.”

“Play the video back, Ronnie, ” Jamie said.

Dr. Gilbreath moved closer, her eyes widening as she saw herself being pulled by an unseen force.

“The energy in this house is very strong, ” she said quietly.

Andi rolled her eyes to the ceiling. You think?


“I feel dirty and grimy and sweaty, and I’m scared to take a shower, ” she said hours later as they made their way to their bedroom.

“It’ll be a long wait anyway. The other three already called dibs on it.” Jamie paused. “Of course, we could always use the second floor bathrooms.”

“Are you insane? ”

“It’s morning.”

“So? ”

“Daylight. Open the blinds. Lights on. What could happen? ”

Andi stared at her. “Are you serious? ”

Jamie shrugged. “I thought you wanted a shower.”

“Well, I do.” She hesitated. “Are you sure it’s safe? ”

“We’ve been here three days. We haven’t seen anything except around midnight.”

Andi nodded. “Okay. You’re right.” She opened her bag and grabbed her overnight shirt and a pair of clean underwear, then snatched her travel bag from beside the bed, pausing long enough to toss her towel over her shoulder. “Where are the bathrooms? ”

“There’s one off the hallway and one in the master bedroom.”

Andi’s eyes widened, remembering what had happened in the bedroom the night before. “I get the hallway.”

They walked down the stairs to the second floor, Andi immediately flipping on the lights in the hallway when they reached the landing.

“It’s kinda dark, ” she murmured.

“Main blinds are closed, ” Jamie said. She walked on, motioning for Andi to follow. At a closed door, she turned the knob and pushed the door open. It was a modern bathroom, complete with tub and shower, and Jamie walked in and pulled the blinds, letting in the morning sun. “See? It’ll be fine.”

Andi nodded. “Thanks.”

“I’ll just be in the next room. I’ll meet you out in the hallway.”


Andi closed the door, then looked around, thankful there was not a closet or anything—where something could hide. She pulled back the shower curtain, finding the tub clean... and empty.

“Were you expecting Mrs. Zeiko? ” she murmured.

She stripped quickly, then turned on the faucets, waiting only a few minutes before hot water streamed out. She stepped into the spray, letting out a contented sigh as the water washed over her. But she reminded herself not to dawdle. So she ducked her head under the water, then quickly shampooed, forgoing the leisurely shower she normally enjoyed.

But with her eyes closed, head tilted back as the warm spray hit her, she swore she heard... scratching on the window. Her eyes popped open, and she shook her hair, water spraying the sides of the shower. She cocked her head, listening. The room darkened, as if a cloud suddenly obscured the sun—a dark cloud.

Oh fuck.

She grabbed her chest, her breathing labored. Only the shower curtain separated her from—the unknown. The undead.

Again, the scraping noise on the window pane. I’m on the second floor, for God’s sake! With a trembling hand, she turned the water off. And on a silent count of three, she opened the shower curtain.

The bloodcurdling scream that left her mouth sounded almost foreign to her ears—almost. But the vision before her caused her to jump from the shower and bolt to the door, the high-pitched scream still spewing from her mouth. The woman... the severed head of the woman... opened her mouth and a deep guttural scream was heard, bouncing off the bathroom walls.

Andi jerked open the door, then screamed again as she was face to face with a very naked Jamie Tucker.

“What the hell? ” Jamie demanded.

Andi pointed. “In... in... in there... a... a... head... a woman...”

Jamie pushed open the bathroom door, the room empty.

“Andi? ”

Andi walked behind her, her eyes wide. “She was... she was right there.”

She no sooner got the words out before the bathroom door slammed shut. They both stared at the door, then at each other. It was only then that they realized they were both naked.

“Jesus, Andi, ” Jamie murmured. She reached for the towel and tossed it at Andi. “Do you mind? ”

Andi stared. “And you? ”

Jamie reached for the doorknob, but the door would not budge. She wrapped both hands around the knob and pulled, straining against the door.

“What? ”

“It won’t open.”

“What do you mean? It opens to the inside.”

Jamie flicked her a wry glance. “I know that. Why do you think I’m pulling on it? ”

She finally got it to budge, only to be pulled closed again. She locked glances with Andi.

“Someone’s pulling on it from the outside.”

“Someone? ”

“Or some thing, ” Jamie hissed as she strained against the door.

Behind them, the bathroom window broke, glass spewing in onto the floor. Andi screamed again as they both pressed hard against the door.

“Get out! Get out of the house! ”

“Oh my God, ” Andi murmured, her eyes darting around the room, looking for the voice.

“Get out or you will die! ”

“I hate this assignment, ” Andi whispered.

“I’m not too crazy about it myself, ” Jamie murmured.

Then, as if it had never happened, the sun reappeared, bright light shining into the bathroom. The door clicked behind them, swinging open gently, revealing the empty hallway outside.

Their eyes met again, Andi tightening her towel around her, trying desperately not to look at the naked woman standing next to her.


“Will you fast-forward past my naked ass running in the hallway? ” Jamie asked as Ronnie’s eyes were glued to the monitor.

Dr. Gilbreath stood behind them, waiting. Beth subdued a yawn, as she, too, waited for Ronnie. Only Andi stood removed. She did not need to see the scene again. It was still too fresh in her mind.

“Okay, there, ” Jamie said, pointing. “When Andi first opens the door, you can just about make out the woman, ” she points again. “Right there, see? ”

“It’s just a shadow, ” Ronnie said.

“Yes, but it’s obviously something foreign in the bathroom.”

They watched as Jamie walked into the bathroom, then saw the door slam shut. They all gasped as the aberration appeared outside the door. The force that was holding the door closed.

“Good God, people, do you see that? ” Dr. Gilbreath whispered.

Andi trembled, and turned away. Yes, she saw that. Then Jamie was there, gently taking her hand and squeezing. Andi closed her eyes for a moment, trying to chase away the memory of the woman with the severed head—and replace it with one much more enjoyable. A naked Jamie Tucker.

“I’m exhausted, ” Jamie said. She motioned with her head to the door. “Let’s try to get some sleep. It’s going to be a long night.”

Andi raised her eyebrows.

“Halloween. Full moon tonight.”

Andi sighed. Yes, Halloween. And a full moon. Dr. Gilbreath expected this to be the most active night. Could it possibly get anymore active?

“I’m not certain I can sleep, ” she finally said. “Daylight or not.”

“Come on. We need to try.”

“She’s right. I think we all need to try and get some rest, ” Dr. Gilbreath said. “I suspect we will be very busy tonight.” She turned back to Ronnie. “I assume you’ve already burned copies of this latest video? ”

“Doing it now.”

“Good. You never know when your hard drive could fail. We’ll get out of your hair. You’ve had less sleep than the rest of us, Ronnie. Don’t stay up all day monitoring the cameras. We need you fresh for tonight.” She clapped her hands twice. “Okay, ladies. Out, out, out. It’s already nearly ten. I think we need to be ready to go by five. Not a lot of time to rest.”

“What about lunch? Or dinner? ” Jamie asked. “I can’t remember the last time I ate.”

“Oh, yes, Dr. Tucker and her bottomless stomach. We’ll order something from town. Beth can run in and get it this afternoon You don’t mind, do you dear? ”

“Of course not, Dr. Gilbreath.”

“Okay. See you no later than five.”


Andi sat on the edge of her bed, waiting. When Jamie simply closed the door, Andi cleared her throat.

“Can you lock it? ” she asked quietly.

Jamie smiled, but nodded. “Sure.”

“I know it’s silly, ” Andi said.

“It’s not silly. Everything that’s happened, it’s still unbelievable to you.” She shrugged. “I’ve been with these guys before and this is still unbelievable to me.”

“I don’t know how I’m going to write a story about this. I don’t know where to begin.”

“Yeah. It’s a lot for a newspaper article. That’s why I’m devoting a book to it.”

“So, as far as haunted places go, the Zeiko House is not all that famous, right? ”

“No. And mainly because it’s been a private residence. A lot of the so-called haunted places are hotels, or bed and breakfasts, or other public places where you have lots of sightings. Here, it’s just more rumor than anything else.”

“Rumors and ghost stories passed down through the years.”


“Hard to believe they ended up being true.”

Jamie nodded, then pulled the covers back on her bed. “We need to get some sleep, Andi.”

“Yeah, I know.” Andi did the same after shedding her shorts. She took a deep breath, glancing once at the opened window. “I’m almost afraid to close my eyes.”

“We’ll be fine.”

But thirty minutes later, Andi was still shuffling on the twin bed, her eyes going again and again to the window.

“Andi? ”

“Hmm? ”

“What are you doing? ”

“Nothing.” She heard Jamie sigh, then a rustling of covers.

“You know, you can always... sleep with me.”


“If you’re scared, why don’t you just come over here with me.”

“Oh... I... I couldn’t.”

“Why not? ”

“Well, because.”

“Neither of us is going to get any sleep with you tossing about like you’ve been.” Jamie sat up. “Andi, come on.”

Against her better judgment, Andi tossed off her covers and walked the few feet to Jaime’s bed. Their eyes met, then Jamie gave her a crooked smile.

“Don’t hog the covers.”


But Andi slid under the covers, moving closer to Jamie and her warmth, then dutifully turning her back to Jamie, but enjoying her closeness. She gasped when she felt Jamie move next to her, wrapping one arm around her.

“See? You’re perfectly safe, ” Jamie said quietly. “Get some sleep.”

But sleep was the furthest thing from Andi’s mind. Who would have thought? A week ago, she was dreading this assignment, hating the thought of spending any time with the insufferable Jamie Tucker. But here she was, in her bed no less, at the very house that started it all.

She remembered the night so well, her trying to hide the enormous crush she had without appearing to be a total idiot in Jamie’s presence. And even though they’d already crammed eight girls into Connie’s parent’s sedan, Andi was only too happy to comply with Jamie’s request. “Here, you can sit on my lap.”

Yes, she remembered the hands that had guided her hips, the hands that stayed right where they were, as if resting on Andi’s hips were the most natural thing in the world. And she remembered those hands moving to innocently brush the skin at her waist, sneaking under the edge of her shirt. How she managed to survive the ride, she had no idea. But by the end of the night when they all separated, Jamie’s eyes held her, and Andi realized in that moment that her secret was out. Jamie knew.

And two nights later, Jamie showed up at her house, unusually nervous as she asked Andi over to play video games. Andi’s parents had waved her on, telling her not to be too late coming home. But Jamie’s parents were nowhere to be found. “They went to a dinner party.”

Andi squeezed her eyes shut, memories colliding as she remembered that fateful night. A movie replaced the video games, and Jamie turned the lights down. Andi remembered how nervous she’d been, sitting there on the sofa with Jamie. They never talked about what was happening, about what was going to happen. As young and inexperienced as Andi was, there was no mistaking the look in Jamie’s eyes. And when Jamie moved closer, Andi didn’t shy away. Their first kiss—Andi’s very first kiss—was tentative, hesitant. “Is this okay? ” Jamie had asked. Andi could only nod.

It was a complete blur as to how they moved from the sofa to Jamie’s bedroom. But she remembered with delicious clarity the sight of Jamie pulling the shirt over her head, revealing Jamie’s small breasts to her. Then those hands had come to Andi, and before she knew it, they were both naked, both lying on Jamie’s bed.

Andi squeezed her eyes shut, hoping Jamie couldn’t hear—feel—her thundering heartbeat.

It was a night Andi remembered with fondness... and with bitterness. It was the most magical of nights... Jamie touching her, her touching Jamie. Her first orgasm... well, her first orgasm that wasn’t self-induced. And her first exploration of another woman’s body. She remembered how it felt the first time her fingers moved into Jamie’s wetness, the first time she slipped inside her, the first time she heard another woman scream.

She didn’t want to remember the bitterness that followed, only a few days later. She only wanted to remember the pleasure.

“Andi? ”
Andi opened her eyes, feeling the pounding of her heart and the gasping breath. She turned towards the voice, her eyes colliding with Jamie’s.

“You okay? ”

Andi fell into her eyes... it was the same look she remembered from twelve years ago—eyes darkened with desire. She wondered if perhaps Jamie had been recalling their night together, too. Because now, now she knew what that look in her eyes meant. She wasn’t the fumbling teenager of old.

So, she uttered the only coherent words that were crowding her brain.

“Kiss me.”

Jamie leaned on her elbow, head tilted as Andi rolled towards her. Their mouths met, gently at first, then with an urgency that made Andi moan as she grasped Jamie’s arms.

And then, just like all those years ago, no words were spoken. Jamie sat up, pulling her T-shirt over her head, tossing it on the floor before reaching for Andi’s. Jamie’s skin was as soft as Andi remembered... and as taut. And when her mouth lowered, finding Jamie’s breast, the taste shouldn’t have been as familiar as it was. But when her tongue circled Jamie’s nipple, it was a taste she’d carried with her over the years, a taste she’d tried to duplicate.

“God... Andi, ” Jamie murmured.

Unlike their first time together, Andi didn’t hesitate. She moved between Jamie’s legs, spreading her thighs before her hand moved between them, searching for Jamie’s wetness. She found her, unable to stop the groan as her fingers slid inside her, confirming her suspicions that Jamie had been remembering that night, too.

Her pleasure, however, was short-lived. Jamie rolled them over, settling between Andi’s thighs as their hips met. Jamie’s mouth silenced Andi’s protest, and Andi opened to her, their tongues meeting, all gentleness gone now as their passion ignited.

Andi grasped Jamie’s bare hips, pulling her forward, grinding against her. She couldn’t remember a time when she had such a physical ache for someone. Her hips rose, then fell again, in her quest to touch Jamie.

Then Jamie moved lower, her mouth finding an aching nipple, and Andi pressed into her. She moved, finding Jamie’s hand, sliding it between their bodies. She would just die if Jamie didn’t touch her soon.

“Please, Jamie, ” she murmured quietly, then groaned when she felt Jamie’s fingers caress her swollen clit.

“Oh, sweet Jesus, ” Jamie whispered. “You’re so wet.”

Andi opened her eyes, meeting Jamie’s dark ones, nearly melting under her gaze. “Kiss me, ” she whispered again. She opened to Jamie, her tongue mating with Jamie’s, matching the rhythm of Jamie’s fingers. She was embarrassed by the sounds coming from her but she couldn’t contain the moans at each stroke of the other woman’s fingers. She felt her orgasm build, knew that Jamie felt it, too. Just as she was about to climax, Jamie’s fingers moved deep inside her, and with one last thrust of her hips, Andi reached the heights of orgasm that she’d been striving for for the last twelve years. Not since the very first time Jamie had taken her had she wanted to scream out at the top of her lungs.

But Jamie’s mouth was there, catching her scream, soothing her as her breathing slowed. She finally opened her eyes, daring to meet Jamie’s. She was surprised by the gentleness she saw there. Not a hint of triumph, just a softening of the desire Jamie apparently was trying to keep a rein on.

Andi touched Jamie’s face with a gentle hand, her thumb lightly rubbing Jamie’s lower lip. She was pleased by the rapid pulse she saw beating in Jamie’s throat.

“Let me make love to you, ” she whispered. She didn’t wait for Jamie’s response. There was no need to. Jamie’s eyes said all she needed to know. As she moved between Jamie’s legs, the scent of her was nearly intoxicating. Andi moaned as she spread Jamie’s thighs. She was about to experience the one thing she had not dared do during their one night together all those years ago—taste Jamie Tucker.


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