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Chapter thirty. Jay floated lazily in the pool, her eyes closed against the bright sun, one hand moving through the water to put her in motion again
Jay floated lazily in the pool, her eyes closed against the bright sun, one hand moving through the water to put her in motion again. She tried to keep her mind clear, tried not to think... but damn, that kiss. And really, could it be called just a kiss? Had their hands not roamed each other's body? Had their breasts not been pressed together? And God, had Drew's thigh not been between her legs, separated only by a very thin—and wet—piece of cloth? And had she not wanted to rip that piece of cloth away? She rolled off the float and into the water, submerging in the somewhat cool water. Cool, but not nearly cold enough to douse the flames. They'd done so well, keeping everything light between them, keeping everything in perspective. But really, did they think they could see each other every day, all day, and continue? And did she really think she could wait until things were resolved with Katherine before exploring any type of relationship with Drew? She swam to the end of the pool, climbing the concrete steps and moving to a lounge chair in the shade. She saw Eleu approaching and was thankful. She'd rather have idle conversation with the innkeeper than be alone with her own thoughts. " You are enjoying the pool instead of the beach today? " Jay smiled and motioned to the chair next to her. " Yes, just relaxing after our bike ride. Why don't you join me? " Eleu sat down, looking around the pool. " Where is your friend Drew? " " She had a message from her work, so she needed to call in." " It's strange not seeing you two together." Eleu leaned back in her chair. " It's none of my business, of course, but I'm slightly confused by your lodging arrangements." Jay laughed. " That makes two of us." " I thought you and Katherine were together." How did she answer that? " Technically, yes. We've been together a number of years. Eight, actually." She rubbed her damp hair with her towel, then brushed it back. " But it's over. We just haven't officially ended it." " Because of Jenna? " " No, Jenna's not the cause. We just weren't meant to be. There are a lot of reasons. Their affair is just a sign of the end, that's all." Eleu nodded. " My mother always told me to watch people. You learn more from their actions than their words. Katherine and Jenna, their affair is physical only. It goes no deeper than that." She smiled at Jay. " You and Drew, your affair is spiritual and very deep, although I suspect not yet physical." Jay felt a blush creep across her face. " So if I told you Drew and I are just friends, you wouldn't believe me? " " No, I would. Friendship is a necessity. Physical love will only take you so far. True, long-lasting love is not between two people, it's between two souls." Jay stared at Eleu, absorbing her words. " I think you may be right." Eleu smiled and pointed to the giant cedar tree that towered next to the pool area. " Has anyone told you the legend of Okalani and her tree? " " No." Eleu nodded. " It started with a forbidden love. But as we know, we can't help who we fall in love with. Neither could Okalani. She was the daughter of the ruling king, you see. Her impending marriage was all arranged. She had no choice. But she had fallen in love, in love with the son of a common laborer. When the king found out, he forbid the laborer and his son to come near the palace. So, the son took to the seas, vowing to bring back the greatest treasure to his love. A year passed before he returned, and the princess had married. But the son, now a pirate, brought back riches of gold... and a lone sapling. The cedar tree. He presented it to his love. He said as long as the tree lives, so would their love. He said after a rain, I'll send you a sign so you'll know I am with you. And Okalani planted it here, in secret, so her father wouldn't find it. And it grew and grew. And after each rain, the rainbow would appear, circling the tree, reminding Okalani of their love. And each year, the pirate returned, asking for Okalani to join him, to leave the island, and each year she declined, bound by her duties here. Their affair lasted for years, long after Okalani had married, long after the pirate had grown gray. She bore three sons. Legend has it that all three were sons of the pirate. " Then one year, the pirate didn't return. Okalani waited and waited. Finally, she sent her own ships out to find him, to look to the land of the cedars. Wherever he brought the cedar tree from, that's where she thought he would be. They came back time and again with other saplings, but no pirate. That's where the forest of cedars came from, from Okalani's search for her pirate. She never found him, and he never returned, yet the rainbows continued to show themselves after each rain. " And still to this day, after a rain... the rainbows come." Jay pulled her gaze from Eleu to look at the giant cedar—the rainbow cedar. " What a lovely story." Eleu smiled. " Legend, not story. Everyone on the island learns the legend of Okalani and her tree." " And does everyone believe it? " Eleu laughed. " Where do you think all the trees came from? " Jay stared at the tree. " Where's the palace? " " Oh, the palace didn't survive. A hurricane wiped it out long, long ago. But the tree has survived many hurricanes. Some think the tree will never die." " What do you think? " " I think the tree brings love. As long as there is love, the tree will not die." Jay looked past Eleu, watching as Drew walked over, her suit thankfully covered with shorts and a T-shirt. Eleu followed her gaze, her smile widening. " See how she looks at you, " she said softly. " Her soul cares for you." Jay's breath caught at her words, her eyes locked on Drew's as she approached. They had not spoken, not really, since the kissing scene at the waterfalls. They'd dried, they'd dressed, they'd gotten on their bikes and coasted down the mountain. And then the tour group was there, and they didn't have a moment alone. And once back in the car, they'd played it safe, stopping for a quick burger for lunch, eating outdoors, surrounded by people, anything to avoid an intimate conversation. Even now, Jay hoped Eleu wouldn't disappear, wouldn't leave them alone. " Hello, Eleu, " Drew said. Eleu smiled. " I was keeping Jay company until you returned." She stood. " Do you have a preference for dinner or do you want to wait until the others come back before you decide? " " Actually, I got a call from Jenna." Drew glanced at Jay. " Seems the only tickets they could get were for the dinner theater. And it's over late. They won't be able to get a shuttle over." Jay looked at Eleu who nodded. " Yes, most of the island shuttles stop early. But I am curious, if they spend so much time on Oahu, why did they secure lodging here in Maui? Why not just stay on Oahu to begin with? " " I think at the time, Katherine was looking for something less crowded, and a little quieter than anywhere near Honolulu." " Yes. And she did mention that she and Jenna enjoyed the museums. Unfortunately, we are more for the outdoor enthusiast here on Maui." " Which is why we've enjoyed it so much, " Drew said. " Well then, dinner will just be the two of you. Shall I plan something special? " Jay's eyes darted to Drew. Something special? They would be alone. This evening. Tonight. No Katherine. No Jenna. Just the two of them. Oh, dear Lord. " I was thinking we could just walk the beach to catch the sunset and stop off at that little hut that advertises the fried seafood baskets, " Drew said. " How does that sound? " Before Jay could reply, Eleu was shaking her head. " No, no, no. Fried fish, fried shrimp, fried clam, fried scallops... fried everything. There is nothing good for you there." Drew laughed. " But we're from Texas. Fried food is a staple." " No. I will get dinner for you. You go to the beach, watch the sunset. I will have dinner when you come back. Roasted pork with a pineapple glaze, with Asian noodles. I shall have a beautiful bottle of wine. Go, enjoy the sunset. But remember, even though some think of the setting sun as the end of the day, it is merely the end of a chapter. The moon will rise, the stars will shine, all having their own chapters, their own secrets. So go, see the sun set into the ocean, then wait for the moon to rise from that very ocean. Just another chapter. Perhaps for you too." She smiled sweetly at them. " When you return, I shall have dinner. Now go." " I like Eleu, " Drew said. " She's very lyrical. She seems older than she is." Jay nodded. " Yes. She's probably not even our age." They walked on in silence, heading to the west, watching the sun. But Jay suspected Drew, like herself, had little interest in the setting sun. There were too many things left unsaid. " Are you upset that Katherine and Jenna are stuck on Oahu tonight? " Jay shook her head. " Upset? No. Frankly, it's less stressful when they're not around. And honestly, I don't have room in my head to worry about them right now." " Because of me? " Jay smiled. " Because of us. And because I lost control today." Drew laughed. " We lost control." She took Jay's hand, holding it lightly as they walked. " Are you upset that we kissed? " " Is that what we did? " Jay squeezed her hand. " It felt like much more than a kiss." " Should we talk about it? " " Talk about what? We're attracted to each other. We knew it would happen eventually. But I'm not exactly single. And my girlfriend is having an affair with your date. I know they're having an affair but I act like I don't. And now they're stuck on another island tonight and won't even be here to chaperone us." She laughed. " God, how screwed up is all of this? " Drew took a deep breath. " Yes, well, it is what it is. And there's not a lot we can do about any of it." She stopped walking. " So I think we should just take it in stride, try to make it as normal as possible, and enjoy ourselves. Despite everything, I love being here with you, doing things with you, just being with you. I mean snorkeling, swimming, all of it. I enjoy you." " You make it all seem so simple." " It's only complicated if we allow it to be. Like now, we're standing on this beautiful beach, watching another awesome sunset. Just the two of us. Let's stop there. We're watching a sunset. That's all. Then we'll walk back and maybe I'll try to steal a kiss, " she said with a laugh. " And you'll stop me because someone might be watching. Then Eleu will have dinner for us. And then afterward..." Jay tugged her hand, bringing her closer. " Then afterward what? " she asked quietly. Drew took a step back and shook her head. " No, no, no. If you want me to behave, don't tempt me. Because I will kiss you right here on the beach regardless of who might be watching." She leaned closer. " Have you already forgotten what happened earlier today? " Jay tilted her head back, her frustration growing. " You're right. I forgot we have zero control." She forced a smile to her face. " I wish we were home." " Home? Austin? " Jay turned, retracing their steps back to the cottages. " Yeah. I want this all to be over with. This charade we're forced to play." Drew fell into step beside her. " Are we being forced? Or are we doing it willingly? " " Well, now how wonderfully blissful would the next five days be if I called her on it? We have a huge fight, all dramatic and everything, and you and Jenna get to witness it, along with most likely Eleu and anyone else within earshot." Jay laughed. " Because let me tell you, Katherine hates to be accused of anything, and she turns mean and defensive in the blink of an eye. And being the talented attorney that she is, she'll have it twisted and turned around in no time, and I'll be the one to blame, I'll be the bad guy in all this, not her. And I'll have ruined the vacation for everyone." " She hates to lose, huh? " " See, if she ends things on her terms, she's still the winner. She won't let me end things, be the one to leave. It'll look like she's a failure and she'll never let that happen. So no matter how it ends, she'll make sure that it's my fault. But I'm prepared for that, and honestly, I don't really care." She stopped and spun around. " But damn, I can't believe they have the nerve to miss the last shuttle flight. That's what pisses me off. It's like she's daring me to suspect an affair, daring me to say something." Drew shrugged. " So do it. You'll only ruin the vacation for Katherine and Jenna. You could never ruin it for me." " What? Just say fuck it? " Drew's eyebrows shot up, then she laughed. " I do believe that's the first time I've heard such language from you." Jay grabbed her hand and started walking again. " I swear, I could cuss like a sailor if I didn't stop myself. Because, you know, sometimes situations just require a good cuss word." They walked in silence—their hands still clasped—toward the lights of the cottages. The garden and pool area was alive with activity as Eleu provided dinner for the guests, although there were still a few enjoying a late swim. Or perhaps they were enjoying the concoctions Carlos created for them. By unspoken consent, they stayed in the shadows, keeping to the trees as they moved around the garden. It was nice holding hands. And Jay wasn't ready for it to end. " I like being with you, " she said softly. " Like this." She squeezed Drew's hand. " I think it's romantic." " What? Holding hands? " " Yes. It has an intimacy all its own. Much like kissing." She slowed her steps. " I like to kiss." " Do you now? " Jay smiled. " I do." She stopped, finding them next to the giant cedar tree, their shadows mixing with those of the trees around them. " Eleu told me the legend of the tree." She released Drew's hand, moving closer to rub her hand across its bark, so different from the small cedars she was used to back home. " Okalani fell in love with a soon-to-be pirate, but being the daughter of the king, she was promised to another. The pirate left, vowing to return with riches for her. He brought back gold... and this young cedar tree." She turned to Drew. " I'm probably telling the story all wrong. Eleu told it almost like a fairytale." " Go on. Finish the story." " Well, the pirate told Okalani to plant the tree. He told her as long as the tree was alive, so would their love be. He told her there would be a sign each time it rained, to remind her of his love." " The rainbow? " Jay nodded. " He came back every year asking her to join him, but she never would. And then one year he stopped coming. Eleu said she sent out ships to find him, but all they ever brought back were more young saplings, much like the cedar he'd brought her. She planted them all, " she said, waving her hands around them to the trees. " And even though they never saw each other again, the tree continued to grow, and the rainbows still came after every rain." The shadows were darker now but Jay could still make out Drew's face, could still see the expression in her eyes. " I think it's a sweet story, " she whispered. Drew stared at her. " I'm in love with you, you know." Yes. Jay knew that, didn't she? Couldn't she see it in Drew's eyes every time she looked at her? She wondered if hers revealed the same. " Yes." Just one simple word, yet she saw Drew's breath leave her. The sounds around them—the splashing of the pool, the quiet conversations over dinner, the gentle rustle of the trees in the wind—disappeared as Drew reached for her, cupping her face, bringing her lips closer. Their kiss this time was soft, quiet... missing the fire and explosion of their first out by the waterfall. A tiny moan escaped as Jay's hands slipped around Drew's waist, pulling her near, sliding one hand under her shirt and against her flesh. She felt Drew tremble at her touch and her mouth opened, their kisses turning hungry as their bodies melded. She felt the hardness of the tree against her back as Drew held her there, and she moaned again, her body taking on a life of its own as it strained to get closer. " Jay, we should stop, " Drew said against her lips before moving her mouth lower, gently nibbling at the hollow of her throat. " We shouldn't have started, " Jay breathed, turning her head to expose more of her neck to Drew's lips, loving the feel as they moved against her skin. Her breath came faster as she lost herself in Drew's kisses. Yes, they should stop. But it was the furthest thing from her mind as her hand glided up Drew's side, brushing her fingertips across her ribs. She was so close. She could feel the swell of Drew's breast. So close. " We've got to stop, Jay, " Drew said again before finding Jay's mouth, kissing her hard. " Don't you dare touch me, " she said. Jay moaned, her tongue doing battle with Drew's as her legs parted, letting Drew nearer, feeling her thigh slip between her legs. Yes, they should stop. They were but a stone's throw from the garden. One of the other guests could walk upon them at any moment. None of that mattered. " No, it's too late to stop, " Jay murmured, bringing Drew's mouth back to her own, pressing her hot center hard against Drew's thigh. She slipped both hands under Drew's shirt now, sliding them around her waist, her thumbs dangerously close to her breasts. " God, you're killing me, " Drew breathed as she grasped Jay's hips, pulling her intimately against her own. " I want you so much." Jay lifted her head, trying to see Drew's eyes in the shadows. " I know I said we should wait. I know I said I didn't want to be like them, but I swear I'm going to die if I don't touch you." She didn't wait for Drew's response. She couldn't. Her hands moved, covering Drew's breast, loving the sounds that came from Drew's mouth, hating the fabric that stood in her way. Impatiently, she shoved the bikini top higher, finally feeling the warm, soft flesh of Drew's breasts, feeling her nipples harden and press into her palms. She closed her eyes, her head leaning back against the tree as her fingers teased the pebbled skin. Jay-" " Yes... yes, I'm in love with you too." The low, guttural sound Drew uttered made her squeeze Drew's breasts harder. " Touch me, " she whispered. " Please... touch me." " Jay? " Jay left Drew's breast, finding her hand and shoving it between the waistband of her shorts and her skin. " Please... touch me, " she whispered again, her hips already undulating, rocking slowly against Drew. She felt Drew hesitate only for a second, then her hand moved, sliding across her hot flesh, slipping easily past the thin material of the bikini bottom she still wore. Her eyes slammed shut as her legs parted further, her mouth buried against Drew's neck, stifling her moan as she felt Drew's fingers brush against her, teasing her. Her hips rocked, urging Drew closer, begging for her touch. Then Drew's fingers were there, moving through her wetness and slipping inside her in one motion. " God, you're so wet, " she moaned. " Don't make me stop now, Jay." Stop? No, it would have been easier to scale to the top of this tree than to make Drew stop. She bit down hard against Drew's neck, her hips moving forcefully against Drew's fingers, taking her inside, then letting her slip away, only to come back inside her again, harder and harder, faster and faster, until Jay felt her hips slamming against Drew. She was panting, unable to stop, and long past caring if someone could hear them. It had been too many years since she'd felt this primal hunger, too many years since she'd lost control. And lose control she did as Drew's fingers slipped from within her, finding her swollen clit, stroking her, matching the rhythm of her hips. Her body exploded in an instant. There was no time to prepare, and it took all of her willpower not to scream out at the top of her lungs. But Drew's mouth was there, catching the sounds, holding her close to her body as her tremors subsided. And it was then she finally came to her senses. She shook her head, trying to stifle the laughter that threatened to bubble out. But she couldn't. She buried her face against Drew, laughing quietly. " Oh, my God." She laughed. " I can't believe we just did that." " Neither can I." Jay pulled back, her face still flushed. " It was fantastic. But do you think anyone heard us? " Drew laughed out loud and Jay quickly covered Drew's mouth with her hand. " Shhh. Quiet." Which brought more laughter as they finally pulled away from each other. " There you are, " Eleu said from the shadows. " I thought I heard your voices." " Oh, God, just shoot me now, " Jay told Drew, feeling her face turn yet another shade of red as she straightened her clothes. " Whenever you are ready, I have dinner for you." " Thanks, Eleu, " Drew said. " We're starving." " Yes. I'm sure you are. I trust your sunset walk was satisfactory then? " " It was the best yet." " Excellent. Come with me. The night is still young." They followed her along the path back to the garden where the shadows disappeared. Jay glanced at Drew, trying to read her expression. But when Drew met her eyes, everything was there for Jay to see. She didn't try to hide. And Jay couldn't stop herself from moving closer, from slipping her hand inside Drew's arm, grasping her elbow as they walked. She just needed the contact. But when they got to the garden, their normal table was empty. Jay raised a questioning eyebrow at Eleu. " I thought perhaps you might enjoy dinner inside tonight, " she said with a coy smile. " I took the liberty of arranging the table in Drew's cottage. I hope that's okay." As their eyes met, Eleu's knowing look made Jay feel exposed. And embarrassed. But Eleu smiled slightly, her own eyes questioning. Jay finally nodded. " I think that's an excellent idea." She turned to Drew. " Okay? " " Yes, that's fine with me.". Eleu smiled at them both. " Wonderful. I picked out a special bottle of wine for you. If there is anything else you need for this evening, just let me know." " Thank you, Eleu." " My pleasure. Enjoy." When she was gone, Drew smiled at Jay. " Why do I get the impression she knows far more than she should? " Jay linked arms with Drew and led her out of the garden. " We had a chat this afternoon. She's very wise for someone her age." " Wise, yes, but I think she enjoys playing matchmaker." " I think you may be right." And when Drew opened the door to her cottage, Jay's breath caught. Eleu had set a perfect table, with candles illuminating the white cloth. The windows were opened, the ocean breeze lifting the curtains, making the flames dance in the room. Through the door to the bedroom, a lamp was on, the comforter pulled back invitingly across the bed. Jay turned to Drew. " Oh, God, we're in trouble." " I think it's too late for that." Drew closed the door, closing out the world. She glanced to the table, then back to Jay. " I'm not really hungry right now." Jay shook her head. " Me, either." She moved closer. There was no use trying to prolong the inevitable. Not after what had just happened at the tree. " Not for food, anyway." And there was no rush this time as they moved into each other's arms, hands sliding under shirts, touching warm flesh, mouths meeting in a slow, tender kiss. " I love kissing you, " Jay said, moving against Drew's lips. " Kissing you, touching you." Drew's mouth moved across her skin, her breath whispering into her ear. " I've dreamed of making love to you for so long. I can't believe how nervous I am." " I'm guessing your dreams didn't include up against a tree with a potential audience within feet of us." Jay slid her hands up, cupping Drew's breasts again. " Don't be nervous. I just want it to be normal. I want to make love with you, sleep with you, wake up with you. And make love all over again." She moved her hands, feeling Drew's nipples hard against her palms. " And God, I want my mouth on you, " she said as she found Drew's lips again. She wasn't sure how—or when—they got to the bedroom, but she didn't hesitate as she pulled Drew's shirt over her head. The tiny red bikini top, she nearly ripped off, finally exposing Drew's breasts to her greedy eyes. She slowly raised her gaze, meeting Drew's. " I just now realized how many times I envisioned you naked." She smiled, embarrassed by her admission. " I'm afraid I didn't do you justice." Drew reached out and took her hand, bringing it to her body. She pressed Jay's hand against her breast, a soft moan drifting through the room. Jay moved closer, both hands covering Drew's breasts before dipping her head, her lips replacing fingers, her tongue swirling against a taut nipple. She was surprised at the softness, surprised at the tiny gasps coming from Drew at her touch. She lifted her head, her mouth moving slowly up Drew's body, loving the taste of her skin, her tongue slipping again into Drew's hot mouth. She lost herself in their kisses, their tongues moving wetly against the other, their hands roving idly against flesh. Then Drew pulled away, her breathing labored, her eyes dark with desire. " Take this off, " she gasped, tugging at Jay's shirt. But Jay's bikini top proved more elusive, and they were soon giggling as it became a twisted mess around her. " My God, does it have a lock or something? " Drew muttered. Jay raised her arms, letting Drew pull it over her head. " Oh, my, " she breathed, staring at Jay. " Beautiful." But Jay stopped her exploration, her hands going to Drew's waist, slipping inside her shorts and urging them down. She wasn't sure how much longer she could stand. She wanted to be naked, she wanted to be on the bed, and God, she wanted Drew's weight on top of her. " Hurry." And Drew did, stripping them both naked in a matter of seconds, then guiding Jay to the bed. But it was Jay's weight which settled over Drew, Jay who pushed Drew's thighs apart with her knee, and Jay whose mouth claimed Drew's breast possessively. Never aggressive in bed, she wasn't sure what came over her, but her need to hold Drew—to kiss her, to touch her, to make love to her—was overwhelming. She pulled her mouth from Drew's breast, " The words I want you don't seem to express everything I'm feeling right now." She dipped her head again, her tongue raking across a nipple, feeling it harden even more. " But God, I want you." She felt Drew's thighs move under her, and she burrowed between her legs, her hips moving slowly, grinding against Drew. Drew grasped her waist, holding her close as she opened up for her. Jay could feel the slick wetness against her stomach, could feel the hardness of her own clit as she rocked against Drew. She wanted to be inside her, wanted to feel her wetness against her fingers, and so she slipped her hand between them, never losing the rhythm they'd set. " God, yes" Drew hissed, arching up to meet her, opening as Jay's fingers thrust into her. She was so wet, like silk between her fingers, but it wasn't enough... Jay couldn't get nearly close enough. She wanted all of her. She withdrew her fingers, hearing the frustration as Drew groaned at their lack of contact. Jay covered her mouth with her own, then moved lower, her lips closing around a nipple, sucking it hard into her mouth, feeling Drew's hips begin to move again as she suckled her breast. " Please, Jay, " she whimpered, reaching for Jay's hand, trying to move it between her thighs again. " Yes. But I want you to come in my mouth, " she whispered, leaving her breast, her mouth moving wetly across her skin. " I want to taste you. I want my tongue inside you." She raised her head again. " I want to make you come with my mouth." She cupped Drew's hips, urging her legs apart. In the soft glow of the lamp, she saw the glistening wetness that waited for her, felt Drew writhe beneath her. " Please" Drew whimpered again. " Love me. Please." Jay's breath caught at that simple word, hearing all it conveyed. At that moment, she realized what Drew was offering her, and what gift she was about to give to Drew. At that moment, she realized how deeply she had fallen in love with her—her body, her mind... and her soul. " Yes. I'm going to love you." She closed her eyes, accepting the gift, letting her mouth cover Drew, her tongue sliding through her wetness, slipping deep inside her as she held Drew. She moaned, savoring her taste, memorizing the feel of Drew against her mouth. Her tongue snaked out, finding Drew's clit, teasing her before sucking it into her mouth. Drew's hips bucked, pressing hard against her face and she held her tightly, her tongue moving with lightning speed as Drew gasped, her hands tangled in Jay's hair, holding her steady. She felt Drew's orgasm build, felt Drew swell against her mouth, felt the throbbing ache between Drew's thighs. Drew's short gasps came quickly now, her hips moving wildly against Jay's mouth. Jay held on tight, at the last instant, her lips closing around Drew's clit, sucking it hard as Drew screamed out, her mouth flooded with Drew's wetness as she rocked against her. " Jesus, that was..." She lay spent, her legs still parted, Jay still nestled between them. At last, Jay's mouth released her, her tongue moving deliberately now, caressing, her lips moving leisurely as she slid back up her body, pausing at her breasts again. She finally lifted her head, meeting Drew's eyes. " I love you."