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Chapter eighteen. It was the most awkward dinner party I have ever attended, Jay said

" It was the most awkward dinner party I have ever attended, " Jay said. " And I gave the damn thing! "

" And you had no idea Drew would be there? "

" How would I? No, Jenna was just bringing a date. Talk about a small world."

Audrey stole the last fry from Jay's plate, then plunged it into her small bowl of mayonnaise. " And after they left, Katherine actually went back to the office? Are you kidding me? "

" And I haven't even spoken to her since. Two days." Jay shoved her plate away and reached for her tea. " I haven't seen Drew either."

" Your life's a crazy mess, you know."

" Why, Audrey, thanks so much for stating the obvious, " Jay said dryly. " I can't even get alone with Katherine long enough to ask her if we're over, you know? It's like she can't stand to be around me anymore." Jay lifted her head, staring at the far wall, seeing nothing. " Like she... she just can't stand me."

" Oh, sweetie, you know that's not true."

Jay shook her head, shocked at the tears that were threatening. " I don't know what to do, " she whispered. " She's all I've got."

" Jay…"

" You know what I mean. Eight years, she's taken the place of my family. I live in her house. My car is on her damn insurance, for God's sake, " she said. " I let her control my life. I have nothing on my own."

" You have your business."

" Oh, right. My fledgling business with two clients."

" It's taking off, " Audrey reminded her.

Jay leaned her head against her hands. " I know. You're right. It's been a good month." She slammed her fist against the table. " But I gave her eight years, Audrey. I have sacrificed for her career, I have given up a lot for her. And to think our relationship has been reduced to this, well it just fucking sucks." As Audrey's eyebrows shot to the ceiling, Jay reached across and squeezed her hand. " I know you hate that word. Sorry. But it's the fucking truth, " she added with a smile.

Audrey nodded, fighting back her own smile. " I forgive you for your foul language. But I think perhaps you're being too hard on yourself. And you're assuming a lot of things here, Jay. She may have no intention of ending your relationship. She may simply be overworked and not thinking clearly."

" She was thinking clearly enough to make it home for dinner to entertain her old friend, wasn't she? "

" You're jealous of this friend, " Audrey stated.

" I am not."

" Of course you are. But are you jealous because of Katherine? Or is it because of Drew? "

" Don't be silly."

" No, you don't be silly. Because frankly, you're going to drive us both crazy with these therapy session lunches."

Jay closed her eyes, fighting back tears. " Katherine is someone I don't know anymore. We're like mere acquaintances on the rare occasions we're together." She opened her eyes. " And Drew, she's like a breath of fresh air. She makes me feel good about myself. So yes, I'm jealous that she's dating Jenna. I'm afraid I'll lose her friendship."

Right? That was all she was afraid of, wasn't it? That Drew would fall in love with Jenna—with anyone—and she would drift out of her life as quickly as she had drifted into it.


Drew stood in the entry, quietly watching Jay who was sitting cross-legged on the floor, balancing a book in her lap and a handful of swatches in one hand, her glance darting from the book to the wall and back again. Drew's eyes followed her every movement, wondering why she found her actions so adorable. And wondering if she could sneak up on her.

So she tiptoed, much like a child, across the room, unable to wipe the grin off her face as she bent down and quickly covered Jay's eyes with her hands.

" Guess who? "

Jay's scream and subsequent flailing arms sent Drew backward and she landed hard on her ass behind Jay.

" Jesus Christ! I almost peed my pants! "

Drew rubbed the side of her cheek. " Seemed like a good idea at the time."

Jay scooted around until she was facing Drew, both of them still sitting on die carpet. Drew was surprised when Jay reached out and gently touched her cheek, her fingers moving across her skin.

" Did I hurt you? "

Drew shook her head, afraid Jay would move her hand. And she did, her fingers slipping away. But Jay's eyes—God, those eyes—they looked up, holding hers captive.

" You scared me."

" I missed you."

Jay nodded. " Yes."

" Good weekend? "

" No, not really. You? "

Drew shrugged. " Nothing special."

" And Jenna? "

" And Jenna what? "

Jay looked away. " Did she enjoy dinner the other night? "

" Yeah, she did. She and Katherine have been catching up, she said."

" So I hear." Jay got to her knees, then stood. " Where've you been? "

Drew stood too, walking to the wall to inspect the three colors of paint that were splattered on the wall. " We have a couple of new houses. I've been charting the yard, designing the flower beds." She turned. " I like this one best, " she said, pointing to the middle paint splash.

" Okay." Jay moved closer, holding up a couple of swatches of burgundy prints. " So which one goes best? "

Drew laughed and backed away. " No way. I'll stick to yards. Color is your thing." Their eyes held as Drew backed out of the room. " See you tomorrow? "

Jay nodded. " Hope so."


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